Just as the members of the school team were gloating and the reserve team was in pain and despair, Fan Yong and Zhao Lei came over with a few people.


Seeing the person coming, Dongfang Yang went up to him and responded with a smile.

"You guys came so early."

"Haha, after all, the quota is hard to come by, and I am afraid that it will be wasted if I am late. Besides, if we come earlier, we can also visit Shanghai University."


Dongfang Yang didn't believe a word of this, and turned around and waved to Ying Yudie.

"I'll introduce someone to you."

After hearing Dongfang Yang say this, and seeing that the person who came was an extremely beautiful woman, who didn't look like Dongfang Ling in their image, Fan Yong and the others had some clues in their minds.

As expected, they only heard Dongfang Yang introduce

"This is my girlfriend, Ying Yudie"

"Yudie, these are good high school classmates, Fan Yong, Zhao Lei and their girlfriends Zhou Hanxue, Ye Qing, and their sisters-in-law Zhou Mengyu, Ye Xing"


Facing these people, Ying Yudie greeted them politely.

���They also understood Dongfang Yang's meaning. It would be enough to just get to know him and say hello when they meet. After all, they are not people of the same level.

Fan Yong and the others also understood Ying Yudie's attitude and did not say much. They did not have a particularly good relationship with Dongfang Yang. Just like what he said, they were just high school classmates with a relatively good relationship.

Moreover, although Ying Yudie concealed it very well, they could still feel the arrogance in her bones.

Looking at her clothes, which were simple but not simplistic, exquisite but not luxurious, and the noble aura coming from her, it was obvious that she was from a top family.

There is only one top family with the surname Ying, and they all know it, the family of the previous champion.

After nodding and greeting, Fan Yong went straight to the point.

"Dongfang, after entering the secret realm, we want to entrust our little sister to your care."

Hearing this, Dongfang Yang frowned.

They are going to do something big and ask him to help take care of her. They think that if something happens to them and they can't protect them, what will happen?

Dangerous, then why bring them here?

To cover up, it should be, it seems that they have brought some people here.

It seems that this secret realm is not simple.

First it was the Ma family, the Zhuge family, and now Fan Yong and Zhao Lei seem to know something. It is estimated that Chen Kai and Ouyang Xue also know something. Those who are familiar are probably seen in that upper-class cocktail party, and they also know something.

Interesting, as a student of Magic City University, I don't know anything. Interesting, really interesting.

Is it that the school doesn't know, or that the school didn't tell me?


You have successfully attracted my attention.

Do you want to do something? Add some fun to this boring secret realm special training?


Well, forget it, I don't have time, let others do it.

Seeing that Dongfang Yang had been silent for a long time, his golden red eyes seemed to be flashing, Fan Yong and the others looked at each other, knowing that Dongfang Yang must have guessed something, and just as they were about to explain, they were interrupted by Dongfang Yang waving his hand.

"Okay, I'm not interested in knowing what you are going to do, and I won't compete with you for anything. I don't have the time to bother with that. But I can't control the people from the school team. After all, they are like wild horses after entering and cannot be controlled. The two girls just follow behind us and help us. Is that okay?"

"No problem."

Fan Yong and the others were overjoyed when they heard this, and nodded their heads.

Then, Dongfang Yang took Zhou Mengyu and Ye Xing to the reserve.

Looking at the backs of Dongfang Yang and the others leaving, Zhou Hanxue's pupils flickered.

"Everyone, I have a suggestion..."

Dongfang Yang introduced the two little girls to the reserve team. He didn't care whether they were scared or had any barriers. After all, they were all young people and had some social skills. He took Ying Yudie to the school team.

"Go talk to the other members of the school team and pay attention to the actions of these outsiders. If there is anything, if they want to form a team with you, you can precede the special training rules only if the benefits are sufficient."

""Yeah, I see."

Stopping and looking at Ying Yudie's back, Dongfang Yang's mouth curled up slightly.

It seems that this trip to the secret realm will not be boring. It's really interesting.

(σ°∀°)σ..:*☆ Oh, not bad.

The next day, on a hillside somewhere in the secret realm of the"Garden of Martial Beauty", Dongfang Yang sat on the goat that"Please" came to the mount and shouted with a horn.

"No way, this is not enough, we have only climbed half of the mountain road, and we are already exhausted, did we eat breakfast for nothing? A person is the same as an elf, it is okay to rest, just shout"I am a waste" and you can rest, it's okay, we are just playing it on loop for three days, you can really try it"

""I'm not a waste!!!"

Long Yun roared, and with the double gravity and the strong wind raised by the crow head, he moved forward with difficulty together with the Lizard King, the Carapace Dragon, the Aluminum Steel Dragon, the Double Axe War Dragon and the Cold Back Dragon that was just born half a month ago. As the strongest person in the team, he has always been at the forefront, so that the people behind him can relax a little.

Behind him was not Leng Yue, who was the second strongest, nor Hong Wu, who had practiced martial arts for many years and had a very high physical fitness, but Dongfang Yang's sister, Dongfang Ling.

She followed Long Yun closely with Duolong Messiah. Although her steps were not big and the frequency was not fast, she never stopped.

Whether it was Long Yun or the others, they had to stop to rest, but Dongfang Ling did not. She just climbed up step by step, neither fast nor slow.

All the teachers The members of the training group were all stunned. Although Dongfang Ling was still very physically exhausted, she was definitely the one who was most likely to reach the top of the mountain. This was something they had not expected.

Zhou Mengyu and Ye Xing, who were sitting behind Dongfang Yang, were completely dumbfounded.

This was completely different from their usual training. Even the trainers were involved. It was too hard.

Although he kept mocking everyone, Dongfang Yang kept everyone's performance in mind.

Really, it's too stupid, too stupid. I showed them the best solution, but they still couldn't learn it. Are they all blinded by sweat?

And Long Yun was moving forward completely on the strength of his will. When I surpassed him, that was when his will was gone and he was powerless.

But how did I know this? I don't think she has taught me a way. Did she come up with it herself? Never mind.

In fact, when they started from the foot of the mountain, they saw a group of people rushing out, and only Dongfang Ling was moving forward slowly. Dongfang Yang knew the result.

The most important thing about this training is not how fast you run, but whether you can stick to it all the way.

If you can stick to it all the way, then you can think about increasing your speed.

Unless you are a superman, or do you think it's just a simple mountain climbing?

Regarding Hongwu's howling and rushing up at the beginning, Dongfang Yang silently wrote the two letters SB on the evaluation behind Hongwu on the form. Later, after thinking about it, he chose to blacken it out and write the word idiot.

Until noon, only one person had successfully reached the summit. There were only Long Yun and Dongfang Ling, and the rest fell above the halfway point of the mountain.

As for why there were no Pokémon to help, haha, just like Dongfang Yang said, they were unwilling or unable to help. All the Pokémon were tied with extreme weights as Dongfang Ling guessed, and they were more tired than the trainers.

Because only Dongfang Ling and Long Yun completed the task, they were the only ones who enjoyed the delicious meal prepared by the logistics team on the top of the mountain, and only their Pokémon ate the energy cubes made by Dongfang Yang himself.

The eyes of the people and Pokémon who did not complete the task turned red with envy.

Bai Mengyao and the others could only gnaw on cold and hard dry food. Although the energy cubes eaten by the Pokémon were not bad, they could not be compared with those made by Dongfang Yang.

Woo woo woo, we want them too, woo woo woo…


In the afternoon, everyone surrounded Dongfang Ling and asked him about his prediction for Dongfang Yang.

After learning about it, they did not rest or go out to explore, but found their dedicated training leader and climbed the mountain road for another afternoon with the help of the instructor.

When they returned to the camp at the foot of the mountain in the evening, everyone fell into the tent and did not move.


Dongfang Yang shook his head after learning that a group of people had climbed the mountain for another afternoon. He didn't say anything, but asked the logistics staff to prepare more food. At the same time, he and the masseur who accompanied the team helped the people and elves who collapsed in the tent to relax their bodies.

First, the masseur's technique was used to relax, followed by Dongfang Yang's deep massage with the power of wave guidance, and finally the full recovery of Gardevoir's"Healing Wave".

After so many treatments, everyone's expression changed.

(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) However

, after doing all this, Dongfang Yang clapped his hands and said

"Okay, we can continue to build tomorrow. Really, give me more work. It seems that I have to increase your efforts tomorrow. I can't use up my energy every day."

Except Dongfang Ling, who had an expression that said I knew it would be like this, everyone else was about to cry.

(„ಡωಡ„)Chief Instructor Shuan Q

, I will really be grateful if you do this.

Dongfang Yang turned a deaf ear to the students' wailing, turned around gracefully, waved his hand, and said softly

"Dinner should be ready, remember to eat on time, we won't wait for you if you're late."

Hearing this, everyone immediately stood up, without stopping for a moment, and rushed past Dongfang Yang at the speed of a 100-meter sprint to the dining area.

"Tsk, not steady at all, how can you behave like that."

Dongfang Yang said with disdain, and walked slowly towards the dining area.

The food is finished? It doesn't matter, just cook for yourself, anyway, I am the highest person in charge, I have the final say.

Eating the delicious dishes, the group of people who had eaten dry food at noon shed tears of happiness, and they must try their best to eat at noon tomorrow.

However, they didn't know that after their Pokémons ate the energy cubes prepared by Dongfang Yang, they learned that they also had to eat this kind of energy cubes to complete the task at noon, and they looked at their trainers with unkind eyes.

Don't hold me back tomorrow, or pull them up to practice more at night?

The people who were showing off their food were startled, looked up blankly around, and nothing happened, so they continued to show off their food with their heads down.

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