In the next two days, Dongfang Yang saw what it means when a Pokémon is more active than its trainer.

Good guy, he directly pulled his trainer out of the bed to train together.

Good guy, really good guy, I have never seen it, really never seen it.

The other members of the coaching team also shouted WC, they have never seen such a scene.

The reason is very simple. In order to ensure the daily training of his Pokémon, Dongfang Yang got up before the sun came out to train.

In order not to affect others, he also found a farther location for training.

However, Dongfang Yang never expected that Hongwu actually got up at night and found him.

Then this idiot actually thought he was besieged and ran to wake up everyone to help.

Please, I am just practicing with Lucario, okay?

Besides, if it is an enemy that you can't solve, why are you here? Deliver food?


After this farce, some people were no longer sleepy and simply got up to train together. Long Yun and Dongfang Ling were among them.

Some people wanted to go back to sleep, but their elves pulled them back and forced them to train together.

(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓⌒ 〓▇3:) Why are you sleeping? Get up and have fun!

Seeing this, the coaching staff smiled and shook their heads, then turned back to their warm beds to continue resting.

It's not time to go to work yet. Go to sleep. Go to sleep.

_(:3 ⌒゙)_In this episode, Zhou Mengyu and Ye Xing also asked Dongfang Yang to train them.

Dongfang Yang agreed, thinking that one more is not too much, one less is not too little.

Of course, the training volume of the two little girls cannot be compared with that of Long Yun and others.

On the other hand, Ying Yudie met three people on the second day of entering the secret realm, three people Dongfang Yang was particularly familiar with.

He had not seen his three disciples for a long time, Lu Rongyuan, Zhou Jie and Tian Xue.

Seeing Ying Yudie, the three hurried over to say hello.


Seeing the unknown person approaching, the big mouth baby who was following Ying Yudie quickly blocked in front of the trainer and stared at the three people.

Seeing this scene, the three people were reluctant to move. The strength of the big mouth baby was obviously stronger than them.

As expected of the master's wife, she is amazing.=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b top

The relatively outgoing Lu Rongyuan explained to Ying Yudie

""Master's wife, our master is your boyfriend. I don't know if the master has introduced us. We also got to know you through Ling'er's live broadcast room."

At this time, Ying Yudie remembered that she seemed to have seen the information of these people. They were indeed Dongfang Yang's disciples.

""Why are you here? Why didn't you come to say hello to Yang before? Did he know you were coming?"

The three of them looked at each other, shook their heads, and whispered

"We didn't tell our master because we were embarrassed. We are not young anymore and have graduated for several years, but our strength is still quite weak. Our master is the chief instructor of the Magic City University team, and we were afraid of embarrassing him, so we didn't have the courage to greet our master in front of the secret realm."

"In your eyes, is your master such a face-conscious person? Is he someone who cares about other people's eyes?"

Hearing this, Ying Yudie shook her head, her tone slightly serious. She had completely put herself into the role of the master's wife.

"Strength can be improved slowly, but respecting teachers is more important. Moreover, I think your master does not want his name to become a burden to you. I will keep it a secret for you this time, but it will only be this time and it will not happen again."

The three of them looked at each other and bowed to Ying Yudie to thank him.

"Thank you, Master"

"Well, are you here for training this time?"

Seeing that the three people admitted their mistakes with a good attitude, Ying Yudie let the matter go.

Lu Rongyuan and Zhou Jie looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Teacher’s wife, don’t you know?"

"Know what?"

Frowning, Ying Yudie remembered what her boyfriend said to her before she came in.

"It seems like the reasons why you family members came here are not simple."

""Master's wife, it's like this. There are rumors that there is a perfect-level secret treasure 'Tianyuan Fruit' in the 'Wuhua Garden' that is about to mature, and it is said that there are many fruit trees, so we came in and just practice."

Lu Rongyuan did not hide anything and told all the news he knew.

Zhou Jie beside him also added a few words.

"No one knows the exact location, we just came here to try our luck, but according to the intelligence we got, the Ma family and the Zhuge family are also involved, so the possibility is not small. I thought Magic City University knew it itself?"

After hearing these words, Ying Yudie's pupils shrank.

"There is"Tianyuan Fruit" in the"Garden of Magnificence", and it is almost ripe, and there are many fruit trees.

How could the Magic City University not know the existence of the Tianyuan Fruit Tree when it has been in charge of this SS-level secret realm for many years?

She remembered clearly that the coaching staff never mentioned the Tianyuan Fruit Tree when introducing the distribution of resources.

After all, this is a renewable resource. If there is, the school will definitely pay attention to it, not like now.

Unless there is a space that the school has not explored.

Otherwise, there is something fishy here, and someone wants to make trouble.

Ying Yudie made a subtle gesture with her hands behind her back.

The instructor hiding in the dark hurriedly left.

He also heard it just now. These things also felt that there were problems and needed to be reported. Not to mention other people, the chief instructor Dongfang Yang must be notified first. If an emergency occurs, he can react quickly and minimize the harm.

As for Ying Yudie's safety, haha, just kidding, after her Dragonite super evolution, with the blessing of the Dragon Gem, it can fight against the quasi-champion-level elves. After all, this is only an SS-level secret realm, and the strongest elves on the surface are also king-level. He doesn't know whether there is a quasi-champion-level elf born, but it can't threaten Ying Yudie's safety.

Ying Yudie didn't tell Lu Rongyuan and the others about her guess, but smiled and said

"In that case, why don't we act together? Although my strength is not as good as Yang's, it is still good. I am also cultivating new elves, so we can learn from each other."

As she said that, Ying Yudie also released the newly captured elf, Liangjilong.

Yes, that's right, it was the Liangjilong that was hatched from the elf egg of the winner.

Lu Rongyuan and the other two had no objection to Ying Yudie's proposal.

The four of them started the team adventure mode.

It must be said that with the addition of Ying Yudie, Lu Rongyuan and the other two got a great deal.

With the help of Ying Yudie, many places that the previous few people were not qualified to go to have been experienced, and the harvest was quite good, and they got a lot of resources. They also met some blind people along the way, and they were all beaten back by Ying Yudie's Dragonite.

In the days that followed, the four of them also met Fan Yong and his four companions. After a discussion, they decided to act together as eight people.

Among them, Zhou Hanxue complained to Fan Yong one night that they were unlucky. They were not the first group to meet Ying Yudie.

They had discussed that day that they would work together with Ying Yudie, but man proposes, God disposes.

Fan Yong had no choice about it. Lu Rongyuan and the other two met Ying Yudie the next day, and they were closer to her than he was. There was nothing he could do about it.

As for the other members of the school team, they did not consider them, after all, they were not familiar with each other.

The situation of the other members of the school team was similar. Many people came to them one after another to seek cooperation.

Among them, the team leader Qin Xun and Xue Xingxuan, who had recently become famous, sought the most people.

Fortunately, Dongfang Yang had asked Ying Yudie to pass on the message before, and they all agreed after thinking about it.

Time passed little by little, and Dongfang Yang, who was running a map with the reserve team, ran into a member of the coaching team who had left Ying Yudie to report the situation.

"Well, OK, I understand. I'll take the trouble to report this information to the principal. This is not a simple matter."

After listening to the whole process, Dongfang Yang narrowed his eyes and revealed a cold light.

Someone is really making trouble.

The news circulated in the upper class, but did not alarm the party involved in the Magic City University.

Obviously someone is deliberately controlling the spread of this matter, or someone in the school has already known about this matter, but suppressed it.


The staff member who delivered the news nodded, did not disturb Dongfang Yang's thinking, and turned away

"Li Yuan, what do you think?"

Faced with Dongfang Yang's sudden question, Li Yuan's mouth twitched and he said softly

"Sir, I am not Yuan Fang, I am standing here to watch"

(≖_≖ )

Looking helplessly at Li Yuan who suddenly went crazy, Dongfang Yang said unhappily

"I'm not kidding you. I'm serious. What do you think about this?"

"I'm serious, stand and watch."

╮( •́ω•̀ )╭

Li Yuan spread his hands and said seriously

"It's nothing more than someone trying to stir up trouble. What else can we do? We can only take things one step at a time."

I have to admit that Li Yuan was right. They knew the news too late, and the students were all taken into the secret realm.

Now the enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light. I can only keep the same in the face of change. As for the school team members, there is no need to worry. They are not weak, and they have instructors with king-level elves behind them. Nothing serious will happen.

"Just in case, Li Yuan, think carefully about whether there is any special place in this secret realm, or a place that has not been explored."

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Li Yuan thought hard, but he did not expect that there was such a place in the"Garden of Material Beauty" secret realm.

Seeing this, Dongfang Yang changed the question.

"Let me ask the question in another way. Are there any ancient relics in this secret realm?"


Li Yuan shuddered, nodded, and then said with doubt

"But the ruins have been thoroughly investigated inside and out. Although the archaeology department of our Shanghai University is not very strong, it is still very professional and there should be no omissions."

"Haha, we know, but others don't. Some people, for a certain purpose, will not release any relevant ancient relics."

Squinting his eyes, Dongfang Yang looked at the false sky in the secret realm, sneered, and said coldly.

Suddenly thinking of something, Li Yuan's eyes widened.

"(º Д º*)

"You mean…"

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