"Some people are very ambitious, so ambitious that they are self-righteous and crazy. They think they can control the gods, but they don't know that in the eyes of the gods, we are just toys."

Thinking of the two incompatible evil organizations encountered in the previous world, Dongfang Yang sneered in his heart.

It is ridiculous to think that you can control Groudon and Kyogre by getting the vermilion orb and the indigo orb. That is just a prop for them to return to the primitive state. It is a part of their own power. You still want to use it to control them. It is really ridiculous.

They just slept for a long time and came out to say hello to their old neighbors, and then were persuaded by the big brother in the sky.

As a result, retired cadres in a certain area were forced to work, and people from other areas were invited to help, making a mess.

Now in his hometown, his relatives are here, and Dongfang Yang doesn't want anyone to mess around.

Hearing Dongfang Yang's sigh, Li Yuan was also angry.

"These evil people have even reached their hands into the Magic City University. I hope I can kill them."

"We don't need to worry about what's happening outside. We just need to ensure the safety of the students in the secret realm. As for those outsiders, their life and death will be determined by fate."

It's not that Dongfang Yang is cold-blooded. Now that he is the chief instructor of the school team, he must first ensure the safety of the school team members, and everyone else must step aside.

Besides, the secret realm training itself is a matter of life and death. Even if you are fully prepared, accidents will happen. From the moment you step into the secret realm, you must be prepared for death.

Every exploration of a new secret realm results in the death of a large number of trainers, including champion-level trainers.

Unless they are your closest relatives, no one will guarantee your safety in the secret realm and block the knife for you. Sometimes, even some relatives cannot be trusted.

"Send someone to notify all members of the coaching team to enter the first level combat state. If you encounter suspicious elements, you can take the initiative to attack and kill them when necessary."


Hearing Dongfang Yang's order, Li Yuan's temperament immediately changed, and he responded in a deep voice.

"Whatever, just give me the location of the ruins. I will go there every night to see if I can wait for them. As for the students, you will be responsible for their safety at night."

Li Yuan nodded and said in a deep voice

""I understand."

Then, Li Yuan found the spare map, marked the location of the ruins, and handed it to Dongfang Yang. After taking a casual look at the map, Dongfang Yang put it away. It was still light and early.

While rushing towards the large group running away, Dongfang Yang said to Li Yuan:

"Don't let the students know about this for the time being, and don't tell them unless it's absolutely necessary."

Nodding, Li Yuan knew what was going on.

After a day of running around, Dongfang Ling and the others were exhausted and basically fell asleep.

After handing over the work to Li Yuan, before leaving, Dongfang Yang deliberately used the power of waveguide to detect the surrounding environment.

After confirming that there was no danger, Dongfang Yang rode on the fire-breathing dragon and flew towards the ruins.

Outside the secret realm, Wu Yucai did not take action immediately after learning about the situation, but contacted Dongfang Long and others to conduct a secret investigation.

The results came out soon, which was related to the previous nationwide anti-gang and anti-evil campaign of the alliance.

But the results of the investigation made them laugh and cry.

An evil organization abroad made a small move to explore the ruins in the secret realm of"Wuhua Garden".

They bribed the staff responsible for identity verification at Modu University a long time ago.

In order to make it seamless, they even sent their own researchers to Longguo a year and a half ago to serve as specially hired researchers for a foreign company.

Don't tell me, their work is real, whether it is the work before coming to Longguo or the work after coming to Longguo, it is all real , they are still very serious and are well-known people in the industry. No one knows that they are members of a foreign criminal organization.

Originally, Longguo suddenly began to vigorously crack down on the invasion of criminal organizations. This organization wanted to call people back. After all, they were all high-end talents and could not afford to lose them.

As a result, they knew that they had not exposed their tracks, and the time for the secret realm to open was about to come. They did not want to waste the opportunity, so they did not evacuate.

Now they are all in the secret realm. As for the people who were supposed to meet them, they were arrested early. There was not even a formal combatant in the secret realm, only a group of researchers.

As for why the previously captured combatants did not know about this group of researchers, it was because they belonged to two systems in the organization. Except for the small leader who was shot dead at the scene of the arrest, no one knew that there was a group of researchers.

As for the people who were bribed by Modu University, they did not know either. They only knew that when they saw a certain sign, they let people in. As for who they were, they had no idea.

Wu Yucai and others also captured this person who was about to escape, and followed the clues to find out the situation.

Scratching the back of his head, Dongfang Long was very speechless

"No, the strength of this group of people is probably not enough to beat your school team members. How can they have the courage to go into such a dangerous place? Or do they underestimate the power of our Demon City?"

Rubbing his forehead, which was aching from staying up late, Wu Yucai said helplessly.

"Who knows? I hope nothing will happen."

"Oh, don't worry."

Dongfang Long threw the information in his hand on the table, crossed his legs, leaned back in his chair, and said indifferently

"As for my little bastard, he is probably waiting in the ruins now. I know him too well. Even if there are some researchers who are quite strong, how strong can they be? King level? Semi-champion level? Or champion level? They are not strong enough for that kid to beat with one hand."

"Oh, you are so confident?"

"Ha, just kidding, I never win when I play tricks with him, and that brat didn't learn it from the inside, I guess he has 800 tricks all over his body, so he's not afraid of leaking out."

Although Dongfang Long's face was full of disdain when he spoke, Wu Yucai could hear full of pride from his tone.

That's right, if I had such a promising kid, I would be so proud that I would poke a hole in the moon.

Although people outside already knew the situation, Dongfang Yang didn't know.

He was so miserable that he was staying above the entrance of the ruins, staring at everything below.

Five days, five days, five days, and you still don't take action? Do you have professional qualities? You should respect your profession and work hard?

(╯' - ')╯(┻━┻ Overturned the table

┬—┬ ノ( ' - 'ノ) Arrange it well

(╯°O°)╯( ┻━┻Lift it again

┬—┬ ノ( ' - 'ノ) Arrange it well

(╯°Д°)╯( ┻━┻Fuck it again.

With every passing minute and every second, Dongfang Yang's anger was rising.

Since he had no outlet to vent his anger, the ones who suffered in the end were the reserve members who were in special training.

They had no idea why Dongfang Yang was so irritable these days, so they asked Dongfang Ling.

Dongfang Ling also shook his head, thought for a long time, and blurted out a sentence.

"How many days do men have every month?"


Seeing the expressions of the crowd, Dongfang Ling could only shrug her shoulders. After all, she was not a worm in Dongfang Yang's stomach, and it was impossible for her to know all his thoughts.

While Dongfang Yang was irritable and the reserve team was suffering, the school team members could be said to be living a very comfortable life.

The Ma brothers and sisters found Qin Xun to cooperate, the Zhuge couple sought help from Xue Xingxuan, and even Wang Yan accepted the reward offered by Chen Kai and chose to lend him a hand.

Small teams explored various parts of the secret realm, wishing they could plow the land three feet.

They didn't know that they were destined to be in vain.

While everyone was worried and confused about the so-called"Tianyuan Fruit", in a dark corner of the secret realm, five people sat in a circle.

"I said the leader was too careful. We have been hiding so perfectly for these years, how could we be exposed? These stupid Dragon people are still looking down for the wonderful lies we have woven."

One of the men wearing a pair of glasses said, through the thick lenses, you can see the eyes full of wisdom.

""John, we'd better not be careless. After all, there is a champion trainer from Dragon Country in the secret realm this time, so we'd better be careful."

A burly man with short brown hair said in a deep voice.

"Oh, Smith, your courage is not proportional to your size."

The man called John snorted and mocked

"What do you mean? Do you want to fight?"

Grabbing John by the collar, Smith said viciously with a fierce look in his eyes.

""Enough, stop it."

The blond man who had closed his eyes to rest suddenly opened his eyes and shouted in a deep voice.

His red pupils stared at the two people who were fighting, his long golden hair moved in the wind, and his innate aura of a superior made him intimidating without anger.

Hearing this, Smith snorted and let go of John's collar.

John snorted in return and turned his head to adjust his collar.

"John, Smith's concerns are justified. The strong men of Dragon Country are not simple-minded people, especially the top trainer in the secret realm. According to our intelligence, he was the one who destroyed the"Genesis Garden"." John

's face changed when he heard this. After all, the strength of the"Genesis Garden" is not weak.

"Smith, you too, don't be so handsy. After all, we are scholars, and we should look like scholars." Smith snorted coldly at the blond man's behavior of giving each of them fifty lashes, and said nothing. After all, he still had to consider the stability within the team.

Seeing that the discord in the team was temporarily suppressed, the blond man did not say anything, but looked at the two people who had been tinkering with the machine and asked

"Charles, Edward, have you checked it out? Is this the place?"

The two who were pretending to eat melons secretly stopped pretending to be deaf and dumb when they were called.

"Aaron, not here. This is just an ordinary cave. It doesn't even have any resources. It's worse than the previous two."

"There is only one left, we have to hurry up, otherwise, it will be too late for those Dragon people to react."

Aaron stood up, patted the dust off his body, and said excitedly and proudly

"The information of this relic is so secretive in the Dragon Kingdom, it must be very important. There must be information about the mythical beast in it. Even if it is not what we want, as long as we bring the information here back, it will be a great achievement."

"I know this is difficult because some people's foolish behavior has alarmed the Dragon Alliance, resulting in us now having no support, and even the combatants other than us have been sacrificed, but we have not been exposed. I believe that with our wisdom we can definitely complete this difficult task, and our organization's efforts will not be in vain."

"For glory and faith."

Putting his right hand on his heart, Aaron shouted.

John, Smith, Charles, and Edward quickly stood up and did the same thing, their eyes full of madness and excitement, shouting loudly.

"For honor and faith."

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