Dongfang Yang has lost count of how many nights he has been waiting in the ruins.

Sure enough, God will not abandon humans who work hard.

Looking at the five"foreign friends" sneaking around below, Dongfang Yang showed a"nuclear-hearted" smile on his face.

"It seems this is it. We had such a hard time looking for it."

Aaron walked into the ruins and looked around, with a little joy and excitement on his face. He turned his back to the other four people and said excitedly

"Quick, let's get moving. The secret realm is open for only one month, and we have already wasted eighteen days. Let's hurry up and inspect the ruins and take photos of everything."

John and the other four were also excited and took out various instruments to start detecting and recording.

"Quick, quick, quick, record the words on these stone pillars"

"Look, the patterns on the stone wall seem to record the gods believed by the ancient people."

"It seems that the gods we believe in are different."

"It doesn't matter, just write it down first, maybe it will be useful later."


Using his superpowers to float above the interior, Dongfang Yang looked down at the five people busy below.

"It seems that you need help. Would you like me to lend you the investigation report of Magic City University for your reference?"

Σ(っ°Д°;)Aaron and the other five were startled, their bodies covered in cold sweat. They raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Is it you?"

After seeing who was speaking, Smith sat down on the ground and pointed at Dongfang Yang tremblingly.

"You, you, you, you are Dongfang Yang"

"Oh, it seems you know me. Why, do you want to fight me?"

Tilting his head, looking at the five people below, Dongfang Yang showed a faint smile.

Swallowing his saliva, Aaron and the other five looked at each other, their legs trembling.

After a moment of silence, Aaron's eyes flashed with determination, and he looked at Dongfang Yang and said in a deep voice

"Can Smith still stand up?"


Suppressing the fear in his heart, Smith climbed up and looked at Dongfang Yang with a serious face.

"What do you need me to do? Can I help you buy time?"

"You are not strong enough, so I will do it. You take the others to escape, and you must send the collected information back to the organization."

After saying that, Aaron released his elves without saying anything.

Smith and the others looked at each other, took the core computer, abandoned the other luggage, and ran away.

Dongfang Yang didn't care about the few people who escaped. He looked at Aaron and his six elves and sneered.

"Do you think you can stop me? With your mere mediocre skills?"

Elf: Poison Skull Frog

Attribute: Poison Fighting

Level: 79

Qualification: Purple

Feature: Poison Hand

Carrying Item: Poison Needle (Top 29%)

Elf: Double Bullet Gas

Attribute: Poison

Level: 77

Qualification: Blue

Feature: Float

Carrying Item: Poison Needle (Top 26%)

Elf: Cool Leopard

Attribute: Evil

Level: 75

Qualification: Blue

Feature: Mischief Heart

Carrying Item: Sunglasses (Top 28%)

Elf: Overlap Board

Attribute: Ground Ghost

Level: 75

Qualification: Purple

Feature: Wandering Soul

Carrying Item: Soft Sand (Top 26%)

Elf: Houndooga

Attribute: Evil Fire

Level: 75

Qualification: Blue

Feature: Ignition

Carrying Item: Charcoal (Top 26%)

Elf: Artificial Cell Egg

Attribute: Psychic

Level: 74

Qualification: Purple

Feature: Magic Defense

Carrying Item: Curved Spoon (Top 28%)%)

"I know I am no match for you, but I can delay them for a while, as long as they bring the information back."

Aaron's eyes showed madness, and he gave orders to his elves.

"Poison Skull Frog uses"Infuriating Bomb", Double Bomb Gas uses"Hiccup", Cool Leopard uses"Sneak Attack", Overlay Board uses"Shadow Ball", Houndoom uses"Big Character Explosion", Artificial Cell Egg uses"Psychic Power’"

As Aaron issued his order, the narrow space was instantly covered by the skills of the six elves.

A powerful superpower formed a shield to protect Dongfang Yang and isolate all the attacking skills.

"Gardevoir, let them see the true power of spirit’"

Dongfang Yang said with a sneer and disdain.

Facing these people in front of him, Dongfang Yang had no intention of holding back. As a foreigner from a criminal organization, Dongfang Yang's terrifying momentum burst out.

Gardevoir, who had been hiding, flashed in front of the trainer, and the vast superpowers burst out in an instant.

As Gardevoir clenched its little hand, in an instant, except for the evil-attributed Houndoom, the other five Pokémon were hit hard and lost their combat ability in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Aaron broke out in a cold sweat. Although he knew that Dongfang Yang was powerful before, he had never really seen it, so he didn't feel anything.

Now, facing Dongfang Yang's strength, Aaron felt that his legs were completely out of control and could only tremble uncontrollably.

Houndoom was also trembling all over. Facing the Gardevoir with explosive momentum, it lowered its head.

Slowly falling to the ground, ignoring the still terrified Houndoom, Dongfang Yang stepped in front of Aaron who was frightened and fell to the ground.

"Detain me? Let them take the information back?"

"Who gave you the courage to face me, Fish Leong?"


"Um, who is Fish Leong?"

No longer the high-spirited, superior, confident look he had before, Aaron sat on the ground helplessly and said tremblingly

"Do I need to tell you?"

Looking at the frightened Aaron, Dongfang Yang's eyes were full of mockery.


It's really not necessary.

Aaron muttered to himself.

"I know what you are thinking, it is nothing more than delaying a little more time, but have you ever thought that there are people of mine waiting for you to fall into the trap?"

Hearing this, Aaron's pupils dilated, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. Just as he was about to speak, several figures walked into the ruins.

Greninja and Lucario each carried two unconscious people in.

Throwing the unconscious people in front of Aaron, Greninja and Lucario stood on both sides of Dongfang Yang like door gods.

"Don't worry, you will be fine, at least for now. Come on, let's talk."

Dongfang Yang sat directly on the unconscious people, looked straight at Aaron, and said with a smile

"Could you tell me who you are, what your purpose is, and what your plans are?"

"Of course, you can choose not to say it, but I can't guarantee the consequences."

Before he finished speaking, Greninja waved his hand and threw out two"Flying Water Shuriken", knocking the trembling Houndoom unconscious.

Houndoom's last thought before he fainted was, I was killed as a warning to the monkeys?

Why me?

I thought I wouldn't be beaten if I surrendered, I'm still too young.

Aaron lowered his head and didn't answer, his eyes kept flashing. After a long silence, he raised his head, looked at Dongfang Yang fiercely, and said in a deep voice

"For the sake of honor and faith, I will not betray the organization. Just use whatever tricks you have. I won't say anything. You guys don't know the greatness of our ideals. You lackeys of the alliance won't understand."

Looking at the man in front of him quietly, Dongfang Yang read the determination in his unwavering eyes.

Knowing that he couldn't get anything out of him, Dongfang Yang gave up asking questions on the spot. Professional matters should be left to professionals.

"Another fooled person, knocked out and taken away."

Originally, Dongfang Yang seldom used his full strength after returning from the last world. Even in the operation to wipe out the"Garden of Creation", he let the elves play freely.

Today, Dongfang Yang did not plan to talk to Aaron and the others. There was more or less some resentment in it for waiting in the past few days.

Now that he had dealt with these people, Dongfang Yang's anger dissipated a lot, so he didn't want to think about other things.

As for whether there are other people from the criminal organization in the secret realm, Dongfang Yang thinks there is probably no one else.

Some time ago, the alliance headquarters launched a full-scale crackdown on a wave of criminal organizations entering the country, so there should not be many people outside. exists.

This can be seen from the fact that none of the five people are professional fighters.

Aaron, who took action, seems to be quite strong. All six elves have the strength of a king, but he is seriously deficient in command ability and courage.

The previous inquiries were just routine work. If possible, to satisfy one's curiosity. If others don't want to talk, Dongfang Yang won't force it.

After simply cleaning up the site, Dongfang Yang took the five unconscious people to meet Li Yuan.

As for their elves, all of them were knocked unconscious by Dongfang Yang.

Camping site.

After handing over the five captured people to Li Yuan, Dongfang Yang returned to the tent to rest.

Worried about the road.���Li Yuan decided to personally escort these ungrateful guys back and explained the situation to Dongfang Yang.

"Okay, just arrange it. If there is nothing else, I will rest first. I haven’t had a good rest for several days because of these people."

Waving his hand, Dongfang Yang went into the tent without looking back.

Li Yuan also knew that the other party had been very hard during this period. He had to monitor the training of the reserve forces during the day and keep an eye on these guys at night. So he didn't say anything. He simply explained a few words to the others and escorted them away.

Although Dongfang Yang had solved the problem, those who entered the secret realm for the"Tianyuan Fruit" did not know this.

At this moment, there were three groups of people fighting for the resources in front of them.

They didn't know that the noise they made in the middle of the night directly attracted the attention of the people around them.

This group of people were all hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Among them was Ying Yudie and her group.

""Master's wife, are we going to do it?"

Lu Rongyuan came to Ying Yudie carefully and asked in a low voice.

After looking around, Ying Yudie shook her head and rejected Lu Rongyuan's idea.

"There are still many people hiding around, so it is not suitable for us to take action. Besides, I think this place is not that simple. It is just a top-grade miracle seed. It is not worth fighting so hard. There should be something else inside. Let's see."

Hearing this, Lu Rongyuan nodded. He also felt that something was wrong. He also knew these people who fought. They all had good families. They would not fight like this for this miracle seed.

It seems that there are still some things we don't know.

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