The moment his hand released the giant tree, Dongfang Yang felt dizzy.

This illusion is too obvious, how could it fool people?

Dongfang Yang kept complaining in his heart, isn't this telling people that this is fake? Let's take a look at the specific conditions of the environment.

But when everything in the illusion was clearly visible, Dongfang Yang's eyes suddenly turned red.

In the deepest part of his heart, in the familiar yet unfamiliar three-bedroom and two-living-room house, a middle-aged woman with gray hair was busy in the clean and tidy kitchen, and a middle-aged man in a Zhongshan suit was holding a newspaper, sitting at the dining table and reading the newspaper leisurely.

At this time, the little girl who was watching TV saw Dongfang Yang's figure, and hurried over, hugged Dongfang Yang's legs, and said with a smile

"Brother, you're back"

"Yes, I'm back."

Touching the little girl's head, Dongfang Yang said with a smile

"Humph, you still know how to come back, why don't you hang out outside for a while?"

The middle-aged man snorted, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with Dongfang Yang's behavior of not returning home all year round.

"Okay, you should also say less. Your son finally came back, so just say less."

The middle-aged woman who came out with a pot of beef brisket stewed with tomatoes put the dish down and patted the middle-aged man's arm.


With a snort, the middle-aged man put down the newspaper in his hand, somewhat dissatisfied with the middle-aged woman's behavior.

Holding the little girl, Dongfang Yang sat at the dining table, smiling, and said softly

"Dad, Mom, I'm back"


The middle-aged man just responded softly, while the middle-aged woman greeted him with a smile.

"I'm glad you're back. Come and have dinner. You too, girl. Your brother just came back. Let him have a good meal."

"No, I want my brother to feed me."

The little girl was immediately unhappy when she heard this, twisting in Dongfang Yang's arms, insisting on staying in Dongfang Yang's arms.

Quietly enduring the little girl's noise, Dongfang Yang smiled and said

"It's okay, Mom, just let me hold my daughter."

"You, just spoil this girl."

The middle-aged woman said with a smile while serving food to everyone.

For a moment, Dongfang Yang did not speak, but smiled and fed the little girl in his arms, and took a bite from time to time.

The middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman did not speak when they saw this. Only the little girl, while eating the food Dongfang Yang fed her, chattered with her brother about the interesting things that happened in school recently.

After the meal, the middle-aged man put down his bowl and chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and asked

"How have you been out there lately?"

Dongfang Yang held the little girl for a moment, took a deep breath, and said slowly.

"Life was pretty good. In that world, I met a very good family, a strong and kind mother, a serious and funny father, a caring sister and a lively and cute sister."

"Is Nannan cute?"

The little girl sitting in Dongfang Yang's arms looked up at her brother and asked with her head tilted.

"Of course they are equally cute."

Obviously, Dongfang Yang's answer did not satisfy the little girl.

Looking at the angry little girl in his arms, Dongfang Yang smiled and rubbed her head without saying anything.

The middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman stopped what they were doing when they heard Dongfang Yang's words.

After a long silence, the middle-aged man slowly spoke and said

"It seems like you are having a good time out there?"


With tears in his eyes, Dongfang Yang tried to control his excitement and said softly

"I have been through a lot of things. Now I am a champion trainer, one of the strongest. I also have a lovely girlfriend. I am so beautiful that I can’t even describe her as stunning as a fairy. I really want to show her to you. Also, I have three apprentices now. Although they are not very smart, but…"

The middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman held hands and sat together, looking at Dongfang Yang with a smile, listening to his constant chatter.

The little girl sitting on Dongfang Yang’s thigh also fell asleep in his mumbling.

Time passed by little by little. Dongfang Yang kept muttering. He took a sip of the tea handed over by the middle-aged woman. When he was about to continue talking, he heard the middle-aged man say

"Actually, you know all this, right?"


Dongfang Yang closed his eyes, nodded, and whispered

"I have always known, and I also know, that I can't go back. I died in an accident. You may be sad and upset, but I believe that you will cheer up for Nannan, because Nannan is the treasure of our family."

As he said this, Dongfang Yang looked at the little girl who was drooling and sleeping in his arms, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, and he continued softly

"I have always wanted to see you again and say sorry to you that I can no longer be filial to you and have failed your kindness in raising me. But don't worry, I am living well in the other world and have not brought shame to the descendants of Yan and Huang."

"Dad, remember when I was a kid I told you that one day I would be famous all over the world. Now I am honored to tell you that I have done it. My partner and I have fulfilled my promise."

"Mom, since high school, you have hoped that I would find a girlfriend and not be alone and silent all the time. I am sorry that you did not choose a daughter-in-law until I graduated from college for several years. But don't worry, I have found a wife now, a wife I like very much, so you can rest assured."

Dongfang Yang looked down at the sleeping little girl in his arms, his eyes full of tenderness, and said softly

""Nannan, your parents will leave you to take care of them from now on. We originally wanted you to grow up happily and safely. I'm sorry, I have to break my promise. When you grow up, you should be more selective in finding a man and consult your parents' opinions. Don't act rashly. You know, when I'm not around, you'll be a little adult. Don't let your parents worry too much, okay..."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang reluctantly handed the little girl to the middle-aged woman, took a few steps back, and looked at his relatives in front of him with tears in his eyes.

"With a"bang", Dongfang Yang knelt on his knees and kowtowed several times.




""I'm sorry, I'm unfilial, but I don't regret it!!! If it happens again, I will save that little girl, I don't regret it."

Looking at Dongfang Yang who was kneeling and kowtowing in front of her, the middle-aged woman held the little girl, her body shaking uncontrollably, her eyes filled with tears.

The middle-aged man also trembled all over, staring at Dongfang Yang intently, he didn't know what his mood should be.

Is it joy? His child is a man of integrity and compassion. Is it anger?

His child doesn't cherish his life and doesn't consider his parents' feelings.

Or is it sadness? It seems that his child will never come back.

All kinds of emotions surged in his heart, and the middle-aged man's face kept changing. After a long time, everything turned into a sigh full of helplessness.

Waving his hand, the middle-aged man seemed to have aged dozens of years in an instant, and said in a deep voice

"Alas, get up. You have your own ideas and stubborn temper since you were young. Once you have decided on a path, no one can pull you back. Go, work hard for the dream in your heart."

Looking up at the middle-aged man with white hair, Dongfang Yang could no longer hold back his tears.


After knocking his head heavily, Dongfang Yang slowly stood up, lowered his head, put his hand on the door handle behind him, and was reluctant to open the door.

He knew that as long as the door was opened, he would leave the illusion, but he would never come back.

Seeing Dongfang Yang's hesitation, the middle-aged woman stood up, came to Dongfang Yang, and sorted out the clothes for her son.

"You must take good care of yourself when you are not by your mother's side. You must pay attention to these details. Sleep when you are sleepy, eat when you are hungry, and put on some clothes when you are cold. Don't make yourself suffer."

At this time, a melodious and crisp voice like a lark sounded.

"Brother, don't worry, I will take good care of mom and dad."

Hearing this, Dongfang Yang's body was shocked and he looked up in surprise.

The little girl disappeared without a trace. Only a beautiful woman, about 22 or 23 years old, with skin as white as snow and beautiful eyebrows and eyes, stood there with a smile on her face. The middle-aged man, who was obviously much older than before, smiled and pulled the middle-aged woman, who was also much older and crying excitedly, to his side, and said softly

"Well, the child is promising, we should be happy, don't cause trouble for the child"


The middle-aged woman nodded vigorously, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't control the tears in her eyes.

Patting his wife's back gently to calm her down, the middle-aged man put away the smile on his face, looked at Dongfang Yang seriously, and said in a deep voice:

"Child, many things are old sayings, so I won't say them. I also believe in your way of dealing with people and your way of doing things. I just hope that no matter where you are, you will not lose the pride of the descendants of Yan and Huang, understand?"

Dongfang Yang nodded seriously.

"I will"

"I believe you."

The middle-aged man smiled with satisfaction and waved his hand.

"Go, go, don't worry, we are always fine here, there are people waiting for you over there."

Nodding, Dongfang Yang opened the heavy door and stepped into the endless chaos.

"Brother, you are not allowed to bully my sister-in-law, or we will punish you."

"That's right, Nannan is right, you little brat, don't bully my precious daughter-in-law, or I won't show mercy with my feather duster."

"My wife is right. If my daughter-in-law complains to me, I will definitely let you taste the taste of bamboo shoots fried with meat."

Listening to the noisy voices behind him, Dongfang Yang's mouth began to curl up, and his smile gradually widened.

Turning around and looking at the gradually getting farther away door, Dongfang Yang's mighty aura burst out.

The six Pokémon that had been with Dongfang Yang the longest also appeared together, releasing their own auras.

Land Shark as heavy as a mountain, Charizard as hot as the sun, Greninja as deep as the sea.

There is also the aura of Gardevoir the Psychic Queen, the spirit of Lucario the Fighter, and the aura of Pteranodon the Sky Overlord.

Then, several Pokémon that Dongfang Yang had just collected also jumped out.

The cold Beedrill, the jumping Pikachu, the proud Meowth, the majestic Crow Head, the naughty Dratini, and the cold Charcoal.

Even Mushroom ran out and greeted the door frame in the distance.

Looking at Dongfang Yang's gradually getting smaller figure and the looming figure beside him, the middle-aged woman snuggled in the arms of the middle-aged man.

"How nice it would be if this wasn't a dream?"

"Yes, although we can’t see clearly, we feel relieved that our son has so many friends around him."

"This must not be a dream."

The young woman said with certainty

"This is definitely not a dream. It can only mean that my brother is doing well over there. We should take care of our lives so that my brother can rest assured."

The middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman looked at each other and said with a smile.

"Yes, this is not a dream. We also need to live our own lives well and let our son rest assured."

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