At this moment, everyone in the outside world was sweating profusely, with their hands on their knees, gasping for breath.

Some of the weaker people had even fainted.

Just now, Dongfang Yang, who was undergoing the test, suddenly burst out with amazing momentum.

The members of the Magic City University team had already experienced this once. Although this time they were not the main target, they were caught off guard and almost couldn't hold on.

Moreover, after a while, several of Dongfang Yang's elves jumped out one by one to release their momentum.

The pressure on everyone doubled. At the same time, even Dongfang Ling and Ying Yudie felt the pressure of facing Dongfang Yang's full-strength burst for the first time.

Fortunately, the momentum came quickly and went quickly.

Not long after, all the momentum dissipated, and the elves returned to the Poké Balls.

Dongfang Yang's hand that was touching the giant tree slowly dropped.

The tears in the corners of his eyes disappeared with the breeze. Looking at the towering tree in front of him, Dongfang Yang smiled slightly.

"Thank you for letting me get rid of my last regret. Now, I am stronger."

Yes, after this trip to the illusion, Dongfang Yang's state of mind was complete, and all his abilities had a qualitative leap.

Before, Dongfang Yang could rely on his own abilities to fight against the king-level or even quasi-champion-level elves.

Now, he can compete with the champion-level elves without using elves.

Sensing Dongfang Yang's words, the entire towering tree shook, and three things flew in front of Dongfang Yang.

Looking at the three pieces of law fragments in front of him, Dongfang Yang smiled and stretched out his hand to take them.

"Two pieces of psychic law fragments, one piece of grass law fragment, as expected, you have some kind of relationship with the Bud Crown King."

The giant tree shook again, and a special wave was transmitted to Dongfang Yang's heart.

"I see. I understand.

Dongfang Yang nodded and used his superpowers to instantly move in front of everyone.

"Okay, you can go up and try now. The giant tree just consumed a lot of energy to create an illusion for me. You guys got a bargain. Now the illusion is much simpler, but the corresponding rewards will be reduced."

"By the way, don't have any bad thoughts. This space is related to the divine beast, the Rape Crown King. This connection with the 'Garden of Wuhua' is purely accidental. The connection will be cut off in two days, and we will return to the 'Garden of Wuhua'. You should act quickly to take the test."

Although everyone felt helpless when they heard that the reward would be reduced, they didn't say much.

Especially the people from Magic City University, they didn't think about anything and went up to take the test directly.

Especially the members of the school team.

Just kidding, let's not talk about the gains in the secret realm in the past few days, the reward given to them by the partners is a considerable reward. Now they have a chance to fight for the super evolution stone. This time they make a lot of money.

Seeing this, the outsiders also hurriedly started the test. No matter what, they got the reward first.

"In fact, for you, the rewards are small. What is more important is the test of the illusion. Carefully experience this illusion and improve your state of mind."

Dongfang Yang's voice rang in the hearts of all the teachers and students of the Magic City University present.

They were shocked and suppressed their excitement.

This is Dongfang Yang giving him special treatment. As expected, it would be much easier and more convenient to have a strong person to explore the way. In fact,

Dongfang Yang did not tell the truth. The illusion test has indeed become simpler and the rewards have become less, but it is not because of the test for himself, but because the giant tree is about to leave and wants to finish things here quickly. I always feel that something is wrong, as if someone is controlling everything behind the giant tree, but I can't think of a suitable reason.

Everything is weird.

However, Dongfang Yang did not think much about it. After all, the boat will be straightened out when it reaches the bridge. After releasing the mushroom, Dongfang Yang squatted down, stretched out his hand to it, and said softly

"Now that you know my biggest secret, we are honest with each other. Now I formally invite you, are you willing to be my partner? I will work hard with you to become stronger, and I will help you accomplish what you want."

Mushroom looked up at Dongfang Yang's sincere face, then looked down at Dongfang Yang's outstretched hand.

After struggling for a while, Mushroom jumped directly onto Dongfang Yang's hand and called out to Dongfang Yang twice.

Dongfang Yang showed a gratified smile, picked up Mushroom, stroked him, and said softly

"Yes, you will definitely become stronger. Haven’t you felt it in the past few days? And we will help you avenge your hatred."

At this time, the Poké Ball on Dongfang Yang's waist suddenly opened, and Pikachu appeared on Dongfang Yang's shoulder, calling out to Mushroom twice.

"Little brother, you finally joined us. I tell you, you will not regret it. Joining us is definitely the right choice for you. And I tell you, all of us will help you avenge your hatred. This will no longer be a matter of you as an elf, but a matter of all of us elves. Don't worry, we will never let you suffer any grievances, even in the past. And...

Listening to Pikachu's excited long speech, Dongfang Yang was speechless. He wanted to stop Pikachu, but Mushroom just fell for Pikachu's tricks and there was nothing he could do.

Pikachu's expression is like this now


Mushrooms have a face full of admiration and their eyes are shining


Never mind, it doesn't matter, as long as they are happy, I am just a feeder without any feelings.


In this way, Dongfang Yang held Mushroom, with Pikachu on his shoulder, sitting on the branches of the giant tree, listening to Pikachu's chatter, waiting for his people to come out of the illusion.

That night, many people came out of the illusion and received certain rewards, but they were all evolution stones or props of medium quality.

These people were also outsiders, and their strength was not very good.

By the way, Chen Kai and Ouyang Xue were also in it, including Fan Yong and others.

Dongfang Yang did not tell them that because of their talents, although deep experience of the illusion can improve the state of mind, if the talent is not enough, it is easy to be deeply trapped in it, and will be deeply harmed.

The teachers and students of the Magic City University who entered the secret realm this time are not weak in strength and talent.

Let's not talk about the teachers and instructors, the worst is the strength of the quasi-king.

As members and reserves of the Magic City University team, their talents are needless to say.

The other students are also juniors and seniors, and their strength should not be underestimated.

If the illusion is not weakened, and they are allowed to experience it deeply, it is possible that their cleverness will be misguided and cause adverse effects. Now, it is just a sprinkle of water.

Dongfang Yang, who was sitting on the branch, just smiled slightly at the excited outsiders and didn't take it to heart at all.

It's not that he looked down on them. When the third stage is over, maybe they may not be the opponent of Long Yun. It's just that many people in the reserve team are not ready.

Time passed little by little, and two days passed just like that. The teachers and students of Magic City University woke up from the illusion one after another.

It can be clearly felt that everyone's face has a feeling of relief, and the momentum on their bodies is completely different.

Compared with the changes in them, the reward with a crystal green light in front of them seems not worth mentioning.

The most obvious among them are Qin Xun, Xue Xingxuan and Ying Yudie.

Qin Xun and Ying Yudie have condensed their own aura of the king through this state of mind.

And Xue Xingxuan's aura of the king is even more solid.

The momentum of the three people burst out, bringing a lot of pressure to the people around them.

However, after experiencing the crushing of Dongfang Yang's momentum, theirs is simply a small witch compared to him.

"Okay, collect your rewards. If there is anything, we can talk about it after we get out of the secret realm. Now it’s time to leave."

After hearing this, all the teachers and students of Magic City University collected their rewards and lined up in an orderly manner.

Instantly moving to the front of the square formation, Dongfang Yang looked at the giant tree and said loudly

"Brother Shu, thank you for your care these days. Although there are still some questions in my heart that have not been answered, I think I will find the answers in the future. Let's say goodbye here."

Hearing Dongfang Yang's call, the towering tree shook vigorously, and sprinkled crystal green light all over the sky.

Everyone who was still there felt refreshed, and the fatigue brought by a month of survival in the secret realm was swept away.

Then, the whole space was rippling with special fluctuations.

After a dizzying moment, everyone returned to the dense forest of the"Garden of Material Beauty".

If it weren't for the rewards in their hands, everyone would have felt unreal.

It was as if everything was just a dream.

After using his ability to sense for a while and making sure that the space had disappeared, Dongfang Yang looked at all the teachers and students of the Magic City University behind him

"Well, this wonderful journey ends here. Tomorrow is the last day of the secret realm opening. If you want to continue for a while, you can leave."

"All the school team members and reserve players present will follow me to leave the secret realm and gather at the training ground. The coaching staff will carry out their respective activities and will gather at the training ground the day after tomorrow."

After that, many people left one after another. After all,"Wuhua Garden" is an SS-level secret realm. It is a rare opportunity, and one day of exploration is a day.

The school team members and the reserve also stayed. They roughly knew Dongfang Yang's thoughts. Their gains this time were not bad, and it was time to leave.

As for the remuneration promised by the outsiders to the school team members, they were not worried that the other party would cheat and default.

After all, they are still under the name of Magic City University. As long as it is not illegal, any unfair things, Magic City University will help them out.

Dongfang Yang and Gardevoir joined forces and directly used super powers to wrap everyone up and instantly moved to the nearest exit of the secret realm. As soon as everyone left the secret realm, Wu Yucai and others who had been waiting outside for a month surrounded them and asked about their respective situations.

Seeing that the other party looked for him for something, and Guan Yue was also in the crowd.

Dongfang Yang waved his hand and asked Li Yuan, who had escorted the prisoners out earlier, to take the school team members and the reserve to the training ground to wait first, and record their gains. He stayed to talk with Wu Yucai and others.

"Okay, tell me, how is it going? Don't tell me that you guys came here with so much fanfare and nothing happened. I'll get mad."

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