Wu Yucai and Guan Yue looked at each other. They could tell that Dongfang Yang was just joking. However, if something made him angry, he might really get mad.

"Regarding the matter of the overseas organization, we actually launched a capture operation as soon as we received the news. Li Yuan brought out only the fish that slipped through the net. In addition, someone inside the campus was bribed, so they got away with it. The combatants outside had been eradicated in the previous"anti-gang" operation. I just don't know why these researchers are so bold."

After listening to Wu Yucai's words, Dongfang Yang shrugged his shoulders, which was pretty much what he had guessed.

"Who knows? Maybe they have become stupid from reading too much. The golden-haired elves dared to mess with me. I don’t know what they were thinking. What does the Alliance say?"

┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

"‘The anti-gang operation will be intensified and continue for a while, but for people like these who are hiding so deeply, if they don't cause trouble themselves, it will be difficult for us to find them."

Speaking of this, Wu Yucai sighed, just like catching a thief, you need clues to do it. Now, most of these people's exchanges with their respective organizations are abroad, and they have no way to intervene by force.

"However, the alliance has already issued a notice to the companies where each of them works, requiring them to continue to explain and compensate"

"Is this useful?"


Dongfang Yang rolled his eyes and asked unhappily


It's useless.( ˙ω˙ )Factory spread his hands, Wu Yucai is very single


Dongfang Yang curled his lips and waved his hand, indicating that he was not going to listen any more. It was nothing more than a matter of arguing.

"Okay, let the alliance investigate this organization, and I will handle it. It will be a good opportunity for the school team to practice their skills."

With a sigh, Wu Yucai knew that Dongfang Yang would not let this criminal organization go, but it was okay. Since killing a chicken to scare the monkeys was not enough, let's kill another one.

"How is it, has the mushroom issue come to fruition?"

Turning his head to look at Guan Yue, Dongfang Yang asked

"There is a result."

Guan Yue nodded and responded

"We increased our manpower and checked all possible places in the city. We also got help from the police department and reviewed all the cameras in the city in the past six months."

"Wow, even with the help of the elves, this is a huge project."


Hearing this, Dongfang Yang was a little surprised. This force was quite strong.

"It is not small. For this, Magic City University also paid a lot of favors. However, we will never let go of those who abuse elves!!!"

Wu Yucai was also very angry when he heard about this.

Perhaps, the senior executives of Magic City University have various disputes for their own interests, but they love their own elves from the bottom of their hearts.

Conflicts with others and snatching resources are also for their own elves, so that the elves of future generations can go further.

Abusing elves is an unforgivable thing in this world. Even in criminal organizations, there are very few people who abuse elves. Those who do are crazy and cannot stand the light. Once exposed, they will be hit hard by major alliances until they are wiped out.

Many criminal organizations can survive, and there are many alliances in various countries supporting them.

In addition to the Dragon Country Alliance, other alliances have more or less supported some criminal organizations to fight other alliances.

Among them, the number of those targeting the Dragon Country Alliance is the largest.

It’s just that the Dragon Country Alliance’s military fortune is prosperous, and they can’t intervene, so they can only make trouble in other smaller alliances.

"Now all the clues and evidence point to one family, the Zhu family."

After hearing Guan Yue's words, Dongfang Yang blinked and didn't react for a moment.

"What happened to the Zhu family? Why are you dealing with him? What are you thinking? Just arrest him if there is evidence.

However, Guan Yue and Wu Yucai did not reply, but stared at Dongfang Yang.

At this time, Dongfang Yang finally reacted.

"Oh, Zhu Changtian's family, right? Okay, I know, I'll take care of it."

Dongfang Yang immediately understood Guan Yue and Wu Yucai's concerns.

After all, Zhu Changtian's rise to power was supported by his father, and they were afraid that the Zhu family and the Dongfang family would be involved. They were just overthinking. Dongfang Long himself had forgotten that he had helped Zhu Changtian, so how could he be involved with him?

Dongfang Yang took out his cell phone and called Zhu Changtian without saying anything.

In less than two seconds, Zhu Changtian answered the call.

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Dongfang Yang cursed angrily.

"I said, Zhu Changtian, how do you manage the family? Ah, you are so proud of yourself after becoming the branch director, right? There are people in the family who abuse the elves, and there are people who help to conceal it. Sure, you have a lot of power. If you want to die, I can help you. I will go to the Zhu family now, and we will meet and talk about how you want to die."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang hung up the phone and reached out to Guan Yue.

"Make me a copy of the information."

After taking the copy from Guan Yue, Dongfang Yang didn't care about the confused expressions of Wu Yucai and Guan Yue, and directly called Long Ze.

"You'd better come over. Something big has happened in the Magic City Alliance branch."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang hung up the phone and headed for the Zhu family with the information, leaving only a sentence.

"You guys talk to the school team, and after you finish recording, you can disband. We'll talk about anything else tomorrow."

Looking at the hung up call, Long Ze was confused.


What the hell, how did something happen to the Magic City Alliance branch? It's hard to explain, really.

However, Long Ze did not hesitate too much, he believed that Dongfang Yang would not do it without a purpose.

On the other side, Zhu Changtian, who also received a call, collapsed to the ground.

No, what's the matter, why do I want to die, I have worked so hard to climb to this position, and I have worked so hard to revitalize the family, why do I want to die?

By the way, the champion trainer seemed to have mentioned that someone in the family abused Pokémon, and someone helped to conceal it.

Suddenly, Zhu Changtian's soul was scared, and he got up and crawled to the family.

If it were anyone else, Zhu Changtian might have treated it as a joke, but Dongfang Yang would not.

The Dongfang family itself has done him a favor, and Dongfang Yang has...���A top trainer, given his status, would not joke with me.

There is only one possibility, that it is true and the other party has enough evidence to convict him.

As for abusing Pokémon, Zhu Changtian knows that there is indeed someone in his family who might abuse Pokémon.

The eldest son of the eldest brother who is responsible for taking care of family affairs had an accident in his childhood. His lower body was completely crushed by the running Kentaro, leaving a shadow on him.

From then on, no matter what he did, he achieved nothing. The most important thing is that he has a genius biological brother who is spoiled.

It is very likely him.

As the director of the alliance branch, Zhu Changtian knows very well what the crime of abusing Pokémon is.

At this time, the Zhu family is preparing for a family gathering in the evening, and everyone young and old is present.

Zhu Changtian returned to the family without stopping, and immediately found his nephew sitting in a wheelchair outside the crowd with a gloomy face.

Quickly stepping forward, Zhu Changtian grabbed his nephew's collar, lifted him up, and roared

"Zhu Jiahao, tell me, did you abuse the elves!!!"

Zhu Jiahao, whose face was flushed, looked at Zhu Changtian with gloomy eyes, holding his mouth tightly, not saying a word.

"Zhu Changtian, what are you doing? Jiahao is your nephew."

Zhu Jiahao's biological mother, Wu, saw her son being picked up. She was already full of guilt towards her son, and she suddenly exploded. She rushed up to pull Zhu Changtian, trying to make him let go.

Seeing this, others were about to step forward to help.


Zhu Changtian slapped Wu to the ground with his backhand and shouted angrily:

"Damn, I haven't even come to settle accounts with you yet, but you actually came to me on your own."

Zhu Jiahao was furious when he saw Wu being beaten.

"You son of a bitch, hit me if you can, why did you touch my mother, hit me"

""Okay, I'll help you today."

Zhu Changtian raised his hand and was about to strike.

At this time, an old and angry voice sounded.

"Enough, what are you doing? Can't you talk it out? You're making a fuss. How come you've become so irritable after being a branch manager for a few years?

An old man came in with the help of a middle-aged man. The man was Zhu Changtian's father, the head of the Zhu family, Zhu Xiongcai, and Zhu Changtian's eldest brother, Zhu Xiaoyun.

With the help of Zhu Xiaoyun, Zhu Xiongcai sat in the first seat. Seeing that Zhu Changtian was still holding Zhu Jiahao's collar, he frowned and said in a deep voice:

"Okay, put Jiahao down first. This child has a hard life, and you still want to bully him."


Throwing Zhu Jiahao to the ground, Zhu Changtian looked directly at Zhu Xiongcai.

"Bullying him? I didn't beat him to death, Dad, just tell me, do you know about this kid abusing elves?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked. Everything just happened too fast and they didn't hear clearly. Now they heard these words, everyone was dumbfounded.

Abusing elves is a heinous crime that is unforgivable and will implicate the whole family.

Unlike everyone who was talking, Zhu Xiongcai remained silent without saying a word.

Zhu Xiaoyun frowned and said in a low voice

"Second brother, there is no need to mention these groundless things. Don’t you know what kind of person Jiahao is?"

"Haha, it seems to be true."

Completely ignoring Zhu Xiaoyun's words, Zhu Changtian stared at Zhu Xiongcai and said coldly

"Don't you know what kind of sin this is?"

"No, second brother..."

Zhu Xiaoyun wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhu Xiongcai.

"Okay, it has already happened, there is no need to argue. We have already put Jiahao under strict supervision to ensure that such a thing will not happen again in the future. The most important thing now is to suppress this matter. Changtian, you must know the consequences of exposing this matter. Not to mention that your position will be in jeopardy, Tianrui will also be affected. He is the hope of our Zhu family."

"So, you didn't tell me, and you found someone to help hide everything in my name, right?"

Zhu Changtian's body couldn't stop shaking, and a hint of despair gradually appeared in his words.

"Second brother, you are now the branch director, and you can be said to be the top leader of the Magic City. We stopped the loss in time, and the impact is not great. Not many people know about it, and they don’t know what exactly happened. It’s okay."

Coming to Zhu Changtian, Zhu Xiaoyun patted his brother's shoulder and comforted him.

"I know you can't tolerate even a grain of sand in your eyes, but this is also for the Zhu family."

"Really? You guys are so powerful, so guess how I know this?"

Zhu Changtian closed his eyes and said with despair in his tone.

"Isn't it just someone who informed on us? Why don't we just go all out?"

Without waiting for Zhu Xiongcai and Zhu Xiaoyun to speak, Zhu Jiahao, who was lying in Wu's arms, lowered his head and said, his words were full of coldness.

Everyone present was stunned. They didn't expect Zhu Jiahao to say this.

Zhu Xiongcai, who was sitting in the first seat, nodded with satisfaction.

In his opinion, the head of a family should be so decisive in killing, instead of being timid.

"Oh, really? Now that I'm here, show me how to do it all, I'm curious."

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