The sudden sound startled everyone present.

"Who? This is the Zhu family's residence, who is making noise here?"

Zhu Xiaoyun, who didn't know the situation, shouted loudly, looking around, trying to find the person who was talking.

"Zhu Changtian, my father helped you get to the top, and this is how you repay him?"

A familiar and frightening voice sounded behind him, and Zhu Changtian, who was already trembling, knelt down.

"I really don't know what happened, I really don't know?"

Dongfang Yang suddenly appeared behind Zhu Changtian, staring at the kneeling figure in front of him with cold eyes.

"Who are you? You are trespassing, do you know that?"

Zhu Xiaoyun pointed at Dongfang Yang who suddenly appeared and shouted.

"Get up, it's a different era now, kneeling is no longer a popular etiquette."

Dongfang Yang glanced at Zhu Xiaoyun coldly, ignored him, walked past Zhu Changtian, came to Zhu Xiongcai, and said lightly

"You don't seem surprised by my presence."

"I had anticipated what Jiahao had done long before."

Zhu Xiongcai said calmly, his voice without any ups and downs.

"I can only gamble that the alliance cannot find out about this. Just like I said, as soon as we found out, we had people keep a close watch on Jiahao. This matter cannot be exposed, otherwise the Zhu family will be doomed. The impact of this matter is too serious. I cannot let the Zhu family be destroyed."

"As long as this matter is not discovered by the alliance, the Zhu family will still be the Zhu family. We will also take care of Jiahao and make sure he doesn't commit the same mistake again."

"I understand, but I don't agree."

Dongfang Yang nodded, and understood what Zhu Xiongcai meant, but he would not approve of this kind of thing.

"I know."

Zhu Xiongcai was not surprised by Dongfang Yang's words. He just watched everything calmly and said slowly.

"I have known Dongfang Long for a while, and I know what kind of personality he has. You must not have told him about this, otherwise, with his temper, it would be him who came here, and he would not stand here like you, but would come directly to the door."

Dongfang Yang nodded, agreeing with Zhu Xiongcai's words

"That's right, if it were him, the place would have been in chaos a long time ago, instead of like this now."

"He always boasted to me that he had a good son. When you were missing, I helped to look for you for a while."

"What, you want to play the emotional card?"

Tilting his head, Dongfang Yang looked at the old man in front of him.

Zhu Xiongcai, a veteran king-level trainer, was also a top figure in Magic City when he was young. The current Zhu family was completely founded by him. Back then, he was a powerful figure in Magic City. He was ruthless to his opponents and would do anything to achieve his goals. His opponents all ended up in a very tragic way, and even their descendants were not spared. However, he was quite good to his friends.

He was a rather contradictory person. Of course, many of his friends had no conflicts of interest with him, and they could even help each other.

Back then, he and his father Dongfang Long were close friends regardless of age, which was why Dongfang Long helped Zhu Changtian.

"Yes and no."

Zhu Xiongcai saw clearly that he could no longer hide, so he might as well face it calmly.

"I know that this matter cannot be avoided, but I hope that the alliance can let Changtian and Tianrui go, as well as the others. They are all unaware of this. The only people who know about this matter are me, Xiaoyun and my wife, and some servants. I will give you the list, which includes the people who helped us conceal these things."

Everyone present was stunned when they heard Zhu Xiongcai's words.


Zhu Xiaoyun looked at his father in shock and shouted


Zhu Xiongcai waved his hand to interrupt his eldest son's speech, stared at Dongfang Yang, and said softly

"Can we just talk about the facts?"

"It seems that you have been prepared for a long time. As long as the matter is exposed, even if the person who came is not me, you will ask the old man for mercy, right?"

Dongfang Yang narrowed his eyes and looked at the old man in front of him.

It must be said that this move is quite good. Judging from the facts, it is estimated that Zhu Changtian and Zhu Tianrui also deliberately did not inform them. This move of sacrificing the car to save the king is quite good.

At this time, Zhu Changtian, who was kneeling on the ground, also reacted a little and looked at Zhu Xiongcai in shock. He did not expect things to be like this.

"Long Ze, you should handle the internal affairs of the alliance. As soon as the words fell, a storm blew up in the house, and Long Ze and his Dragonite appeared in front of everyone.

"I didn't expect the champions to come out."

Looking at Long Ze who appeared, Zhu Xiongcai smiled helplessly.

Ignoring Zhu Xiongcai's muttering, Long Ze looked at Dongfang Yang and asked

"How about it?"

"It's true."

Knowing what Long Ze was asking, Dongfang Yang nodded and said softly

"I used my ability to sense their emotional fluctuations, so they probably weren't lying."

"I understand."

Long Ze nodded, looked at Zhu Xiongcai, and said coldly

"It seems that the old man has already made plans."

"Yes, it can be considered as taking advantage of a legal loophole.

Zhu Xiongcai nodded without hesitation.

"This is also direct. I will directly announce that Zhu Jiahao abused the elves, which is a heinous crime. He is unforgivable and will be arrested and imprisoned. A week later, a secret verdict will be made."

"Zhu Xiongcai, Zhu Xiaoyun and his wife, and their servants, knew about the crime but did not report it. They are extremely evil and will be arrested and imprisoned. Considering that you have surrendered yourself, the law will be used to judge your crimes."

"Zhu Changtian and Zhu Tianrui, as branch directors and inspection team leaders of the alliance, are responsible for not strictly enforcing discipline in this matter. Considering that they were not aware of this, they will be punished after internal discussion."

"In addition to the convicted persons, all others, including Zhu Changtian and Zhu Tianrui, will be subject to lifelong supervision by the Alliance."

"Come, take the offender away.���"

With Long Ze's shout, a large number of police rushed into the Zhu family residence and arrested Zhu Jiahao, Zhu Xiongcai and Zhu Xiaoyun.

When passing by Dongfang Yang, Zhu Xiongcai took out a folded paper from his chest pocket and handed it to the other party.

Instantly knowing what it was, Dongfang Yang handed the paper to Long Ze, and his people were responsible for the arrest.

When he heard that he would be executed, Zhu Jiahao seemed to be relieved and let the police take him away without any resistance. He just said"I'm sorry" softly when he passed by Zhu Xiongcai and Zhu Xiaoyun.

Zhu Changtian, who was kneeling on the ground, never expected that things would turn out like this, and the whole person was absent-minded.

Dongfang Yang and Long Ze didn't even look at him, and turned around and left the Zhu family.

The next day, the detailed sentence came out.

Zhu Jiahao's death penalty is unquestionable, and there is no room for it.

Although Zhu Xiongcai and Zhu Xiaoyun had surrendered themselves, they helped the tyrants and did not report it. They were sentenced to 20 years in prison, deprived of political rights for life, and fined.

Zhu Changtian and Zhu Tianrui were not supervised strictly, and their current positions were cancelled and they were sent to remote areas.

For Zhu Tianrui, it can be said that disaster came from the sky. If he worked honestly for a few years, he might have succeeded Zhu Changtian as the new branch director. Now, everything is in vain.

(●°u°●) At this moment, my heart was broken.

After reuniting with my second uncle, Zhu Tianrui, who knew everything, immediately cursed at Zhu Jiahao. o(▼皿▼メ;)oIt can be said that because of Zhu Jiahao's behavior, the entire Zhu family has fallen apart.

Zhu Xiongcai is likely to die in prison.

Even if Zhu Xiaoyun and his wife come out again, they are quite old.

Although he and his second uncle have retained their identities as alliance staff, they have been sent to remote areas. It is very difficult for them to come back.

And because of this incident, it is impossible to reach the center of power. It is impossible to resign now. This is a punishment. When your punishment is not completed, the alliance will not let you resign.

As for the Zhu family's property, it is very likely to be divided up by that group of relatives.

Although he and his second uncle will not be spared, there will definitely be nothing for grandpa, parents and brother.

This is the result of grandpa's advance preparation, shamelessness, and favors. Otherwise, he and his second uncle would probably have to go to jail to accompany their parents.

Now Zhu Tianrui wants to kill his useless brother.

He has never been so speechless.

~%?…;# *’☆&℃$︿★?

On the day of Zhu Jiahao's secret execution, Dongfang Yang asked Long Ze to use his connections and took Mushroom to watch. He hoped that seeing Zhu Jiahao 's death would help Mushroom's situation.

Seeing Zhu Jiahao's indifference when facing the gun, Dongfang Yang was silent.

Maybe for him, death is a kind of relief, and being alive is the most painful.

Even so, this kind of person is not worthy of sympathy at all in Dongfang Yang's eyes.

There are many sorrows in the world, but they are definitely not reasons for committing crimes.

These are all later stories.

The day after leaving the Zhu family, Dongfang Yang���After calming down, he returned to Shanghai University to work.

People always need to eat, even if he doesn't work.

After briefly recounting the events to Guan Yue, Dongfang Yang came to the school team's training ground.

After receiving the strength report compiled by Li Yuan, Dongfang Yang read it page by page.

"Oh, not bad. After two months of training, everyone's strength has improved a lot. First of all, let us congratulate Qin Xun and Ying Yudie. They have officially become king-level trainers. At this moment, our team has already had three king-level trainers, far more than before. Everyone applaud."

Before the voice fell, thunderous applause rang out on the training ground.

Today is different from the past. Many things in Long Ze's past were not as perfect as they are now, and the resources he got were not as many as Qin Xun and his friends. If Long Ze were in this era, he would probably sprint to the semi-champion level. It's hard to say, everything is hard to say.

But we have to admit that under the guidance of Dongfang Yang and the resources of Magic City University, this school team is absolutely unprecedented.

Although Dongfang Yang's focus is on the reserve, the training of the school team is mainly arranged by Dongfang Yang. In the afternoon, the sparring is also helped by Liebite Lu Shark and others.

It can be said that this school team is completely beaten by Dongfang Yang's elves.

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