"Most people are already quasi-king-level trainers. According to the data, you are already stronger than the previous teams by more than a little bit. However, it is not the time to relax. Next, I will give you three days of rest. In addition to the necessary two hours of daily training, you can do whatever you want in the rest of the time. After three days, Li Yuan, you will lead the team, starting from the Magic City Gym. You will be required to get at least two or more badges from the strongest 18 gyms in the Dragon Country Alliance. Come back on the fourth day before the end. In the last three days, I will take you to a place where you will have your final assessment."

Dongfang Yang quickly browsed the record sheet of the school team members and arranged the next work.

Everyone had no objection to Dongfang Yang's behavior of attracting business for his own gym.

It is estimated that some people will ask that the Magic City Gym is indeed a dragon gym, but the owner Dongfang Yue is a dragon trainer who has just broken through to the king level.

Whether it is the Weiyang Gym where the winner sits, or the Imperial Capital Gym where the Dragon family sits, they are all top dragon gyms, and their owners are all veteran king-level trainers, not far from the quasi-champion level.

The problem is that the person who is now fulfilling the responsibilities of the gym leader of the Magic City Gym is the former gym leader Dongfang Long, who is a true quasi-champion-level trainer. The current gym leader Dongfang Yue has already applied for pregnancy leave.

Yes, Dongfang Yue is pregnant.

With the help of the dietary therapy and food supplements provided by Dongfang Yang, and after several months of hard work by Zhao Gang, and in the expectation of everyone, Dongfang Yue became pregnant.

It’s not that the Yingjia and Long families don’t have quasi-champion-level trainers, but these people are either very old or have other positions, which means that the strongest dragon gym is the Magic City Gym at present.

It can even be said that it is the strongest among all the gyms in Dragon Country.

After all, the strongest trainers in other gyms are only king-level trainers, and quasi-champion-level trainers affiliated with the alliance usually have other arrangements.

After talking about the school team’s itinerary, Dongfang Yang turned his head and looked at the reserve team.

"Don't worry, I will also arrange three days of rest for you.

You will do the same as the school team during these three days.

After three days, your tasks will be very simple.

Continue to practice the basics like in the first month, but the intensity will be much higher.

At the same time, there will be a lot more matches.

This time your opponents will be the instructors, and you will have a three-on-three match.

Members of the coaching staff, listen to me.

These people must play at least ten matches a day.

I will tell you the specific arrangements in three days.


After speaking, Dongfang Yang looked around at the people present, pondered for a while, and said with a smile

"Okay, now let's disband and enjoy your vacation. Everyone in the coaching staff should also take a break during this period."



Hearing this, the entire training ground burst into cheers.

Soon, the crowd dispersed, and only Ying Yudie remained beside Dongfang Yang.

Holding his girlfriend's slender waist and burying his head in her hair, Dongfang Yang greedily inhaled his girlfriend's body fragrance and said softly:

"Do you have any plans for the holiday?"

Holding her boyfriend, Ying Yudie smiled and shook her head.

"No, I don't want to go anywhere. Three days is too short and I can't have much fun. It's better to just take a rest and relax."

"Congratulations, you have reached Dragonite level. You have officially become a Dragonite trainer."

"Hehe, congratulations to you too, your girlfriend has become a top-level trainer."

Scratching Ying Yudie's upturned nose, Dongfang Yang said unhappily.

"I didn't realize you were so shameless before."

"Now you know.


Seeing his girlfriend's arrogant look, Dongfang Yang smiled, sat on the chair, and hugged Ying Yudie tightly.

It's so nice.

Noticing that Dongfang Yang seemed a little strange, Ying Yudie didn't ask, but leaned in her boyfriend's arms, listening to his heartbeat, and accompanied him quietly.

Time slipped away quietly in peace.

"It seems that it is time to eat. Are you hungry? Shall we go out to eat?"

"Okay, what to eat?"

"Longguo cuisine."


This was so sudden that Ying Yudie didn't react for a moment.

When she came to her senses, Dongfang Yang had already used his superpowers to move into the car instantly.

Ying Yudie just rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's wanton use of superpowers. She had long been accustomed to it.

"How much do you hate foreign food?"

"I don't hate it, I just dislike it. Do you think they have anything? They do have something, but not much. We can find similar substitutes in our great country. It's okay to try it, but if you want me to like it, forget it. Give up this idea."

Dongfang Yang shrugged, drove the car, and said softly

"Okay, what shall we eat?"

"hot pot"

"That's fine, I haven't eaten for a while."

Suddenly, a red light flashed in the car, and Pikachu stood on Dongfang Yang's shoulder, pointed at him, and called out twice.

Dongfang Yang rolled his eyes in annoyance and said helplessly

"Okay, okay, I know, I'll order you a tomato base and a few bottles of ketchup. Yudie will take it away and drive."

For Pikachu, who is like a foodie, Ying Yudie smiled and held it in her arms to prevent it from affecting Dongfang Yang.

"I don't know who it learned this from. It doesn't want to eat energy cubes, but likes to eat these random things."

Dongfang Yang complained speechlessly.

His other Pokémons are eager to eat more energy cubes that he prepared for them. If he wasn't afraid that they would have too much nutrition and kept controlling them, who knows how much they would eat in a day.

This thing is always making a fuss and refuses to eat other foods or energy cubes that are not mixed with ketchup. God knows who it learned this from.

I'm afraid that Mushroom will become like this too, but fortunately, Mushroom is still a little afraid of people and won't come out on its own, unlike a certain Pokémon that suddenly pops up every day.

It would be fine if the little idiot didn't want to stay in the Poké Ball, but this guy just likes to go in and out. I don't have any Pokémon that would be like this, right?

It's really weird.

╮(╯_╰)╭ ?

��When Pikachu heard Dongfang Yang's complaint, he looked at his trainer sideways and said nothing.


Dongfang Yang looked at the car but didn't see it, but Ying Yudie, who was holding Pikachu, saw it and immediately understood what Pikachu meant and couldn't help laughing.

Who else could it be? Who is my trainer? He doesn't have any idea about AC.


"What's wrong? What are you laughing at?"

Hearing Ying Yudie's laughter, Dongfang Yang glanced at her curiously.

Noticing Dongfang Yang's actions, Pikachu quickly adjusted his attitude, acting like a good boy.


Dongfang Yang also took a quick glance and found nothing unusual.

Ying Yudie smiled, touched Pikachu's head, and said softly

"Nothing, I just laughed out loud because I suddenly wanted to laugh"


Dongfang Yang didn't think too much about it. He just laughed if he wanted to. What else could he do?

An hour later, Ying Yudie, holding the chubby Pikachu, followed Dongfang Yang out of the most famous hot pot restaurant in Shanghai.

She finally knew how much this Pikachu liked ketchup.

Dongfang Yang ordered three plates of beef rolls for it, and it drank five bottles of ketchup.

It was estimated that its stomach was full of ketchup at the moment, and it might even...…

"Yang, is it okay for Pikachu to eat like this?"

Although she knew Pikachu's physical fitness, Ying Yudie was still a little worried. After all, it was not the way to eat.

"It's okay."

Dongfang Yang didn't care.

"This guy digests it very quickly, and the ketchup bottles in the store are not big. Five bottles seem like a lot, but this guy can digest it in half an hour. Aren't you tired of holding it? Or give it to me?"

"It's okay, Pikachu is still very light, it's okay."

Shaking her head, Ying Yudie rejected Dongfang Yang's kindness. Pikachu is still quite comfortable to hold.

"What do we do next?"

"I plan to go to various breeding houses, or even the exchange market. The training that the Land Sharks need to complete has been completed. I just need to provide them with resources. Now my second and third teams are not full yet, so I want to find a few suitable elves to train."

Touching his chin and thinking for a while, Dongfang Yang said

"Team Two or Team Three?"

Ying Yudie was not surprised that Dongfang Yang wanted to train another team. Many people have two or three teams.

But she didn't expect Dongfang Yang to train two teams at the same time.

You know, there is another main team that is also consuming resources. Although the strength is different, it is not affordable, right?

Looking at Ying Yudie's expression, Dongfang Yang knew what his girlfriend was thinking.

"Okay, you don't have to think too much. I don't have too many ideas for Team 2 and Team 3. During this period, your Pokémons have all improved a lot, but Pikachu and the others haven't improved much, mainly because I didn't invest a lot of resources."

"Their training intensity is different from yours. You haven't experienced it, so I didn't use too high an intensity. Pikachu is different. They are used to my training intensity. If you calculate it, their training intensity is about twice as much as yours."

"Besides, I didn't think about how strong they would be in the end. I might just train these two teams next. Training them together would be a little slower at best. And with my strength, I can just go to the high-level secret realm a few more times. At least I don't have to worry about resources before reaching the Heavenly King level."

After listening to Dongfang Yang's explanation, Ying Yudie was slightly relieved.

At worst, I could ask for some resources from the winner.

"How do you distinguish between your second and third teams?"

"Team 2 is Pikachu, Beedrill, Meowth, Crow-head, and now there is Mushroom. Team 3 is mainly Dratini and Taneka."

Without any reservation, Dongfang Yang answered Ying Yudie's question.

"Is there any elf you want?"

"Team Two will just go with the flow. The elves in Team Two are basically destined to come here. As for Team Three, there are a few targets. One is the Green Onion Soldier. It will be interesting to cooperate with the Blue Blade Ghost. Another one is the Big Black Fatty. I knew a few Big Black Fattys before. They were all very funny. It's a pity that they all have owners."

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