After listening to Dongfang Yang's words, Ying Yudie lowered her head and rubbed Pikachu's little head. After thinking for a while, she said

"The Galar form of Farfetch'd doesn't seem to be in Dragon Country, so we have to look for it outside."

Looking up, he touched Ying Yudie's hair, pulled her into his arms, and said with a smile

"Don't think too much, just take your time. Let's go shopping first, maybe there's something you like? Didn't you get a Coldback recently? Don't you plan to form another team?"

"Humph, I am very snobbish. I don't care about people with low qualifications."

""Yes, yes, yes."

Looking at his girlfriend's arrogant look, Dongfang Yang smiled.

He drove to the breeding house. As soon as the two people and the elf entered the door, two rows of receptionists bowed.

"Welcome, thank you for choosing the Happiness Cultivation House, I hope our service will satisfy you."

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Yang's mouth twitched constantly.

If I hadn't taken a special look at the sign before entering, I would have thought I had entered a brothel.

Two rows of twin receptionists, wow, some places don't have such a big hand.

On the contrary, Ying Yudie has become accustomed to this scene.

Taking out a gilded card and handing it to one of the receptionists, Ying Yudie said softly

"Let your manager come over, we'll go in and take a look."

After taking the card and looking at it, the receptionist's attitude became more respectful and she quickly bowed.

"OK, distinguished guest, I will ask the manager to come over. Please wait a moment."

After that, the receptionist left quickly with the card in her hand.

Ying Yudie held the Pikachu who was looking around and led Dongfang Yang to the breeding house while explaining:

"This breeding house is also Ying Ziyi's business. Since all the investment was made by himself, the family didn't care about some messy rules."

Hearing this, Dongfang Yang nodded in understanding.

I understand, I understand. Young people like to play more, which is understandable.

But then again, I can't tell that Ying Ziyi is so rich. To build a breeding house of this scale, the initial investment is not a small amount. And with his messy rules, it is certain that few small goals will not be achieved.

Not knowing Dongfang Yang's surprise, Ying Yudie continued to walk inside with her boyfriend.

"However, it does not have a particularly stable source of goods. The quality of the elves and elf eggs here varies greatly, so it is not particularly famous. Many people come here for the service. After all, whether you buy elves or not, it costs 1,000 yuan, which is not a small amount for some people. The food inside is charged separately."

"I can tell."

Looking around, I found that there were not many people who really wanted to buy something, probably less than 40%. The rest were wearing brand-name clothes and chatting with the pretty shopping guides.

"It feels like a special place in the guise of a cultivation house."

"That's right, but you can't deny that there are still many elves with excellent qualifications here, and the number of elf eggs is quite large, ranking among the best in the Magic City."

Nodding, Ying Yudie agreed with Dongfang Yang's evaluation

"It is difficult to find elves with particularly good qualifications in other breeding houses. After all, most of them are reserved in advance or digested internally. But it is not the case here, because Ying Ziyi came to this breeding house purely for fun. The qualifications of the elves here are indeed mixed, but the advantage is that they are also mixed. Many people are willing to come here to try their luck."

""Big sister, are you praising me or scolding me?"

Ying Ziyi walked towards the two of them with a wry smile on his face, followed by the receptionist from before.

"Hey, why are you here? Didn't you go out to hang out? You're not messing around here, are you?"

Hearing Ying Yudie's words, Ying Ziyi rolled his eyes in annoyance, and then handed Ying Yudie's VIP card to her.

"I am just doing my normal inspection work. If my father knew about this, he would tear me to pieces."

"Yes, if Third Uncle knew, he would probably tear me to pieces."

After taking back the VIP card, Ying Yudie nodded. She did not deny what Ying Ziyi said.

"I am lucky. My father does not ask me to marry anyone for the sake of the family, nor does he allow me to do anything wrong. I don't want to be like my elder brother and second brother."

Shrugging, Ying Ziyi replied casually.

"Okay, I won't ask about your private affairs. I just want to ask you if you have received any good elves recently."

Waving her hands, Ying Yudie didn't care much about these things and immediately asked about the situation.

"I didn’t have any before, but a batch of goods just arrived today and I haven’t checked it yet. Why don’t we go and take a look together?"


Ying Yudie readily agreed to Ying Ziyi's invitation.

Dongfang Yang also had no objection.

Led by the receptionist, the three of them came to the warehouse where the elves and elf eggs that had just arrived were stored.

"Boss, all the goods that arrived today are here."

The receptionist bowed and introduced them to the three people.

Ying Ziyi waved his hand.

"Go to work first, there is nothing for you to do here."

Hearing this, the receptionist bowed and then left quickly.

""Yang, come and see if there are any good elves. We are here to eat the rich today."

After the receptionist walked away, Ying Yudie couldn't wait to pull Dongfang Yang into the warehouse.

After giving Ying Ziyi an apologetic look, Dongfang Yang was pulled into the warehouse.

Ying Ziyi didn't care about what Ying Yudie said. This money was nothing to him, not worth mentioning at all. To be frank, this entire breeding house was just a toy to him. He came here today just because he was in the mood and came to take a look.

On weekdays, he wouldn't care about its profitability.

There were not many elves and elf eggs today, only nearly a hundred elf eggs, and there were more than a dozen elves. Judging from their status, they should have been hatched recently.

Seeing this, Ying Yudie mocked without hesitation.

"It seems that your breeding house is not that good. The goods you received are so few. Is it enough to run the business?"

"Sister, I'm not one of those large chain breeding houses, and I don't have a stable supply of goods. These are already pretty good. What's more, my main focus here is service. Do you understand?"

"Tsk, be careful, don't do these marginal things, if you walk by the river often, you will get your shoes wet."

With a light snort, Ying Yudie didn't give her cousin any face at all.



Ying Ziyi's face was full of bitterness. He knew Ying Yudie cared about him, but he was really doing a legitimate business.

As for those who only came to tease the employees and did not buy elves or elf eggs, he had no way to deal with them. After all, they were open for business, so is there any reason to drive customers away?

As long as they did not touch him, Ying Ziyi would turn a blind eye.

If his employees were doing that kind of business, Ying Ziyi would hand them over to the police without hesitation.

He didn't know how the original cultivation house gradually became a restaurant for chatting.

Could it be that some people are too hungry now?


Dongfang Yang did not participate in the exchange between the Yingjia siblings, but instead focused on checking the status of each elf and elf egg.

Elf: Lotus Leaf Boy

Attribute: Water Grass

Level: 2

Qualification: White

Characteristics: Rain Plate

Carrying Items: None

Elf: Mosquito Repellent Tadpole

Attribute: Water

Level: 2

Qualification: Green

Characteristics: Water Storage

Carrying Items: None

Elf: Walking Grass

Attribute: Grass Poison

Level: 2

Qualification: White

Characteristics: Chlorophyll

Carrying Items: None

Elf: Scorpion

Attribute: Poisonous insect

Level: 4

Qualification: Purple

Features: Sniper

Carrying items: None

After watching the hatched elves, Dongfang Yang turned to Ying Ziyi and said

"That scorpion has good qualifications. Pay attention to it. It should have purple qualifications."

After receiving Dongfang Yang's reminder, Ying Ziyi and Ying Yudie became interested.

"Oh, a purple-qualified scorpion, I didn't expect it, it seems there is something here, don't you want it, Yang?"

Looking at the scorpion drinking Moo Moo milk, Ying Yudie asked Dongfang Yang what he thought.

"I don't need it."

Shaking his head, Dongfang Yang had no intention of taking the scorpion.

"Team 2 already has Beedrill, and I have reserved Big Black Fatty for Team 3. Although I want to capture it at random, I still need to think about it."

"Oh, well, I don't need it either. I plan to wait for the Triceratops to be trained to replace the Slowpoke in the current team, but the second team already has a poison-type Pokémon, so there's no need for another Dragon King Scorpion. I'd better not use it."

Ying Yudie tilted her head and thought about it, and also gave up the Scorpion because there was a certain conflict in the team attributes. Then she turned her head to look at Ying Ziyi and suggested

"Little brother, you handle it yourself, or you can train it yourself?"


After a brief moment of daze, Ying Ziyi shook his head and directly refused.

"Forget it, the Dragon King Scorpion is not within my XP range, no need"

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen Ziyi's spirit yet, right?"

Suddenly, Dongfang Yang thought of something and looked at Ying Ziyi with interest in his eyes.


Ying Ziyi scratched his head, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

"Okay, don't embarrass him."

Ying Yudie stood up and explained for Ying Ziyi.

"This guy has no interest or talent in being a trainer, so he took over some family businesses early on and developed a certain career on his own. However, in terms of Pokémon, the only Pokémon he can show off is probably the Dragonite he has played with since he was a child, which is now at the gym level. He can't do anything else. Instead, he has collected a lot of weird things, such as all the evolutions of Eevee and the Iris Butterfree from a while ago."

"Is that so? It's okay, everyone has their own aspirations."

Dongfang Yang smiled and didn't care too much about it. He was just curious.

"If you have any problems, just come to me. I have a bunch of elves in my care now. They are quite strong and good at being thugs."

After hearing this, Ying Yudie immediately knew who Dongfang Yang was talking about. She laughed and said

"Indeed, there are a lot of them. If you need to fight, just borrow them from him. He won't charge you any fees."

"Ah, this is not good~"

Scratching his head, Ying Ziyi felt a little embarrassed.

It's so cool to be able to get it for free.


"It's okay, just let them stretch their muscles."

Waving his hands with a smile, Dongfang Yang said it was okay, don't worry about borrowing, you're welcome, and I won't charge you any fees.

Dongfang Loan, borrowing elves, no collateral, no interest, no fees, a well-known three-no product, you deserve it. If you want to borrow elves, go to Dongfang Loan. d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)bAfter chatting, Dongfang Yang continued to check the condition of the elf egg.

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