Dongfang Yang was very happy to see Dongfang Long get humiliated

✺(^▽^✺) ✺(^O^)✺ (✺^▽^)✺

"The old man's Algae Dragon's strength lies in its toxicity. It is most afraid of facing poison and steel elves. It is really time for Qin Xun's Shield Sword Monster to appear."

"This can't be blamed on Qin Xun. After all, there are only three king-level elves, Bangilas, the staff-tailed scaly dragon and the shield-sword monster. The strongest Bangilas must be the last to go on the field. The staff-tailed scaly dragon is almost exhausted, and the only one who can go on is the shield-sword monster."

Xue Xingxuan's mouth corners slightly raised, and he defended Qin Xun.

Nodding, Ying Yudie, who covered her mouth and chuckled, echoed

"I can only say that my father didn't know Qin Xun's situation, and everything was just a coincidence."

"No, everything is the best arrangement, an arrangement that makes me happy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dongfang Yang looked at Ying Yudie with a smile on his face, raised his eyebrows, and teased

"Is this what you call it?"

"Humph, it's all your fault."

With a light snort, Ying Yudie pinched the soft flesh on Dongfang Yang's waist and made a 360° rotation.

Dongfang Yang gasped in pain, and she let go.



"However, this young man will be in trouble next."

Folding her hands in front of her chest, Ye Yan smiled and peeked at the couple playing quietly.


Ying Yudie asked curiously.

"What else could it be? The difference in strength between the Algae Dragon and the Shield Blade is not that big. Its best trick has been wasted. It is already defeated. It is just a matter of time. I have not been able to vent my anger. After losing two games in a row, I guess the third Pokémon will not be the Desert Dragonfly. Maybe it will be the Dragonite."

Pouting, Dongfang Yang explained to his girlfriend

""Sigh, we're still far from it."

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

(≖_≖ )

You know it too, why do you provoke others for no reason? Oh, it doesn't matter if you're not the one going up, right?

Just as Dongfang Yang predicted, the Poisonous Algae Dragon was defeated soon, and it didn't last as long as the Red-faced Dragon.

There was nothing it could do. The Poisonous Algae Dragon's physical strength and defense were not as good as the Red-faced Dragon, and the battle was not in the water, so its speed was greatly affected. This result was foreseeable.

After taking back the unconscious Poisonous Algae Dragon, Dongfang Long took a few deep breaths and released the third elf, the Desert Dragonfly.

Elf: Desert Dragonfly

Attribute: Ground Dragon

Level: 81

Qualification: Purple

Features: Floating

Carrying Object: Ground Gem (Middle Quality 35%)

Looking at the Desert Dragonfly on the field, Dongfang Yang and Ye Yan were both full of surprise.

"Wow, the old man has grown up. He has suppressed his anger. That's great. I thought his Dragonite was going to come on stage."

"Yeah, it's quite unexpected."

Dongfang Long, with a calm face, waved his hand and said in a deep voice

"Desert Dragonfly, 'Flame Fist’"

After hearing the instructions, the Desert Dragonfly quickly came to the Shield Blade Monster and swung out a fist wrapped in flames.

"‘King's Shield’"

The Shield Blade Monster immediately switched to shield mode and blocked the"Flame Fist".

However, the force of the Desert Dragonfly's fist still made the Shield Blade Monster retreat a distance.

"Use 'Holy Sword’"

The Shield Blade Monster quickly switched to sword mode, and the fighting energy on the sword surged, forming a giant sword, slashing at the Desert Dragonfly.

"‘A flash of lightning’"

Before Dongfang Long finished speaking, the Desert Dragonfly turned into a flash of lightning, dodged the attack of the Shield Sword Monster, and came behind the opponent.

"Use 'Jet Flame’"

The Desert Dragonfly opened its mouth and spewed blazing flames at the Shield Blade Monster

"Maintaining the Holy Sword, use the Continuous Slash’"

Hearing the instructions, the Shield Sword Monster continued to swing the sword, splitting the"Jet Flame" abruptly.

It also consumed too much energy and could not maintain the appearance of the"Holy Sword".

"‘Lightning flashes, then flaming fists’"

Hearing this, the Desert Dragonfly quickly rushed towards the Shield Sword Monster.

"Use the King's Shield’"

Qin Xun shouted hurriedly.

However, this time the Desert Dragonfly in front was faster.

Before the Shield Sword Monster had time to switch states, the Desert Dragonfly's flaming fist had already hit it.


The huge force directly smashed the Shield Sword Monster to the ground, splashing a lot of smoke and dust.

After the dust settled, the unconscious Shield Sword Monster appeared in front of everyone.

So fast!!!

‼(•'╻'• )꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ

Except for Ye Yan, Dongfang Yang and Li Yuan, everyone else had only this thought in their mind.

Everything happened too fast. It was only a few rounds, and the Shield Sword Monster lost its ability to fight?

Looking at Ying Yudie's shocked and puzzled expression, Dongfang Yang rubbed her head and explained.

"Don't be surprised, this is normal. There are many factors. One is the actual absolute gap. The Shield Blade Monster is only at the early stage of the King level, while the Desert Dragonfly is at the early stage of the Quasi-Champion level. There is a big level difference between them."

"The second reason is determined by the characteristics of the Shield Blade Monster itself. The Shield Blade Monster in sword form has very low defense and its physical strength is not its strong point. The Desert Dragonfly has a good physical attack talent. With one plus one minus, the double damage of the"Flame Fist" will reach a peak."

"Besides, the poisonous algae dragon did not sacrifice in vain, it also caused a lot of damage to the shield sword monster, so this result is not surprising."

Everyone woke up.

It was normal for them to be confused for a while. After all, except Dongfang Yang, Ye Yan, and Li Yuan, they did not have a semi-champion level elf, and the gap between the semi-champion level and the king level was not very clear.

Moreover, they were considered geniuses, and they often played against those of higher levels, which themselves had certain misunderstandings.

The most important thing was that Dongfang Long's performance in the first two games was too poor. Although there was a factor of luck, it was indeed not���He showed the style of a quasi-champion trainer.

After taking back the Shieldblade that had lost its ability to fight, Qin Xun quickly adjusted his somewhat drifting mentality.

Indeed, the first two games were too smooth, and he was a little drifting. The strong performance of the Desert Dragonfly gave him a slap in the face and woke him up.

Looking at the Poké Ball in his hand, Qin Xun took a deep breath and raised his lips again.

"Finally, I still need your help. Come on, my brother."

A flash of red light, and a thunderous roar resounded throughout the gym.

Bankiras, covered with a green armor-like shell, appeared in the venue.

At the same time, there was a sandstorm in the sky.

Elf: Bankiras

Attribute: Rock Evil

Level: 75

Qualification: Purple

Feature: Raising Sand

Carrying Item: Hard Stone (Top 25%)

Looking at Bankiras, who was half the size of a normal one, Dongfang Yang sighed.

ε=(´ο`*)))Alas, it is true that the younger generation pushes the older generation forward. Today’s students have the skills that our generation only had ten years after graduation. It is really sad.

However, I, the younger generation, am not at the stage of dying on the beach yet.

"Desert Dragonfly, 'Quicksand Abyss’"

With a cry, the Desert Dragonfly dropped its claws to the ground, and ground energy surged.

The entire venue formed a large quicksand, instantly submerging Bangilas' ankles and trapping him.

"Bangilas, 'Stone Attack’"

Hearing this, Bangilas raised his hands.

A large number of giant sharp stones rose from the ground and rushed towards the desert dragonfly.

"‘"Steel Wings" and crashed into it.

The Desert Dragonfly soared in the air, dodging the"Sharp Stone Attack", its wings glowed with metallic luster, and it dived towards Bankiras.

""Block it."

Raising his hands, Bangilas grabbed the desert dragonfly's metallic wings.

The huge impact made it retreat a distance, leaving deep grooves on the ground.

"‘Brute Force’"

"‘Frozen Teeth’"

Dongfang Long and Qin Xun shouted at the same time.

Bangilas opened his bloody mouth, with a hint of cold air lingering on his fangs, and bit the Desert Dragonfly's neck.

The Desert Dragonfly was not to be outdone, and punched Bangilas's chest shell with a fist full of fighting energy.


After a loud noise, Bankiras flew backwards, and a little blood fell in the air.

Some ice appeared on the neck of the Desert Dragonfly, and under the ice were clearly visible teeth marks that were deep enough to see the bone.

Bankiras, who flew backwards, was not feeling well either.

The green carapace on his chest was covered with cracks.

You know, Bankiras's shell is very hard, and it contains the elements contained in the ore that he ate when he was a young Kiras.

Under normal circumstances, there will be no cracks, and once they appear, it is extremely difficult to heal.

It can be seen that the two elves had no intention of showing mercy when fighting.

Looking at the ice on the neck, the Desert Dragonfly directly used a"flame fist" to shatter it, and then flew up again. The severely injured Bankiras gasped twice, stood up, and looked at the Desert Dragonfly with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Banguirus, use 'Freeze Beam’"

Opening his mouth, a piercing"freezing beam" shot out from Bangilas' mouth.

"Use 'Jet Flame' to block it."

Following Dongfang Long's instructions, the Desert Dragonfly spewed out a mouthful of flames.

"The"Ice Beam" and"Jet Flame" collide in mid-air and confront each other.

"Increase power"*2

The two elves increased their energy output at the same time.

The intertwined ice and fire energies lost their balance in an instant.

"There was a loud bang and a violent explosion occurred.

The smoke and dust caused by the explosion instantly flooded the entire site.

"Desert Dragonfly, use 'Earthquake’"

"We also come, 'Earthquake’"

The Desert Dragonfly suddenly landed on the ground.

Bangilas also stomped on the ground.

The two elves simultaneously caused a violent earthquake.


Dongfang Yang in the stands cursed, and his terrifying superpowers burst out, covering the entire gym.

In the horrific earthquake, the poor Magic City gym was saved.

Everyone only heard two dull sounds, and except Dongfang Yang, no one knew what was going on in the smoke.

After a while, the Desert Dragonfly rushed out of the smoke and soared in the sky.

At the same time, Bangiras also roared, telling his trainer that he had not fallen yet.

"‘Hot Sand Land’"

As the ground energy surged, a large amount of sand and rocks emitting high temperatures gathered between the claws of the desert dragonfly.

Then, the"hot sand land" was smashed by the desert dragonfly towards the direction where the voice of Bankiras came from.

""Block it with 'Shadow Ball'."

The dust gradually settled, and Bangiras' head was exposed.

Facing the"Hot Sand Land", Bangiras fired"Shadow Balls" one after another like a turret, hitting it.

Just when the"Hot Sand Land" was broken, a flash of lightning flashed.

Desert Dragonfly appeared in front of Bangiras.

Without waiting for the opponent to react, Desert Dragonfly directly blasted out with a"Dragon Claw" and hit the cracked breastplate.

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