Desert Dragonfly suddenly appeared in front of Bangiras and hit his cracked chest armor with a"Dragon Claw".

Then, Desert Dragonfly turned around and hit the same spot with another"Dragon Tail". The injured Bangiras took a few steps back before he could stabilize himself.

However, his opponent was unyielding.

"‘Dragon Wave’"

Following Dongfang Long's order, a wave of"Dragon Wave" spurted out from the mouth of the Desert Dragonfly, and the landing point was still the same.

The cracks on the chest armor of Bangilas, who flew backwards, became larger and larger.

"Are you okay, Bangilas?"

Hearing Qin Xun's concern, Bangilas shook his head, climbed up, and roared at the desert dragonfly.

"Do you want to fight again? Then go ahead, Bangilas, 'Final Impact’"

With a roar to the sky, Bangilas burst out with amazing momentum and rushed towards the desert dragonfly with all his strength.

"Are you going to give it a try? Let's respond to them. Desert Dragonfly, use 'Brute Force' after 'Reverse Scale'.’"

In an instant, the Desert Dragonfly, like the Red-faced Dragon, bulged its muscles, surrounded by terrifying dragon and fighting energy, and collided head-on with Bangilas's"Ultimate Impact"

""There was a loud bang.

The desert dragonfly flew backwards several meters before flapping its wings in the air to stabilize its body.

As for Bangilas, after crashing into a wall, he passed out in the rubble.

After asking Qin Xun whether he would arrange for the staff-tailed scaly dragon to play and getting a negative answer, the referee said:

"Banjiras lost his ability to fight, and this round was won by Desert Dragonfly. All three of the challenger's Pokémon lost their ability to fight, and this gym battle was won by the Eastern Gym Master."

As the referee's voice fell, Qin Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

( ớ ₃ờ)ھ

Although he lost, there was nothing to be sad about. After all, there was still a big gap between him and Dongfang Long. The first two games were just good luck.

After putting the unconscious Banjiras back into the Poké Ball, Qin Xun came to Dongfang Long and bowed to express his gratitude.

"Thank you for your guidance"

"This is as it should be. You already have the strength of a king, and your elves are also quite proficient in their skills. If you want to go further, you need to change your skills, whether it is the extension of a single skill or a combination of multiple skills. Think about it yourself."

After a few simple instructions, Dongfang Long handed the Magic City Badge to Qin Xun.

Although Qin Xun lost, Dongfang Long was stronger in strength. If the finale was not the Desert Dragonfly, but the Old Man Dragon, he would probably lose.

"Old man, you should go and heal your elf quickly. You are so embarrassing to use the Desert Dragonfly."

Dongfang Yang in the stands mocked his father without hesitation.

Hearing the voice of his own unfilial son, Dongfang Long rolled his eyes in annoyance and took Qin Xun to the medical room inside the gym to heal the elf.

"In that case, I will take care of it from now on. Please hurry up and make arrangements. Don't make me wait anxiously."

After stretching, Ye Yan said this and turned to the battle site.

As he left, he touched Ying Yudie's little head and showed a satisfied expression.


Ying Yudie looked helpless.


Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Dongfang Yang.

Since Dongfang Yang was here, Li Yuan no longer made the decision. After all, he was the chief instructor.

Dongfang Yang curled his lips and rolled his eyes.

"Xue Xingxuan, you go ahead, but it's a six-on-six duel, and you need to fully understand the extent of your own strength. Is there a problem?"


Shaking his head, Xue Xingxuan responded, and then after explaining a few words to his girlfriend Lu Ziqing, he stood up and headed for the battlefield.

Taking advantage of the gap between changing venues, Dongfang Yang said to Ying Yudie

"Yudie, I tell you, when you fight the old man tomorrow, don't be polite and take down his desert dragonfly as well."

( ´゚ω゚)?

Ying Yudie's face was full of question marks after hearing this.

You are such a filial son. You gave others advice to defeat your own father. Dad would cry if he knew.

"My strength is probably not enough, right?"

"No, absolutely."

Dongfang Yang shook his head, denying his girlfriend's doubts, and said with a strange arc at the corner of his mouth and excitement in his eyes.

"The old man will definitely not use the poisonous algae dragon again tomorrow, unless you randomly go to a water venue, otherwise the movement of the poisonous algae dragon on land is a big problem. Today he was confident of his strength but failed to please him. Tomorrow he will definitely not use the poisonous algae dragon again."

"Therefore, the first Pokémon is either Chiron or Old Man Dragon, you can directly use Dragonite, and you can trade one for one anyway. The second Pokémon is Zeraora, and his second Pokémon is definitely no match. That means the last Pokémon, Sand Dragon, must face at least two Pokémon."

"Zeraora will consume a wave first, and then the last Dragonite will mega evolve. With the strength of your Dragonite, after mega evolution, it will definitely not be weaker than the Desert Dragonfly. In fact, relying on the advantages of Quasi-God and mega evolution, it is even stronger than the Desert Dragonfly. It is not a problem to deal with a Desert Dragonfly that is not in its peak state."


Looking at Dongfang Yang with a light in his eyes, Ying Yudie shuddered slightly.

How big a grudge do you two have against each other? You are so calculating, but it does make sense.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that what Dongfang Yang said made sense, and it was very likely to become a reality. However, Ying Yudie was still a little worried.

"What should I do if I'm randomly assigned to a water venue tomorrow, or if my dad sends out Dragonite and Styracosaurus?"

( ̄~ ̄;)

"The venue issue is simple. Tomorrow I will hack the system and cancel all the water venues."

Waving his hands, Dongfang Yang signaled Ying Yudie not to worry, it was just a small matter.

"As for the old man not wanting Bilian, he should just send Dragonite or Triceratops. Maybe this old guy can really do it. We have to be on guard."

"How about we just…"

Ying Yudie said, trying to persuade Dongfang Yang to give up this plan of not being a human being. However, Dongfang

Yang smiled sinisterly.

"At night, I asked Garchomp and Charizard to take Dragonite and the others out for some practice. At least they couldn't get down for a day. That would be all."

∑( ̄□ ̄;)

Everyone was stunned when they heard Dongfang Yang's plan.

This was really a man who would do anything to achieve his goal.

What deep hatred did he have that would make him do this?

"This is not good, after all, he is your father, right?"

Ying Yudie asked cautiously.

"Tsk, it's because he's my dad that I have to do this. If I don't give him something to do, he'll make trouble all day long. I'm calling it the first move."

Dongfang Yang curled his lips and said nonchalantly


"If they hadn't been focusing on my sister's baby recently, I would have been in trouble. They asked me to take people to the secret place before, thinking that I didn't know. It was just a blind date in disguise, so I just gave them face and pretended to be together. If I hadn't used some tricks to divert their attention, I would have had a headache."

"Well, you finally admitted it, you gave me all the recipes for my mom."

Before Dongfang Yang finished speaking, a heroic female voice rang out behind everyone.

Everyone in the school team was speechless.


What's wrong with you guys? You all like to sneak up behind others and scare them.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, and Zhao Gang appeared on the stands with Dongfang Yue in revenge. Glancing at

Dongfang Yue, who was still very energetic even though she was pregnant, Dongfang Yang directly used his superpowers to control her and put her in the seat next to him.

"Hey, hey, hey, you are pregnant now. Why are you coming here instead of taking good care of the baby?"

"Don't worry, the doctor also said that I need to exercise moderately, it's okay, I don't run around, and besides, my physical fitness is not that bad."

Waving her hand, Dongfang Yue looked carefree.

Seeing Dongfang Yue sitting down, Zhao Gang breathed a sigh of relief and hurried over to take care of his wife.

"Nonsense, there are three of you now, of course everyone cares about you, if it was just you, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to you."

Dongfang Yang rolled his eyes at his sister and said unhappily

"Hehe, whatever you say."

Dongfang Yue didn't care about this at all. She knew her brother well. He was just a typical stubborn person. She didn't care about him.

Looking at Ying Yudie in Dongfang Yang's arms, Dongfang Yue smiled.

"This is your girlfriend, right?"

"Yes, Ying Yudie."

Nodding, Dongfang Yang introduced

"The one with a missing brain is my sister, Dongfang Yue, a little loser who is only now a top-level trainer. Tsk, not good at all. Next to her is her husband, my brother-in-law, Zhao Gang, also a top-level trainer."

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you talking about, you brat? Do you think everyone is like you?"

Hearing Dongfang Yang calling her a loser, Dongfang Yue shouted in dissatisfaction.

Everyone present felt that this year's speechless was spent here.


In fact, Dongfang Yue is not very old, and has only graduated for about five or six years.

Now he has the strength of the King level, which can be said to be very powerful. At least among the instructors present, only Li Yuan is at the King level or above, and the others are still one elf short.

When you are in college, it is the time when a person develops the fastest, because there is no shortage of resources in the school, especially in top universities. As for the Magic City University, as long as you have enough credits, you can exchange resources at the King level and below.

But it is different outside the campus. Unless you are from a family, you need to find resources yourself.

Even the family can only cover everything.

Moreover, it is very difficult to move forward from the King level. After all, the resources needed are basically in the secret realms above the SS level, and the opening time of these secret realms is limited.

For Wang Yan and others who are also on the school team, they can't reach the King level at Dongfang Yue's age.

But now there is a monster like Dongfang Yang. Alas

, people say that others are trash based on their strength


""Sister, hello, brother-in-law."

Ignoring Dongfang Yang's words, Ying Yudie, who had already gotten used to it, greeted Dongfang Yue and Zhao Gang.

""Okay, okay."

Dongfang Yue was so happy about such a polite sister-in-law that she couldn't stop smiling.

Patting Zhao Gang who was still smiling, Dongfang Yue said unhappily

"Don't take the things out yet."

""Oh oh."

Zhao Gang reacted and took out a box and handed it to Ying Yudie.

"This is a little gift from Yue'er and me."

‼(•'╻'• )꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ

Looking at the contents of the box, Ying Yudie was shocked and quickly declined.

"Sister, brother-in-law, this thing is too precious, I can't accept it."

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