"Why can't I accept it? It's a gift from me to my sister-in-law. Who dares to say anything? Who won't let you accept it? You little brat or them?"

Seeing Ying Yudie refuse, Dongfang Yue was immediately displeased. Her phoenix eyes glared at him, and the aura of the owner of the Magic City Gym rose.

He swept his fierce eyes around the people around him.

Seeing this, everyone lowered their heads, touched their noses, and dared not look at him.

"No, sister, it's just too expensive, I can't accept it."

Ying Yudie quickly explained

"There is nothing impossible. We are all family. What is there to be impossible? It is just a Mega Evolution Stone of Gale. I will give it to you, just keep it."

Looking at the Mega Evolution Stone of Gale that Dongfang Yue stuffed into her hand, Ying Yudie's face was full of bitterness.

Now most of the Mega Evolution Stones are in the hands of the alliance. The winners have also collected some, but they are given priority to those champion and quasi-champion trainers.

Her Mega Evolution Stone of Tyrannosaurus was obtained by herself at an auction, occupying her grandfather's quota. In addition, Dongfang Yang is her boyfriend now, so the family turned a blind eye. The

Mega Evolution Stone of Gale in her hand must have been exchanged by Dongfang Yue and Zhao Gang in the alliance with their contribution points.

She was also clear about the sky-high contribution value of exchanging Mega Evolution Stones. Even if there was a certain discount for Dongfang Yang's sake, it was very likely that it was all the savings of Dongfang Yue and Zhao Gang.

Therefore, Ying Yudie did not dare to accept it.

Just when Ying Yudie was still thinking about how to refuse, Dongfang Yang touched her head and said softly:

"It’s okay, I’ll give it to you, just accept it."

Then, she whispered in Ying Yudie’s ear:

"I will give you two super evolution stones later, and you can give them to your brother-in-law. My sister doesn't have any to use at the moment, so consider this one as a gift from me to you."

After hearing this, Ying Yudie felt relieved, glared at Dongfang Yang unhappily, then took the super evolution stone in her hand and expressed her gratitude to Dongfang Yue and Zhao Gang.

"Then I will accept it shamelessly. Thank you, sister and brother-in-law."

"That's right, just accept it."

Dongfang Yue and Zhao Gang smiled at each other.


Everyone around was jealous, and the air was filled with the fragrance of lemons.

Everyone was going crazy. What was going on? The gift was a super evolution stone. I wanted it too. 5555~


Suddenly I feel that the world is so meaningless. We work so hard for an opportunity, but some people actually give it as a gift to others. Forget it, destroy it. This world


""Okay, the battle is about to begin, watch carefully."

In the end, it was Dongfang Yang who spoke up and drew everyone's attention back to the battlefield.

During the interval between changing the venue, Xue Xingxuan and Ye Yan told Dongfang Yang about his plan.

Ye Yan readily agreed.

After all, there are very few opportunities for you to go all out, so it's a good opportunity for the old friends to stretch their muscles.

"My number one player is this."

As he said this, Ye Yan opened the Poké Ball in his hand, and the heavy body of the Giant Charcoal Mountain fell on the field.

Pokémon: Giant Charcoal Mountain

Attribute: Rock Fire

Level: 76

Qualification: Purple

Features: Steam Engine

Carrying Item: Rock Gem (Middle Quality 36%)

Along with the breath of the Giant Charcoal Mountain, a rolling heat wave swept across the field.

Seeing this, Xue Xingxuan's pupils shrank.

"It looks like a tough battle. Come on, King of Leave."

As soon as the King of Leave appeared, he kept beating his chest and making a deafening roar.

Elf: King of Leave

Attributes: General

Level: 71

Qualification: Purple

Characteristics: Laziness

Carrying: Leftovers

"It's really noisy, shut it up, Carbon Mountain, Rock Blast’"

Picking his ears, Ye Yan said coldly.

The giant charcoal mountain immediately condensed into rocks and threw them at the opponent.

"Use 'Rock Crusher' to smash all these rocks."

Upon hearing this, the King of Leave swung his fist and smashed the rocks thrown by the Giant Charcoal Mountain one by one.

"Ask for leave, then use 'Arm Hammer’"

"Giant charcoal mountain, 'smoke screen’"

Instantly, a huge charcoal mountain spewed out a large amount of black smoke that covered the entire place.

The"arm hammer" of the leave king immediately lost its target.

"Use"Frozen Wind" to blow away the smoke."

A cold hurricane suddenly blew up from the thick smoke, instantly blowing away the"smoke screen" of the giant charcoal mountain.

At the same time, the King of Leave, who had used three skills in a row, had a flare-up and sat down on the ground.

"Now, use 'Pitch Shot', and then use 'Charged Flame Attack'’"

Seeing this, Dongfang Yang in the stands couldn't help but shook his head and sighed

"Dirty, really dirty, even my mom can use it, pure bullying"

"You can't say that. Mom is"using your own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses". When dealing with the King of Leave, why don't you focus on his characteristics and fight him head-on?"

Ying Yudie directly refuted

๑Dongfang Yang had a bad feeling when he glanced at his girlfriend.

No way, Yudie was taken care of by her mother so quickly, come on, don't let your mother lead you astray.

We have to think of a way quickly.


Although the match on the field was very exciting, Dongfang Yang had no intention of watching it. He was always thinking about how to prevent his girlfriend from being led astray by her mother.

When Ying Yudie woke Dongfang Yang up and told him to eat, she had not thought of a good solution.

"What's wrong? Are you so worried that you didn't even watch Xue Xingxuan's fight carefully?"

Walking with Dongfang Yang, Ying Yudie asked

"It's okay, it's just some small things at work."

Dongfang Yang would never tell his girlfriend that he was plotting against her and his mother.


Ying Yudie was skeptical about this.

(≖_≖ )

A trivial matter at work?

What other work do you have? It's nothing more than special training. Hasn't the special training been arranged? What else is a trivial matter?

Moreover, if it is a trivial matter, do you need to pay so much attention to it?

However, Dongfang Yang said so, and she chose to believe it for a while.

"Mom asked me to stay for dinner tonight, what do you say?"

"Then let's have dinner together."

Dongfang Yang shrugged and did not refuse. After all, they were all family, so what was wrong with having dinner together?

"By the way, how many elves did Xue Xingxuan defeat my mother?"


Ying Yudie was not surprised by Dongfang Yang's question. After all, someone had not seen

"Coal Giant, Flame Queen and Darkraige?"

"Yes, the damn Crimson Knight defeated three, defeating Zoroark and Smelly Dragon in the Green Washing Form, and Snorlax, it is really too strong"


Speaking of Ye Yan, Ying Yudie's eyes were full of hearts.

Seeing his girlfriend adore his mother so much, Dongfang Yang was in a dilemma.

His mother's fighting style is both attractive and charming, especially for women.

As strong and fierce as a flame, she is not particular about details. As long as it is effective, she will use any style of plan.

Even if it is a conspiracy, it reveals a dignified temperament.

If Cao Lin and Lie Yun are irritable flames, they will catch fire at any time.

Then Ye Yan is the hot magma, and the calm flow contains the energy of destroying the world.

Compared with Ye Yan and Han Tianxue, a strong woman like Ye Yan is more attractive to girls. Han Tianxue is more like the snow lotus on the Tianshan Mountain, peerless and independent.

It is more attractive to men, but women are okay. They don't think she is pretentious because of their admiration for the strong.

Now it seems that his girlfriend seems to have fallen into it.

It's over, what should I do, is my plan going to fail before it even starts?




Shu Ya, I can't live without you!

_| ̄|○

【Snow flakes are flying, the north wind is howling, and the world is vast and boundless...】

Ahem, sorry, I got off track.

Although Dongfang Yang has a lot of thoughts in his mind, what he says is something else.

"Let me think about it, Xue Xingxuan's King of Leave can't do anything to my mother's Coal Mine, so he can only be replaced by Snorlax or Mantis. In all likelihood, Mantis will be replaced. After all, Snorlax can only last a little longer, which is not very meaningful, and Mantis defeated Coal Mine purely by relying on its speed advantage."

"Even so, the injury of the giant claw mantis was also very serious. After all, it is not easy to say that it is four times weak to fire. Later, it encountered my mother's Flame Queen Lizard with the corrosive attribute, and it also defeated two Pokémon, the giant claw mantis and the leave king, right?"

"Then, Houndoom defeated Happiny and fell under Snorlax's fist, and then the Crimson Knight's Tianxiu defeated three"


Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at Dongfang Yang who was talking. Did you really not watch the game?

How come every word you said was correct?

You must have been secretly paying attention, right?

"Judging from your expressions, I guessed it right. Tsk, one through two, one through three, it's still a long way to go."



Ying Yudie took a few deep breaths and reluctantly accepted Dongfang Yang's outrageous actions.


( ớ ₃ờ)ھ


( ớ ₃ờ)ھ

After calming down, Ying Yudie looked at her boyfriend and asked:

"Auntie has already given the Magic City Badge to Xue Xingxuan, do you still want it back?"

Hearing this, Xue Xingxuan, who was walking in front, froze and was a little at a loss.

Qin Xun also pricked up his ears to eavesdrop.

After all, compared with Xue Xingxuan, he was not much better.

If Xue Xingxuan's badge was taken back, his own badge would probably not be able to be kept either.

Should they fight again?


They both thought at the same time

"I'm not the owner of the Magic City Gym. It doesn't matter to me who the badge is given to."

Rolling his eyes, Dongfang Yang denied Ying Yudie's guess without even thinking about it.

Hearing this, Xue Xingxuan and Qin Xun both breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it's very tiring to go all out again, so be lazy if you can.

"So what do you mean?"

"It's just that they are too weak and still have a long way to go. Whether they can make further progress has nothing to do with me. The special training will be over soon, and I can also step down as the chief instructor. Then we can go out and play every day, how about it?"

Dongfang Yang kissed his girlfriend on the forehead and looked at her lovingly.

(ɔˆ ³(ˆωˆc)

Ying Yudie's pretty face instantly turned red after being attacked. At an astonishing speed, she changed from Pikachu to Red-faced Dragon.

Glancing at the school team members who were walking farther ahead, Ying Yudie stood on tiptoe and responded to Dongfang Yang.



Walking in front, paying attention to the people behind, I burped silently

~(ಥ﹏ಥ)~ Cold dog food randomly slapped on the face

(´◊ω◊`) without any precautions

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