Will Mario turned pale: "Uncle, why did you say that?"

Will Arnold said angrily: "The Rockefeller family gave up on me, and they want me to step down early."

"What? How so? Will Mario stood up abruptly.

The pupils trembled violently.

It shows the shock in his heart.

Although he did not know what kind of existence the Rockefeller family was.

But he had heard his uncle say it more than once.

Uncle is where he is today thanks to the support of the Rockefeller family.

It's just...

The Rockefeller family clearly promised their uncle a second term.

Why did he leave office early?

Will Arnold gritted his teeth and said, "Steward Victor said, if you want to blame, blame my people, not bully."

"So, did you do something hurtful outside?"

"Say, how did the thirty-five percent of your company's shares come back?"

"I bought it back for 20 million!" Will Mario was anxious: "Uncle, you should believe me, I can't bully."

"Jack, get in!" Will Arnold shouted toward the door.

He did not believe his nephew's words.

After all, as soon as he got those shares on his front foot, the Rockefeller family gave him up.

He had a hunch.

This matter is most likely related to the 35% of the shares.

Soon, a middle-aged man with a height of two meters walked in.

Will Arnold asked in a deep voice: "You honestly answer me, how did you get that thirty-five percent of the shares."

Will Mario kept glaring at Jack.

He was afraid that Jack would tell the truth.

If only that.

The uncle categorically did not spare himself.

Although Jack also saw his eyes.

Although I also understood.


He didn't cooperate with Will Mario.

Because he did not dare to deceive Will Arnold.

Told Will Arnold what happened at Zhang Wei's house before.

Knowing that his nephew entered Zhang Wei's house with a gun, he used his wife's life to force Zhang Wei to hand over 35% of the company's shares, and even transferred 2 million debts to him.

Will Arnold was furious: "Bastard! Lao Tzu was miserable by you! Saying that, he picked up the ashtray and slammed it on Will Mario.

Will Mario was beaten and cried: "Uncle, I was wrong, I was wrong, please let me live, I didn't expect things to turn out like this!" "

Will Mario's mentality collapsed.

He didn't expect Zhang Wei to know someone from the Rockefeller family.

It can even make them give up the uncle they have already cultivated.

Of course.

It wasn't so much someone Zhang Wei knew the Rockefeller family.

He believed more in the oriental man he saw in Zhang Wei's house.

Especially the phrase 'Do you really think that we Orientals can be bullied by others'.

Before, he thought that Chen Nan was just talking about it.

Now it seems.

It didn't seem like it was what I imagined.

Think of this.

He was desperate.

A phone call made the Rockefellers abandon their uncle.

How can such a big man offend himself?

Knowing this, he shouldn't have been so arrogant to go to Zhang Wei's house to do things before!!

"Prepare the contract, now, immediately, immediately, transfer all shares of your company to your partners." Will Arnold roared, "Or all of us will be wiped out by the Rockefeller family." Will

Mario snorted.

Hurriedly asked people to prepare the contract.


Will Arnold and Will Mario come to Zhang Wei's house.

"Mr. Arnold, what are you doing in our house?"

"We already have nothing, can it be that you still have to kill everything?" Zhang Wei looked at the other party with a drunken face.

He lived in Ohio for three years.

Naturally know this big man.

As for Will Mario.

He has been beaten beyond recognition.

Will Arnold nervously looked at Chen Nan, who was sitting in the restaurant drinking, and did not even dare to say hello, "Mr. Zhang, it's a pity that this happened."

"It was my lack of discipline that made my nephew do such a despicable thing."

Seeing each other's face full of nervousness.

Zhang Wei's drunkenness suddenly eased somewhat.

He looked at Will Arnold's side, the man who had been beaten beyond recognition.

Recognize him as his partner, Will Mario.

My heart trembled.

Can anyone tell me what exactly happened?

Why did Will Arnold come to the door with his nephew to apologize?

"Zhang Wei, it was my conscience that was blinded by lard, and I have realized my mistake." Will Mario's eyes were full of fear: "This is all the shares of the company, now I transfer it to you for free, and I hope that you will raise your noble hand and let my Weir family have a way of life!" "


Zhang Wei gasped.

All drunkenness is gone.

The Weir family is the top family in Ohio.

How could this guy be so humble?


Will Arnold took out another check worth five million and said apologetically: "Mr. Zhang, this is some small compensation from our Weir family to you, please be sure to accept it!" He said and bowed deeply.

As if without receiving this money, he would not get up.

Zhang Wei was completely unfinished.


He had a hunch.

This incident is most likely related to the phone call made by Chen Nan.

So he looked back at Chen Nan.

Chen Nan: "Give it to you, you will take it."


Zhang Wei took the check and share transfer form.

"Mr. Will Mario, I said before that no one can bully us Orientals, now can you believe it?" Chen Nan picked up his glass and took a sip.

Will Mario did not hide his inner fear, and quickly said: "It was I who offended you by ignoring Tarzan, and I already know that I am wrong!"

Chen Nan: "Get out!"

"Yes, yes, let's get out!" Will Arnold immediately left Zhang Wei's house with his nephew.

Although this time compensated the other party for five million.


As long as the other person can accept their apology.

No matter how much it pays, it's worth it.

At least don't worry about being wiped out by the Rockefeller family!

Zhang Wei looked at Chen Nan incredulously, feeling like a dream, feeling very unreal: "Who did you call on the phone before?" Even the president of country M can't order Will Arnold to apologize, right?

Wen Huaiyu was already shocked and speechless.

Unexpectedly, the number one in Ohio would come with his nephew, as well as five million in compensation, and all the shares of the company.

Chen Nan smiled: "It's nothing, it's just a friend." Come on, come on, don't talk about this, have a happy drink tonight.

Zhang Wei grinned: "Okay, my brother will sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman tonight."

Xu Qianxin was slightly dissatisfied: "It's almost enough, what do you do with drinking so much?" "

Chen Nan himself is very brave.

If she had a few more drinks, would she still be able to stand it?

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