Wen Huaiyu said with a smile: "I haven't seen it for a long time, plus your husband has helped my family so much, what about a few more drinks?"

Xu pouted.

You don't know how powerful this guy is.

At least an hour without drinking.

If you drink too much.

How about two hours to base it, right?

It was a huge ordeal for her.


Wen Huaiyu's words have come to this point.

She didn't have a good time saying anything more.

If you receive a little, you will receive a little!

Big deal, bite.


the next day.

Chen Nan got up at nine o'clock in the morning.

After washing up and coming to the restaurant, Xu Qianxin and Wen Huaiyu had already prepared breakfast.

Zhang Wei rarely did not get up early to go to the company, but was playing with toys with his daughter.

Saw Chen Nan come out.

He returned to his shy personality: "Chen Nan, yesterday's incident is thanks to you, thank you."

Chen Nan shook his head helplessly.

In fact, Orientals can already stand up in the West and be upright.


Zhang Wei's humble character, who doesn't want to bully and bully?

"Let's eat first!" Wen Huaiyu spoke.

Several people gathered around the table and ate breakfast.

Wen Huaiyu suddenly said: "Chen Nan, I discussed with Zhang Wei last night and returned to China with the battery technology. Instead of cheapening foreign car companies, it is better to expand our country's new energy vehicles.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "If you can have this idea, for our country's new energy vehicles, it is tantamount to a shot in the arm." "

There are many car companies in China.

But when it comes to traditional fuel vehicles, they are simply not comparable to foreign brands.

After all, these brands started early, and there are mature technologies in the field of internal combustion engines.

But one thing is undeniable.

In the field of new energy vehicles.

Domestic technology is far more mature than abroad.


Internal combustion engine companies have money!

They are willing to spend a lot of money to develop battery technology.

Ken spent a lot of money on research and development of vehicle systems.

Although the market share of domestic new energy vehicles is large.

But that distance is also shrinking.


If Zhang Weiken brings battery technology back to China, this distance is bound to be opened again.

Until then.

Huaxia new energy vehicles must become the mainstream!

Chen Nan asked while eating: "Is there a favorite car company?"

Zhang Wei shook his head: "I really want to cooperate with Warwick Group." "

I have seen the cars they make, although they are not the strongest among domestic new energy vehicle companies."

"But Warwick's vehicle system is the best and has the most potential."


"Warwick has been hit on the side of country M and cannot use 5G chips at all."

"Restricting 5G may seem like a small impact, but it is a fatal drawback."

"This will greatly limit the functionality of the vehicle system."


"For new energy vehicles to truly rise, there are two functions that are indispensable."

"Battery life."

"Then there's the driverless feature."

"You can't do both."

"Although many new energy vehicles currently have L3 assisted driving functions, they are only assisted driving and cannot be truly unmanned."

"Although the vehicle-machine system independently developed by Huawei is very strong, the 5G chip is limited, but it greatly limits the vehicle-machine algorithm."

Chen Nan nodded slightly, and then said: "If I'm not mistaken, the 5G chip used by Warwick is provided by Qualcomm, right?"

Zhang Wei: "Hmm.

"I'll call and ask." Chen Nan directly dialed Rockefeller Claude's phone, and soon Claude's respectful voice came from inside: "Good morning Mr. Chen, are you satisfied with the handling of that matter last night?"

Chen Nangang wanted to speak.

The host's voice came from the TV in the living room.

Heard the news of Will Arnold's early departure.

Zhang Wei and his wife only felt that their scalps were numb.

A thick layer of goosebumps instantly rose on his body.

Unexpectedly, last night's visit by Will Arnold to apologize was just the beginning.

The real punishment is to let him leave office early.


They developed a strong curiosity about the man on the other end of the phone.

"I am naturally relieved that Mr. Claude will do something, but this time I did not call you because of the incident last night." Chen Nandao: "I want to ask, do you have connections on Qualcomm's side?"

Rockefeller Claude said respectfully: "Don't hide Mr. Chen, the Rockefeller family owns 70% of the shares of Qualcomm Group.

Zhang Wei and his wife gasped.

The Rockefellers?

Could it be the legendary hidden consortium that controls the economy of country M?

It turned out to be a real family.

Chen Nan also expressed his thoughts: "I hope Qualcomm can continue to cooperate with Warwick, I wonder if this matter is difficult?"

Claude said: "Qualcomm's termination of cooperation with Warwick is the meaning of the Holy See of Light, although the Rockefeller family can resume cooperation with Warwick, but it will cause dissatisfaction at the top."

Chen Nan smiled and said, "If you destroy the Bright Sect, won't everything be fine?"

"Yes." Claude smiled too.


He finally knew the ambitions of this oriental man.

I don't mind going crazy with him either.

"I'll solve it over there in the Holy See of Light." Chen Nandao: "As for the cooperation with Warwick Group, you first let Qualcomm draft a plan, and when the time comes, I will come forward to talk with Warwick, and I will definitely not lose you." "

He and Rockefeller Claude are on an equal footing.


Cooperation naturally has to be fair.

Even if he is an Oriental, he has to think about the interests of the other party.

At least you can't let people say behind his back that he is not!

This is Chen Nan's principle of being a man.

Claude said respectfully: "Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll let people draft the contract."

Then Chen Nan hung up the phone.

Looking at Zhang Wei, who was dumbfounded, he said with a smile: "You can now rest assured to boldly cooperate with Warwick."

Zhang Wei came back to his senses in shock and said excitedly: "I will toast you with soy milk instead of wine."

"Come on!"


after eating.

Chen Nan and Xu said goodbye to Zhang Wei and his wife.

They have already made an appointment to meet again when they return home.

When the time comes, say anything and drink well.

Chen Nan drove and drove Xu Qianxin all the way to the west.

The mood is unusually good.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The two walked to a no-man's land.

There is a huge lake ahead.

The water of the lake is clear and resembles a giant mirror.

It's heart-warming.

Xu Qianxin stopped Chen Nan and got out of the car to take pictures.

Chen Nan does not like to take landscape photos.

Because it's not good at it.

But he couldn't resist Xu's heartfelt pleading.

And just as the two were taking pictures.

It was originally clear and clear.

It suddenly became extremely dark.

The wind is raging.

Let the originally calm lake become boiling.

"Why did it suddenly change?" Xu Qianxin looked a little unhappy.

"If nothing else, it should be a magician from the Western cultivation world who killed him, right?" Chen Nan looked at the firmament.


With an indifferent voice, Thomas Yale slowly landed in the air: "Since you know that the old man will come, why do you drive to Los Angeles?"

"Could it be that you are not afraid of death?"

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