As soon as the words came out.

The temple instantly became silent.

Everyone was stunned.

It seems that unexpectedly, Thomas Yale was not only shot.

Even his head was badly damaged.

"Come, take Thomas Yale to the hospital for treatment." George Dennis spoke, not believing Thomas Yale's previous words at all.

Including the fact that Chen Nan is a dual-line magician.

"Lord Sect Leader, I'm not lying."

"Chen Nan can really summon an excavator."

Thomas Yale screamed.

George Dennis snorted heavily: "Magic was created by God, but I have never heard of God creating such a mechanical product as an excavator."

"You're tired, take a good rest!"

Magic originated a long, long time ago.

The excavator, on the other hand, is a mechanical product of modern civilization.


No one believed Thomas Yale's words.

Thomas Yale roared: "I can go to recuperate, but you can't underestimate Chen Nan."

"If you can, I hope you will do what he says."

"Return the Sanding to the Eastern world, and admit that the Westerners stole the Sanding."

"Otherwise, the Light Holy See will most likely be destroyed in your hands."

Thomas Yale also knows that what he said is ridiculous.


He was telling the truth!

The main thing is.

He had a hunch.

Offending Chen Nan, he would really uproot the Bright Sect.

"Send Thomas Yale to a psychiatric hospital!" George Dennis roared angrily.

Thomas Yale, who was carried out, also roared loudly: "George Dennis, you will pay a heavy price for your arbitrariness!"

"You will become a sinner of the Holy See of Light!"

George Dennis's face was gloomy, and he looked at the other powerhouses: "Among you, are there any people willing to go and kill Chen Nan?" "

No one made a sound.

Although I don't know why Thomas Yale became a 'madman', one thing is obvious, it must be related to Chen Nan.

Even Thomas Yale was not Chen Nan's opponent, and they did not dare to go rashly.

The Golden Paladin said, "Lord Sect Leader, in my opinion, we don't need to put Chen Nan in our eyes, let alone send someone to stop him!"

"Although he once said wildly, I will light the Holy See in two weeks."

"But if we send someone to block him, it will give people the feeling that we are afraid of him coming to the door."

"Our Bright Church is the number one force in the Western world, do we need to be afraid of him as an Oriental?"

"It's not that I look down on him, can he single-handedly shake our Light Sect?"

"Does he have the ability?"

"Instead of that, it's better to wait quietly for him to come to the door!"

Everyone felt that it made sense.

But right now.

Thomas Yale, who was originally carried away, ran back angrily: "That's the case, why did you send me out to block Chen Nan before?" Let me be cannon fodder?

George Dennis said angrily: "Let him roll!"


Chen Nan was disappointed.

I thought that after defeating Thomas Yale, the Light Sect would send masters.


Even after he arrived in Los Angeles.

Nor did I meet anyone to stop him.


It doesn't matter anymore.

When Xu Qianxin was done here, he would personally go to the Light Sect.

Recapture Sanding.

And count their crime of stealing the three dings!

Like New York, Los Angeles is a city that never sleeps.

After coming to Los Angeles.

The two stayed in a 5-star hotel.

A presidential suite was opened.

Almost ten minutes later.

Liang Yun, an employee of Xu's favorite team, rang the doorbell.

It was a man in his thirties, plump and upturned at the front.

A beautiful woman with a baby face.

Dressed in a black suit with Balenciaga stockings wrapped around her legs.

She keeps a big wave.

Flaming red lips.

The whole person gives people a mature, charming temperament.

"Mr. Chen, isn't President Xu there?" Seeing that Xu Qianxin was not in the room, Liang Yun couldn't help but ask.

Chen Nan said casually: "She went to take a bath, you sit down first!" Speaking of this, he looked at the watch on his hand: "Well, it will be out in about three minutes."

Xu Qianxin took a quick bath.

With Chen Nan's understanding of her, it would never take more than ten minutes.

"Then I'll wait!" Liang Yun smiled and sat dignified on the sofa.

Keep your legs together and be vigilant.

Chen Nan poured her a glass of water, and then put it in front of Liang Yun: "You have worked hard during this time, how did you talk about cooperation?"

Liang Yun said thank you and said, "Fortunately, as for whether it can be negotiated, President Xu has to come forward in person." Although

Chen Nan is Xu's beloved boyfriend.

But Liang Yun didn't say much about work.

Chen Nan hesitated and couldn't help but say, "Miss Liang, can I ask you a question?"

Liang Yun: "As long as it doesn't involve work, it should be okay."

Chen Nan cleared his throat and asked a little embarrassed: "Where did you buy your stockings?" "


Liang Yun showed a strange gaze: "Mr. Chen, are you teasing me?"

Chen Nan hurriedly said, "No, no, no, I didn't mean that."

"I just think your stockings are pretty good, and I want to buy two for my heart."

"You know, she doesn't want temperature as long as she is demeanor."

"Having a pair of stockings keeps her out of the cold."

Chen Nan was depressed.

What a hell!

Q: Where did you buy your stockings and it became a teasing of you?

Can people-to-people communication be simpler, not so complicated?

Liang Yun was slightly embarrassed and said: "What, Balenciaga stockings are easy to buy." I happen to have two unopened ones there, and if Xu always likes them, I can give them to her.

"It doesn't matter if she likes it or not, the important thing is to keep warm enough." Chen Nan was a serious nonsense.

No way.

The woman put on the stockings and looked too strong.

Plus Xu Qianxin didn't wear it.

You have to experience the feeling of tearing your stockings.

"What are you talking about?"

Xu, who was dressed in a white bathrobe, walked out of the bathroom with bare feet and wet hair.

Liang Yun quickly got up and said, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Chen is worried that your legs are cold, and he wants to help you buy two stockings to ward off the cold." I happen to have two there, so I thought I'd send them to you later.

Xu Qianxin gave Chen Nan a roll of his eyes.

Why didn't she know Chen Nan's careful thoughts?

However, he did not break it, and then diverted the topic: "How is the cooperation discussed?"

Liang Yun replied: "I have contacted John Steven, the vice president of Hollywood Studios, and proposed our cooperation plan to him.

"And I made an appointment to have dinner at eight o'clock this evening to discuss the specific details of the cooperation."

"I see." In front of outsiders.

Xu Qianxin has always maintained a cold image.

It gives a feeling of being on top.

Only in front of Chen Nan will he show the appearance of a little bird.


Ask for stickers...

"Then Mr. Xu, you rest first, and I will call you before the dinner." Liang Yun said and left the presidential suite.

Xu looked at Chen Nan and asked cautiously, "Husband, you will accompany me later!"

Chen Nan said decisively: "It's not that you don't know, I don't like that kind of business dinner, or go with your team!"

Xu Qianxin raised his eyebrows: "If you go, I will wear stockings to show you at night!"

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said with a serious face: "It doesn't matter if you wear stockings, the important thing is that I also want to follow you to meet the high-level of Hollywood." "

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