Eight o'clock in the evening.

Chen Nan followed Xu, and Liang Yun came to the hotel's western restaurant.

I came to the table I had booked before.

Close to floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the dreamy night view of Los Angeles.

I waited for almost ten minutes.

John Steven, walking side by side with a twenty-five-six-year-old young man.

John Steven looked to be in his forties.

Suits and shoes, the gesture releases a lofty temperament.

The young man next to him was wearing a white suit and an expensive watch on his hand, and he knew at a glance that he was not an ordinary person.

Xu got up and greeted John Steven with a smile.

She was a first-line female star in Daxia before, and she had met John Steven when attending events abroad, and this meeting seemed very natural.

There are not too many constraints.

"If I'm not mistaken, the last time we met was three years ago at the Berlin Film Festival, right?"

John Steven sighed: "I really didn't expect to see it for three years, Miss Xu is still as beautiful as three years ago, and time has not left the slightest mark on your face."

Xu said politely: "Mr. Steven is wrong!"

John Steven pointed to the young man next to him and explained: "Miss Xu, this one next to me is Occam Orvis, the son of the big boss, he is your fan."

Xu said hello heartily: "Good evening Mr. Orvis." "

The Occams are the big bosses of Hollywood.

Control more than a dozen film and television companies.

It is also a giant in the Western film industry.

Occam Orvis said, "It is my honor to have dinner with Miss Xu today.

"Two of you, please sit down!" Xu Qianxin made an inviting gesture.

Although Chen Nan followed.

But he sat in the position next to Xu Qianxin.

Nor is he a social phobia.

It's simply not wanting to eat with people you don't know.

It was enough for him to be by Xu Qianxin's side.

After the four people were seated.

John Steven got to the point: "I read the contract drafted by your company, Ms. Liang, and we in Hollywood also welcome films with oriental themes to join Hollywood."

"However, your company gives too little share."

Xu Qianxin said: "Mr. Steven, the production cost of the Eastern fairy tale film is not inferior to the science fiction films of the Western world, whether it is the special effects of the film or the cost of publicity, it is outrageously high.

"In this case, our company accounts for 40%, and your company accounts for 60%, which is already a lot of sincerity."

John Steven said: "I have seen some oriental fairy masterpieces on the Internet, which is indeed good, but does Miss Xu know why no oriental-themed films have entered Hollywood?"

Xu Qianxin: "The Western world is resisting the cultural invasion of the Eastern world?

John Steven looked embarrassed: "It is said that once lived, the second time acquainted, we can also be regarded as friends, and there is no problem in chatting openly and honestly."

"You're right, the Western world has always been afraid of cultural invasion from the Eastern world."

"It's not so much a cultural invasion as a crushing of faith."

"This can be fully reflected in Eastern and Western films."

"Hollywood has released a doomsday theme a few years ago."

"The core of the movie is simple, the end of the world, the Western world built the ark of doom to lead people to take refuge."

"However, to board the ship, you need to buy a ticket."

"And that ticket can only be afforded by the real rich and bankrupt."

"Ordinary people only watch the end come and are indifferent."

He took a sip of water and continued, "Your films in the Eastern world are different.

"Your country has also made a well-known apocalyptic science fiction film called The Wandering Earth."

"It's also a doomsday theme, you'd rather wander with the earth than give up an ordinary person."

"This shows the difference in beliefs between the two worlds of the East and the West."

"In your country, it is the responsibility of the husband."

"In the West, individual heroism is emphasized."

"This is also the main reason why oriental films cannot enter Hollywood, although there have been several films that have entered Hollywood before, but there are also Hollywood studios for post-production."

"Now that your film is released in Hollywood and wants to get a 50 percent cut, I don't have the right to decide."

Xu Qianxin said, "I don't know what your company's conditions are?

John Steven: "I seven, you three."

Xu shook his head: "I came to cooperate with your company with sincerity, but this sharing ratio does not make any money at all."

John Steven said with a smile: "Miss Xu, Hollywood has not signed a long-term cooperation contract with any oriental film company, although the proportion of three percent is not much.

"But later, we can grow in the long run."

"It's not a loss for you."

Xu was overjoyed.

In fact, the answer in her heart is two or eight.

After all, as long as you can enter Hollywood, you can get word of mouth even if you lose money.

Which Cheng thought.

Three and seven points.

It also builds long-term partnerships.

In other words, films shot in China in the future can enter Hollywood.

This is simply a pie in the sky!


She didn't believe that the other party was so kind.

"Dare to ask Mr. Steven, do you have any other conditions?" Xu Qian asked.

John Steven smiled and said, "I like to deal with smart people like Miss Xu, and we do have a small condition."

Xu Qianxin: "Please say."

John Steven glanced at Occam Orvis next to him and said, "Orvis is your loyal fan, and his biggest dream is to collaborate with you on a play."

Xu Qianxin: "It's a pity, I've already disappeared."

John Steven smiled: "Who said that Silent Shadow won't shoot a movie?" If I'm not mistaken, there should be a lot of videos taken by beautiful moments on Miss Xu's phone, right? Xu

did not deny this.

There are many videos on her phone recording her and Chen Nan together.

John Steven continued: "Orvis wants to shoot a private film with you, as long as Miss Xu agrees, we can sign a long-term cooperation contract. Speaking of which, he handed her a meaningful smile.

Xu Qianxin got up angrily, splashed the red wine in the glass on John Steven's face, and said angrily: "Mr. John Steven, do you really think that a contract can make me do that kind of dirty thing?"

"I'd rather not go into Hollywood than do that kind of thing."

To put it nicely, it is a private video.

To put it directly is to sleep with you.

The difference is.

Also document the process.

Occam Orvis looked arrogant: "Miss Xu, do you know how many people in the Western entertainment industry want to make films with me?"

Chen Nan walked over expressionless: "Why don't you go to your mother if you want to make a film?" "

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