Occam Orvis stood up angrily and glared at Chen Nan angrily: "What the are you, is there something you have to talk about here?"

"If you don't want to die, shut your mouth, or I won't let you see the sun tomorrow."

"What am I?" Chen Nan stretched out his hand and put his arm around Xu Qianxin's waist: "I am her husband."

Xu Qianxin also said: "Not bad, he is my husband Chen Nan."

Occam Orvis was stunned, and an evil smile appeared on his face: "I didn't expect Miss Xu to have a husband, but I don't mind the three of us filming together."

"Yes, that should be fun and exciting..."

The words are not finished.

Chen Nan slapped Occam Orvis to the ground.

Occam Orvis spat out blood, and his right face quickly turned red and swollen.

His face was full of anger, like a crazy male lion standing up: "It's over, you're finished, Xiao Ye has lived for so many years, and he has never been beaten in the face."

"You all have to die!"

John Steven also said angrily: "Miss Xu, you have made an unforgivable mistake..."


Chen Nan slapped him and flew out several meters.

"Something that gives a face not a face?"

"You think I'm afraid of you?"

Occam Orvis roared, "Bodyguard!

"Where's the bodyguard?"

Six bodyguards ran over with great momentum.

Occam Orvis pointed at Chen Nan and said, "Give me the limbs of this guy, I will shoot a love movie with his wife in front of him." "


The six bodyguards glared coldly.

They are all decommissioned mercenaries from the West.



An angry voice rang out.

An old man in his sixties came over in a suit.

"Mr. Edward, why are you here?" John Steven asked a little nervously.

Edward, Hollywood's second-largest shareholder.

Edward said angrily, "Steven, Orvis, you made a fatal mistake. I hope you apologize to Mr. Chen and his lover.

John Steven gasped.

I didn't expect Edward to help Chen Nan speak.

Even Occam Orvis was flabbergasted.

I didn't expect that Chen Nan knew Edward.

Chen Nan looked at Edward, only feeling a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it: "Have we seen it somewhere before?"

Edward said respectfully: "Mr. Chen forgets a lot, and it's normal not to remember villains, and we met at Mr. Claude's exhibition a week ago."

Chen Nan was relieved.


John Steven and Occam Orvis have a huge wave rising in their hearts.

They don't know who Claude is.


Edward called the villain in front of him, which is very abnormal!

"Forget it, I'll call Eugene personally and let him come over!" Edward stepped aside and dialed the number of Hollywood's big boss, Occam Eugene.

After the call was connected, Edward said: "Big boss, your son has offended Mr. Claude's most respected guest, for the sake of you and my acquaintance, I hope to solve this matter internally." "

I will then send the address to your mobile phone, and if you do not arrive within ten minutes, I will inform Mr. Rockefeller Claude of the matter."

Claude himself was a member of the Rockefeller family.

Not to mention, now he has become the patriarch of the Rockefeller family.

His connections.

As well as influence, absolutely unquestionable.

Although the Rockefellers do not have a stake in Hollywood.

But Edward knew.

The reason why people do not have shares in Hollywood is mainly because they do not look at this small industry.

Of course.

If Claude speaks, a word can overhang the entire Hollywood studios.

Five minutes later.

An old man over fifty came to the restaurant with a blank face.

He is Occam Eugene.

Father of Occam Orvis.

Edward said, "Mr. Eugene, your son and John Steven, offended Mr. Chen and his lover, you must give them an explanation for this."

"Two wastes, quickly kneel down and apologize to Mr. Chen and Miss Xu!" Eugene snorted angrily.

He didn't know what Chen Nan's origin was.

But he knows.

To be Claude's guest of honor, he couldn't afford to offend this kind of person.

Claude could have destroyed the Occam family without becoming the patriarch of the Rockefeller family, not to mention that he has now become the patriarch of the Rockefeller family.

He had no doubt that Claude knew that his son had offended his distinguished guest.

With his character, he will definitely destroy the Occam family.

John Steven and Occam Orvis knelt on the ground with fearful faces.

Even now.

None of them know what kind of big people they offended.

"I can offend, however, I will not allow anyone to blaspheme my woman." Chen Nan looked at Orvis: "Don't you like filming?"

"Let me let you go, you have to make a film with your mother."

"Yes, the conditions are simple."

"It's something you love to do, and you have to thank me."

Occam Eugene said nervously: "Mr. Chen doesn't know something, my wife died ten years ago.

Chen Nan: "Then are you married again now?"

Occam Eugene secretly swallowed his saliva and said, "Mr. Chen, I did not marry again. Edward can help me testify about this.

Edward said, "Mr. Chen, he didn't lie.

Chen Nan didn't like this answer.

But no one married, so there was only one more condition.

He looked at the six bodyguards who retired from the mercenaries: "Since your mother has died a long time ago, let's change the conditions." Plus Steven, and the eight of you make a movie together.

Occam Orvis was so frightened that his face turned green, and he kowtowed like pounding garlic and begged: "Mr. Chen, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please don't let me make a film with them, okay?" "

Those six bodyguards were inseparable from him.

And they swam together.


Occam Orvis knew they were in the terror of capital.

If you shoot with them, it's hard to say whether you can support it until the end of shooting.

John Steven was terrified.

Chen Nan lit a cigarette and said lightly: "I never force others, since you don't like it, then forget it." I'll tell that Claude guy about that. Saying that, he took out his phone and found Claude's number in the address book.

Occam Eugene was so frightened that he kicked his son to the ground, and said angrily: "Give the face something that is not a face, why can't you grasp the opportunity Mr. Chen gives you?"

Speaking of this, he looked at the six bodyguards and roared angrily: "Carry this waste and Steven down, the film shot must not be less than two hours!" "


Just like that, John Steven, and Orvis were carried out by the bodyguards.

What awaits them will be the torture of life and death!

Occam Eugene said respectfully: "Mr. Chen, about the cooperation with Miss Xu, can we talk again?" Rest assured, we will definitely show absolute sincerity.

Chen Nan raised his eyebrows: "What is the sincerity you said?" "

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