"Holy See of Light?"

A disdainful smile spread across Chen Nan's face.

"It's just an ant!"

"It's not worth mentioning in my eyes."

Magellan snorted angrily: "Chen Nan, you will pay a heavy price for your arrogance.

"Even if you are very strong, you are definitely not their opponent when facing the Light Sect."

The Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness have coexisted in the Western world for thousands of years.

Magellan was well aware of the horrors of the Holy See of Light.

Not only do they rule the Western world, but they can even summon gods and borrow divine power.

Chen Nan looked indifferent: "Magellan, there is no grudge between you and me, I advise you not to be nosy."

"Or I'll destroy you together!"

Saying that, he released the brakes and kicked the accelerator, and the sports car was like an off-string arrow that penetrated Magellan's body.


To be precise, at the moment when it was about to collide with Magellan's body, Magellan's body turned into a thick aura of death.

In front of the castle of the Holy See of Light.

Chen Nan stopped the car and walked out with an unlit cigarette.


George Dennis, holding a staff and wearing a robe, led several Holy Domain magicians of the Light Sect and the Golden Knight appeared on the top floor of the castle, overlooking Chen Nan.

Their eyes were indifferent, containing a strong killing intent.

George Dennis's voice was thunderous: "Chen Nan, you really ate the bear heart leopard gall, and you really dare to come to my Bright Church." Since you are here, stay here forever! The

words fell.

One after another figures flew out.

There are blood tribes.

There are also werewolves.

There are more than 200 people as far as the eye can see.

They grinned and looked at Chen Nan, their faces full of anger and ruthlessness.

Chen Nan sighed, and his eyes revealed a hint of helplessness: "I thought that you gathered the blood clan and werewolves to send Sanding back to Daxia."

"Now it seems that I took it for granted."

"I just don't understand."

"Why are you forcing me to kill?"

"What happened to confessing your crime and sending Sanding back to the Eastern World?"

"Chen Nan, you don't put my Bright Sect in your eyes too much." George Dennis's eyes glared: "Although I don't know how you learned magic, you don't want to get out of here alive today!"

Speaking of this, he waved his big hand: "Do it, kill this son on the spot!"

"Let him know the fate of being an enemy of my Light Church."


The Blood Clan powerhouse and the werewolf shouted and rushed towards Chen Nan.

The Blood Clan didn't want to make a move with Chen Nan.

But they didn't have a choice.

Even if they knew that they couldn't beat Chen Nan.

But if they didn't make a move, the Light Sect would directly obliterate them.

Look at the oncoming bloods, and werewolves.

A bitter smile appeared on Chen Nan's face: "Let your subordinates be cannon fodder, is this the Temple of Light that represents justice?"

"It's really a knife cutting the ass, opening the eyes."

The words fell.

He snapped his fingers.

A fire dragon appeared in front of him without warning, roaring and crashing into the blood clans and werewolves.

The terrifying heat ignited the air.

The heat wave that came on the face made many people feel deeply uncomfortable.


Dozens of vampires, and werewolves engulfed in flames.

A miserable cry came out of his mouth.

The body turned into flying ash in an instant.

The other vampires and werewolves were terrified.

Don't dare to move forward again.

Seeing this, George Dennis said angrily: "If any of you dare to retreat, this sect leader will destroy your entire clan!"

The blood emperor of the Morgan family was stunned: "George Dennis, you know that we are not Chen Nan's opponents, why do you want our clan to make senseless sacrifices?"

"Do you want them to be cannon fodder?"

George Dennis looked indifferent: "As cultivators in the Western cultivation world, when danger strikes, you should stand up and defend the dignity of the Light Sect.

"Death is the greatest salvation of the Blood Clan, and the werewolf!"

"When you die, God will forgive your sins!"

"This sect leader is obviously thinking about you, so why cannon fodder?"

Morgan Blair's face was gloomy: "If death is salvation, then I would like to be a sinner and live forever!"

Norton Henry also said: "Yes, the Light Church has been attacking our blood clan and werewolf clan for a long time, and now let us be cannon fodder, and they are ashamed to say that God will forgive our sins."

"You think we're afraid of the god in your mouth?"

"Anyway, it's just a death, what can you do if you Light Sect?"

Aiden III said directly: "Everyone obeys my order, withdraw from the Light Sect, even if they die, they will not be used as cannon fodder!" "


The people of the Blood Clan withdrew.

Werewolves and bloods have always been bitter rivals.

But this time.

Their attitudes fit very well.

Retreat was also chosen.


But he appeared behind Chen Nan.

They were willing to fight side by side with Chen Nan against the Light Sect.

Pinned his hopes on Chen Nan.

"Lord Sect Leader, I said before that you can't believe the words of these mongrels!" The golden paladin made an indifferent voice.

George Dennis's face was extremely gloomy.

He didn't put the blood tribe and werewolves in his eyes at all.


The two races betrayed them at this time and fought side by side with Chen Nan against the Light Sect, which he did not expect.

Even if the two major races defected to Chen Nan, it would not be enough to shake the status of the Light Sect.


For George Dennis, this action was like a slap in the face.

"Kill all these people!" George Dennis let out a roar.

The next moment.

A group of paladins on war horses, armed with spears and swords, rushed out.

"Mr. Chen, let's solve these guys, you save your physical strength to kill these despicable villains of the Light Sect!" Morgan Blair's eyes turned inky, and four sharp fangs appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Chen Nan: "Our generals of the Orientals are all charging together with the soldiers, and no one has ever stayed behind.

"Since you are willing to work with me to overthrow the Light Sect, then fight side by side!" Speaking of this, Chen Nan clenched his fists in the air.



One after another terrifying flames pulled the long tail of fire and bombarded towards the ground.

There are at least dozens of flames as far as the eye can see.

George Dennis and others intervened to block.

But several fireballs still hit the ground.

Let those paladins of light turn on their backs.

In an instant, most of them were killed and wounded.

"Zackley, you are a magician of the Earth System Holy Domain, you entangle this person first, I will personally kill him!" The Light Paladin pulled out the giant sword at his waist and jumped down on top of the ancient castle more than ten meters high.


Earth Sanctuary Wizard Zackley casts earth magic.

The earth trembles.

Like an earthquake, it is simply unstable.

Except for Chen Nan, the masters of the blood tribe and werewolves were all lying on the ground.

Feel a terrifying gravity.

In this case, everyone becomes a fish to be slaughtered on the board.

"Earth magic? Just you? Chen Nan looked disdainful, raised his right foot and stomped on the ground.


A mysterious energy instantly broke Zackley's magic.

Let the ground recover and calm down.


Zackley spewed out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably and let out a scream like a ghost: "You can actually crack my magic?

"Damn it!"

"Are you really a dual-line Saint Domain mage?"

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