George Dennis and the others were also taken aback.

They heard Thomas Yale say.

It is said that Chen Nan is a dual-line magician.

It's just that.

They didn't take Thomas Yale's words to heart.

Now it seems.

Not believing that Thomas Yale was right.

Chen Nan is a dual-line magician of water and fire.

It is clearly a fire, earth dual-line holy domain magician.


The fact that Chen Nan was a dual-line Saint Domain magician still deeply shocked everyone.

Oriental magic, in itself, is very strange.

And he turned out to be a dual-line holy domain magician.

"Dual-line magician?" Chen Nan frowned and couldn't help but say, "What about Thomas Yale?" Didn't he tell you that I'm a full line of magicians? "



Several powerhouses of the Light Sect looked stunned.

A whole line of magicians?

Are you a kindergarten child?

Can this kind of nonsense be believed?

"Give me death!"

The Golden Paladin roared.

It was like a flying cannonball that instantly appeared in front of Chen Nan.

The giant sword in his hand exuded a cold and powerful aura.

It's at this moment.

Chen Nan did not retreat.

He leaned out with one palm.

Under everyone's stunned expressions, he pinched the golden paladin's neck and lifted him above his head.

This scene deeply shocked everyone.

No one expected that Chen Nan's strength would be strong enough to crush the Golden Paladin.

This is not a person!


The giant sword in the hand of the golden paladin fell to the ground.

His body was constantly struggling.

Want to break free from Chen Nan's control.

But Chen Nan didn't give him a chance.

The moment his palm exerted force.

A crisp sound of broken bones sounded on the neck of the golden paladin.

Then his head tilted, and his body lost its struggle.

The limbs were weakly pulled.

Chen Nan waved his hand casually.

The golden paladin fell heavily into the distance.

It can be seen that blood flowed down the gap in the armor.

The scene was silent.

Whether it is those masters of the Light Sect.

Or blood, werewolves.

They were all shocked by Chen Nan's strength.

You must know that the golden paladin is the strongest existence in the flesh in the Western world.

There is no one of the kind.

But who would have thought.

But was killed by Chen Nan's move?

"I gave you the chance, right?"

"I said it."

"As long as you gather the masters of the Western cultivation world, kneel down to the Sanding, admit the crimes of that year, and send the Sanding back to the Eastern World, I will let you have a way to live."

"But you take my words for ears."

"Since you don't grasp it, then I can only uproot the Light Sect according to the agreement!"

George Dennis was furious: "Chen Nan, I admit that we underestimated you.

"But with the strength you are showing now, it's not enough to fight against my Light Sect!"

"Even if you are a dual-line magician, this sect master can destroy you!"

"Yes?" An intriguing smile spread across Chen Nan's face.

Immediately, he probed into the void with one palm.

In a flash.

A supreme yang law converged in his palm.

It's like a bright moon.

Extraordinarily eye-catching.

"Damn, you actually have light magic?"

"Why is that? How many kinds of magic do you master?

"Impossible, it's not true!"

George Dennis, as well as several other magicians, lost their voices and screamed.

The status of a dual-line magician in itself is difficult for them to accept.

Not to mention, Chen Nan also mastered the magic of light.

The masters of the Blood Clan and Werewolves were also scared and their scalps were numb.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan also mastered the magic of light.

Thankfully, they made the right choice before.


Everyone will die.

"The whole department, I have already told you!"

The Law of Zhiyang in Chen Nan's hand eventually transformed into a Gatling heavy machine gun.

"Your magic can transform into weapons?" Beirut screamed: "That is, Thomas Yale did not lie, you really used magic to transform into an excavator?" "

This moment!

The mentality of everyone in the Light Sect collapsed.

They have always dismissed Thomas Yale's words as crazy words.

He was even put in a psychiatric hospital.

You can see it according to the scene in front of you.

Thomas Yale is not lying!

"You want to see the excavator?" Chen Nan snapped his fingers with one hand, and the laws of the soil system converged in all directions, transforming into two excavators about ten meters high.

It appeared on the left and right sides of the Bright Holy See Castle.

"Let's work!"

Chen Nan said lightly.

And then.

The two excavators maneuvered.


Chen Nan pulled the trigger of the Gatling that the Zhiyang Law had transformed into.


This is a Gatling that does not need to be replaced.

Bullets are infinite.

The bullet penetrated the bodies of those Saint Domain powerhouses above the castle.

Splashed with blood mist.

"No, it's not magic!"

George Dennis let out a heart-rending scream.

God created magic.

If future generations want to perform magic, it is also traditional magic.

But is this magic that Chen Nan cast?

Can magic transform into an excavator?

Can magic transform into a modern-world machine and heavy weapon like Gatling?

"Don't kill us, we are willing to admit the crimes of the Light Church, and bow down to the Three Dings and return the Three Dings to the Eastern World." That Earth Saint Domain Mage was terrified.

Several Saint Domain mages above the castle also flew down as if they had seen a ghost.

Several were even hit hard by Gatling.

He looked badly injured.

They knelt on the ground restlessly, shivering.



Bloods and werewolves are dumbfounded.

Is this the Holy Domain Mage who is high above?

That's too much, isn't it?

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, it was difficult for them to accept the scene in front of them in a short time.

"How can you traitors bow down to the Orientals?" George Dennis let out a thunderous roar, and the aura of light magic erupted from his body.

Chen Nan aimed his gun at them, didn't even say a word, and decisively pulled the trigger.

I gave the opportunity, but I couldn't take it.

What do such people leave them for?

He felt redundant to say one more word.

"Chen Nan, I'm going to kill you on behalf of God!" George Dennis slowly flew into the air, chanting words in his mouth, and was silently chanting the spell that summoned God.


A holy light appeared in the depths of the void.

The light is dazzling, even illuminating the world.

The next moment.

A twelve-winged angel appeared out of thin air in the night sky.

He radiates a holy light.

The six pairs of wings behind him symbolize absolute strength.

His appearance made George Dennis extremely excited.

It also made the Bloods and Werewolves feel like they had never been before.

The Twelve Winged Angels are extremely powerful and terrifying beings in Western mythology.

George Dennis summoned the other party.

Even if Chen Nan's strength was terrifying, how could he defeat the Twelve Winged Angel?

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