Chen Nan knew.

Xie Wen did not lie.

But what the hell is going on.

He also had no clue.

"Wenwen, something... How to say, I can't explain this matter in a few words.

"I happen to be in the magic capital right now."

"Or you send me the mobile phone number that the girl called you, and I'll go over tomorrow to take a look!" Chen Nan didn't know how to explain it.


After hanging up.

Chen Nan received a mobile phone number from Xie Wen.

Chen Nan directly sent the mobile phone number to Li Mu and asked him to help investigate the identity information of the owner.

A few minutes later.

Li Mu sent the owner's information and home address to Chen Nan's mobile phone.

The owner is called Liu Mang, thirty years old.

is the CEO of a network company.

Assets of 200 million.

It's a young man.

"Did Uncle Xie really reincarnate into a girl?" Ye Wanzhi felt strange about what Xie Wen said, even if people's worldview was rewritten.


Can people really be reincarnated after death?

Chen Nan was helpless: "It is true that people can be reincarnated after death, but the process of reincarnation will erase the memories of previous lives. As for why Uncle Xie is like this, if you ask me, I also want to ask others. "

Speaking of which.

He looked down at the green dragon tattoo on his chest.

Brother Long should know what happened.

But Brother Long is sleeping...

Ding dong!


The doorbell rang.

Ye Wan's face was curious.

The house was rented by her.

Plus she was suppressed and ostracized in the company.

So much so that she had no friends in the magic capital at all.

Not to mention it's almost twelve o'clock in the morning.

Who is ringing the doorbell?

Because Chen Nan was there, she boldly opened the door.

A middle-aged man in his thirties was greeted, and behind him were two burly men with cigarettes in their mouths.

"You are Ms. Ye, right?"

"Hello, my name is Qin Yuan, and I am the new owner of this house."

"I am sorry to inform you that I will not rent this house."

"Give you half an hour to pack your bags." Qin Yuan had an intriguing smile on his face.

Ye Wanzhi's face changed.

She knew when the other party reported home.

The guy named Qin Yuan in front of him must have been sent by Qin Chuan.

After all, Qin Chuan's guy is not a good stubble.

But she was unafraid.

He said angrily: "My landlord is called Wu Peng, and you have no right to kick me out."

Qin Yuan took out his mobile phone and said into the phone: "Mr. Wu, please personally tell Ms. Ye who the owner of this house is!" "

The next moment.

An apologetic voice came from the mobile phone: "Ms. Ye, I have sold the house to Mr. Qin, I'm sorry for this happening."

"But rest assured, I will refund you one year's rent in accordance with the contract, as well as three months' compensation."

"I have transferred the money to your account, please check it!"

Qin Yuan grinned.

Then hung up the phone: "Ms. Ye, you can now pack up your things and get out!"

"Okay, let's get out!"

Ye Wanzhi's face turned pale.

Huffing, he turned back to his room and began to pack his things.

Actually she had a good impression of the landlord.

But this time the thing...

The landlord can't be blamed either.

After all, it is the Qin family that is noble, who dares to be an enemy of them?

"Go back and tell Qin Chuan that I'm disappointed in his means! Of course, he will regret doing what he did today. Chen Nan leaned on the door and silently lit a cigarette.

Qin Yuan looked disdainful: "I'm afraid you don't know the influence of the Qin family in the magic capital, right?"

"Oh, right."

"You don't have to think about going to the hotel later, there is no place for you in the whole magic capital."

Ye Wanzhi is an employee of Warwick Pharmaceutical.

Warwick Group can retrieve her ID card information and convey her ID card information to all hotels and guesthouses in Modu.

In layman's terms, Ye Wanzhi was included in the blacklist.

Chen Nan smiled and nodded: "Good means." "

Prize after prize!" Qin Yuan's face was full of modesty: "That's it." "


Chen Nan would definitely be angry.

But now.

But the heart is very calm.

Even if the Qin family's means are despicable?

Anyway, tomorrow he will negotiate with the Qin family on behalf of Qualcomm.

If nothing else.

Qin Chuan will also be there tomorrow.

I really want to know what he looks like when he sees himself.

The expression on his face should be wonderful, right?

Ye Wanzhi quickly packed up his intimate clothes and daily necessities.

Although there are many things in this home that she has added little by little.

But at the moment, it can't be taken away.

My heart can't help but feel sad.

"Let's go!"

She glanced at it reluctantly, and then Chen Nan left the house where she had lived for more than a year with her suitcase.

"The great magic capital, it seems that there is no place for us." Under the dim street lamp, Chen Nan pushed the suitcase, and Ye Wanzhi sat on the suitcase.

"For me, as long as I have you, I can stay in a five-star hotel." Ye Wanzhi smiled and walked out in the sad mood before.

She didn't lie because she had lived with Chen Nan in Daxing'an Ridge for more than ten days.

Even if you sleep on the streets today, the environment is much better than that of Daxing'anling.

Chen Nan stopped a taxi and went straight to the beach.

Rented a tent there.

The two fell asleep listening to the waves.

The environment is somewhat tough though.

But having fun in hardship is also a great joy in life.

Early the next morning.

The two ate a farmhouse meal by the sea and then left by car.

The purpose is called Aoyamaju.

It is a mid-to-high-end community in the magic capital.

But because he was not the owner of Qingshanju, the security guard stopped the two.

Even if they said they were coming to find relatives, the security guards did not let the two in.

This stumped Chen Nan.

For the first time, I also felt that there were many inconveniences after losing my cultivation.

But he wasn't discouraged either.

According to the intelligence sent by Li Mu.

Liu Mang's wife drives her daughter to early education classes almost every morning at ten o'clock.

The location is not far from the early education center.

So he and Ye Wanzhi left Qingshan House and came to the Red, Yellow and Blue Early Education Center.

The staff of the early education center saw the two appear and greeted them enthusiastically, but Chen Nan said that he was helping relatives to investigate, so he waited here.

10:00 a.m.

A young woman, carrying a limited edition LV bag, holding Porsche car keys in her hand, led a girl who was more than two years old and did not walk very steadily.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

Li Mu sent him a photo of Liu Jingru.

The little girl in front of her is Liu Jingru.


The little girl also noticed Chen Nan, who was sitting in the rest area of the early education center.

Bright eyes shimmered with moving tears.

Her eyes are complicated, with helplessness and bitterness that her peers do not have.

"I'm going to eat ice cream, and I don't go to class without ice cream!" Liu Jingru sat on the ground with her butt and coquettish to her mother to threaten her.

Mother Huang Cancan sighed helplessly: "Little ancestor, obedient, after class, will my mother take you to buy ice cream?"

Liu Jingru muttered a small mouth: "It's not good, I'm going to eat ice cream now!"

"You're an ancestor!" Huang Cancan looked helpless and said, "You go to the toy area to play first, I'll buy ice cream for you, right?" He said and walked towards the cold drink shop across the road.


Liu Jingru also wiped away her tears, stumbled and ran in front of Chen Nan, and her milky words revealed helplessness and bitterness: "Brother, you are finally here."

"You quickly save me, I Xie Qiang was a man in my last life, how should I live when I am reincarnated into a female doll?"

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