"Uncle Xie, can you tell me what happened after I sent you to reincarnation?" Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

Even if this person in front of him is really Xie Qiang.

But she is also a two-year-old girl.

Xie Qiang sighed and said, "When you sent me to reincarnation, I felt as if I had passed through a gate of time and space, and then..." Just entered a warm place.

"It was almost a few months, and then I was born."

"Became a doll girl."

Speaking of this, Xie Qiang almost didn't cry.

He pursed his lips hard, tears rolling in his eyes.

He looked pitiful and helpless.

"You said that if I were to reincarnate into a boy, it would be fine, but the problem is that I am a big man turned into a woman, I can't stand it!"

This moment.

Xie Qiang's tears could no longer be controlled, and tears flowed down his face.

Chen Nan knew.

Xie Qiang's biggest fear of reincarnation as a human being is turning into a woman.

Of course.

In other words, he will also feel fear and unease.

"Uncle Xie, you live in the magic capital first, I will definitely help you figure out what happened, and..." Restore your gender. Chen Nan spoke.

This is not just for Xie Qiang.

There are others.

After all.

He didn't just let Xie Qiang go to reincarnation, he also helped many people to go to reincarnation.

At the beginning, tens of thousands of people were sent to reincarnation in Wuyang City.

There were even Quartet God of War who were sent away by him.


If these people are all reincarnated with memories of past lives.

The consequences are unimaginable.

The harm of this matter is comparable to nuclear weapons!


Huang Cancan, who had gone to buy ice cream, returned.

Seeing her daughter talking to a strange man, she immediately showed her vigilance: "Baby, did your mother tell you not to talk to strangers?" "

Let's go, let's go to class."

Xie Qiang glanced at Chen Nan reluctantly, and reluctantly followed his mother to the early education class.

"Let's go!"

Chen Nan sighed secretly and left the early education center with Ye Wanzhi.


He dialed Li Mu's phone: "You ask people to investigate the number of newborns in the country in half a year since the Wuyang City incident. Have a close investigation to see if there are any abnormalities in those newborns. "

Reincarnation with memories of past lives, which has seriously affected the balance of yin and yang.

For Chen Nan, the seriousness of this matter was extremely terrifying.

"Okay, I'll give you an answer before evening." Li Mu agreed.

He didn't know what was going on.

But Chen Nan's tone was extremely solemn.

He knows.

Chen Nan's side must have encountered something very tricky.

Chen Nan spent the morning listless.

But the afternoon quickly recovered.

He and Ye Wanzhi came to the Warwick Group building.

At this time, the red carpet and rainbow doors had been laid out in front of the Warwick building.

There are also lots of flowers.

In addition, there are banners.

It reads 'Welcome Qualcomm to inspect the assessment'.

All Warwick employees are like the New Year, with big smiles on their faces.

Qualcomm controls the 5G chip.

Since the fight against Warwick in the past two years, it has been on a downward trajectory.

But if the cooperation with Qualcomm can be resumed.

Then Warwick is bound to soar.

Become a world-class mainstream communication company.


Warwick Group attaches great importance to today's negotiations.

I waited for almost ten minutes.

Zhang Wei, Wen Huaiyu and his wife came.

Chen Nan came here to help Zhang Wei and Warwick Group negotiate cooperation.

Four people converge.

Walk towards the office building in Warwick.

"What for?"

The security guard ran over angrily and glared angrily at the four people: "What are you?" Who let you walk the red carpet? What qualifies you to walk the red carpet? "

Go down, go down, don't stain the red carpet."

Wen Huaiyu had a hint of anger on his face: "We came to Warwick Group to discuss cooperation." The

security guard asked haughtily, "Are you Qualcomm?"

Wen Huaiyu: "No.

"No, then walk aside, the red carpet is not for you." Security guards kicked the four off the red carpet.

This move made Zhang Wei and his wife both dissatisfied.

I didn't expect that the people of Warwick Group were so arrogant.

Chen Nan also felt a trace of helplessness in his heart.

It was really like Ye Wanzhi said.

Warwick really started to rot at the root.


It has reached the point where there is almost no cure.

If Old Master Qin had a spirit in the sky and saw the company he had worked so hard to create become like this, he should not be blind, right?


Hello, my name is Zhang Wei, and I made an appointment with President Qin at half past two to discuss cooperation." Coming to the lobby on the first floor of Warwick Building, Zhang Wei said to the reception staff.

The receptionist glanced at the information on the register and made an inviting gesture: "Mr. Zhang, please come with me!" Saying that, he led Chen Nan and the four of them straight to the elevator.

Just as several people entered the elevator, the elevator door was about to close.

A voice came from outside: "Wait! Seeing

that it was Qin Chuan, the reception lady quickly pressed the elevator button, waited for Qin Chuan to step into the elevator, and said hello cordially.

"What a coincidence!"

Qin Chuan looked at Chen Nan and Ye Wanzhi with a smile: "You were living on the streets last night, right?"

Chen Nan was also not angry, and looked at him happily: "Bully us like that, are you very accomplished?"

"It's okay too!" Qin Chuan did not hide his inner pleasure, and then said: "But don't worry, I am a person who has a clear distinction between public and private, and I will definitely not bring personal emotions to work." Saying that, he gave Chen Nan an intriguing smile.


The elevator stops on the 22nd floor.

The receptionist made an inviting gesture to Chen Nan and the others.

Qin Chuan said, "You guys go to the conference room and wait first, we'll be there soon."

Chen Nan ignored him and followed the receptionist to the conference room.

At half-past two.

The current boss of Warwick Group, Qin Zhenggang, brought the secretary, the vice president of the company, and Qin Chuan to the conference room.

Qin Zhenggang is a middle-aged man in his fifties.

Beer belly.

Comb the big back.

He glanced at the time and said lukewarmly: "You guys have twenty minutes to show your products." "

He had received a call from Qualcomm before.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a representative of Qualcomm will come over to discuss cooperation.


They need to go downstairs to welcome the arrival of the Qualcomm mission.

Zhang Wei took out the laptop he carried, linked it to the projector in the conference room, and began to explain his battery: "This is the lithium battery that our company has just developed. "

This battery is ahead of any other battery in the world, supports ultra-fast charging, and can be fully charged in ten minutes."

"With a full charge, the cruising range reaches 2,000 kilometers."

"Moreover, the battery is durable, and it decays by ten percent in ten years."

Qin Zhenggang said: "I know that your battery has caused a lot of shock in the Western world and even in the entire field of new energy."

"Long story short, how much are you going to sell this battery technology for?"

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