Chen Nandao: "I have to let Qin Chuan help me with this matter."

Li Mu frowned: "This matter is not a trivial matter, and it is difficult to verify the authenticity."

"What can Qin Chuan's unlearned and skillless disciple help?"

A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes: "Forcing him to death, I will personally send him to reincarnation."

Li Mu snorted: "Lying groove, do you need to be so ruthless?" Qin Chuan has now been kicked out of the Qin family and become a rat crossing the street, and he has already received the punishment he deserves. "

Isn't it too much for you to force him to death again?"

Chen Nan looked over with a smile: "Or, I'll send you to reincarnation?"

Li Mu cleared his throat and said embarrassedly: "Qin Chuan is a good candidate, although he made mistakes before, but this time he can just make up for it." "

Say it, but Li Mu feels sorry for Qin Chuan.

You said that it is not good for you to offend anyone, but you want to offend Chen Nan.

Do you think being kicked out of the giants is the end?


This is just the beginning.

Chen Nan wants your life!


the other side.

Qin Chuan was like a dog who lost his family, and took a taxi to a high-end residence on the Bund.

He raised a third-tier female star here.

Give her hundreds of thousands every month.

Not only that.

He also bought her a house here and a Maserati sports car.

This time, he just wanted to get back his house and car.

Sell it.

Then leave the magic capital to live.

Although he was once the first lady in the magic capital, he was high and high, and he was the Prince Charming in the hearts of countless young women.


He offended a lot of people.

When he was not kicked out of the Qin family before, others did not dare to touch him.

But now.

He has already been driven out of the Qin family, and those who sinned before will definitely not let him go.


Selling the garage and leaving the magic is the only way.

He already thought about it.

Sold the garage and took Hu Xiaomin to a southern town to live in seclusion.

As long as you save money and use some money, it is not a problem to have no worries about food and clothing in this life.


"Fingerprint recognition error, please try again."

When he came to Hu Xiaomin's house, he was ready to open the fingerprint lock.

There was a cold mechanical sound from the electronic lock.

He tried again.

Still can't turn on the fingerprint lock.

Then enter the password.

"Password is incorrect, please re-enter."

Qin Chuan was furious.

Why did Hu Xiaomin, a woman, change the password and not tell herself?

Right at this moment.

The door was pushed open.

What made Qin Chuan difficult to accept was that the other party turned out to be a handsome young man.

And in big pants, bare-chested.

"Who are you? Why is it here?

Qin Chuan was furious.

This is the love nest of him and Hu Xiaomin.

Usually, only Hu Xiaomin lives alone.

Now there is a young man wearing big pants and shirtless, how is he not angry?

"Hu Xiaomin, you give Lao Tzu death."

He burst into the room angrily.

Just walked into the living room.

A special smell comes to the face.

The smell was familiar.

It is the taste of deoxyribose.

This is a taste that only appears after 'making nucleic acids'!


He saw a pool of water on the sofa.

The head suddenly seemed to blow off.

An unprecedented killing intent surged into his heart.


Hu Xiaomin walked out in the bathroom with a white bath towel: "Brother Yan, who is it..."

The words are not finished.

She saw Qin Chuan with anger on his face, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

But it soon recovered as before.

She walked towards Qi Yan, put her arm around him, raised her head to look at Qin Chuan, and said, "Qin Chuan, I formally propose to you to break up now."

Qin Chuan clenched his fists and his eyes were torn: "Hu Xiaomin, do you know what you are talking about?" Everything you have now, I gave you, but you asked me to break up?

Qi Yan sneered: "Qin Shao may not know something, Xiaomin and I are childhood sweethearts, and she has called me all the living expenses you give her every month."

"Yes, in the two years that you have been dating, the two of us have been secretly dating."

"Usually if you don't come, I will come here."

Speaking of which.

He bowed deeply to Qin Chuan: "Qin Shao, thank you for helping my girlfriend buy a mansion and a luxury car, so that our little two don't have to return to our hometown in the countryside."

His face was full of gratitude.

But in Qin Chuan's view, he was humiliating him and trampling on his dignity.

He never thought that Hu Xiaomin would be dating his boyfriend behind his back.

Is this the main reason for the blackness and looseness?


Hu Xiaomin walked to the coffee table, opened the drawer and took out two hundred and fifty yuan, and threw it to Qin Chuan with a look of disgust: "I heard that Qin Shao was kicked out of the Qin family and is now homeless."

"For the sake of our acquaintance, this money will be given to you, take it and go to dinner."

"Oh, a word of advice for you."

"Don't ask others if you're good or not."

"You've always been weak."

"It's no different from a milkman."

Qin Chuan's face was bloodless.

His eyes revealed endless anger.

The development of things to this point is something he did not expect.

"Baby, what do you mean milkman?" Qi Yan's face was full of curiosity.

Hu Xiaomin looked disgusted: "Send it to the door, knock on the door and let it go." "


Qi Yan laughed directly: "I really didn't expect that Qin Shao, who was high above, would be a milkman."

"I'll kill you slut!"

The anger in Qin Chuan's heart completely erupted.

Directly rushed towards Hu Xiaomin.

For this woman, he spent more than 20 million before and after.

Because this is the woman who has the most heartstrings among all the women he interacts with.

Other women only had a three-day shelf life with him.

But only Hu Xiaomin used a variety of flowers to firmly hold him, so that he willingly bought him a car and a house.

Which Cheng thought, in the end, in exchange for betrayal and humiliation.

"Get out of here!"

Just when Qin Chuan had not yet pounced on Hu Xiaomin.

Qi Yan kicked Qin Chuan to the ground.

Then riding on him, grabbed the clothes at his neckline with one hand, and pumped it directly with the other.

Qin Chuan's face snapped.

Qin Chuan is just a brother whose body has been hollowed out.

It is not Qi Yan's opponent at all.

After beating Qin Chuan's blue nose and swollen face, Qi Yan spat viciously: "The surname Qin, I advise you not to harass Xiaomin again in the future, otherwise Laozi will see you and beat you once!" "

Get out!"

Qin Chuan ran out in horror, and tears of humiliation flowed down the corners of his eyes: "You sluts will not have a good end, one day, you will pay a heavy price!" "

He was running and crying.

But crying and crying laughed.

Especially when coming downstairs.

The sky is covered with dark clouds and the sky is thunderous.

"First abandoned by the family, now cuckolded and betrayed by the beloved woman, what is the difference between my life opportunities and the male protagonist template of the novel?"

Speaking of this, he looked at the firmament: "Cangtian felt the unwillingness in my heart, and wanted to open the golden finger for me and embark on a road of powerhouse who hangs the sky?" "

Turn it on, Goldfinger!"

"I will trample all those who once looked down on me."


A bolt of lightning fell on his head without warning, causing his skin to bloom.

Fall to the ground.

The next moment.

Qin Chuan's soul left his body.

He looked at his body with horror on his face: "Why is this?" Am I dead? "

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