"Heaven's Dao is unfair!"

"Heaven's way is unfair!"

Qin Chuan glared angrily at the sky.

He thought that he could get Goldfinger like the male protagonist in the novel.

And then stomp on those who look down on him.

But I never expected it.

Will be struck by lightning.

Look at the familiar and unfamiliar body.

A strong despair rose in his heart, unwilling.

and hate.

All blame Chen Nan.

If it weren't for him.

Will he be kicked out of the Qin family?

If you are not expelled from the Qin family, will these things happen in front of you?

Just as his body floated in the air.

He clearly saw an off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road with double flashing lights.

If it's just an off-road vehicle, it's just that.

What made him feel incredible.

He saw Chen Nan, who was sitting in the co-pilot.

"Chen Nan, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go!"

Qin Chuan controlled his body to directly penetrate the windshield and instantly appeared in the off-road vehicle.

He grinned.

Full of hideousness.


This expression lasted only for a moment.

Because he felt as if Chen Nan could see him.

His cold, deep eyes, Qin Chuan was terrified when he saw it.

Even if he turns into a ghost.

But I also felt fear and unease.

He asked nervously, "Can you see me?"

Chen Nan: "Hmm!

Qin Chuan swallowed his saliva furiously and let out a hysterical scream: "Why? Why can you see me? Who the hell are you? Why can I see me?

Chen Nan said, "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I can send you to reincarnation." Speaking of this, he spread out his right hand, and a golden light emerged in his palm, transforming into a time-space vortex.

Qin Chuan was stunned.

He could actually send someone to reincarnation?

Oh my God!

What kind of big man did I offend?

Chen Nan's voice slowly sounded: "Although you have done countless evils, you have finally died.

"No matter how many sins you have done in this life."

"After death, the causes and effects of this life have nothing to do with you."

"Death is not the end, but a new beginning."

"I can tell you my cell phone number."

"If you are reincarnated, you can find a way to contact me, and when the time comes, I will give you a chance."

"Make you a strong man."

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched madly on the main driver.

Although he couldn't see Qin Chuan's ghost.

I couldn't hear what Qin Chuan said.

But he could hear Chen Nan's words.

This guy is so shameless.

Obviously he wanted Qin Chuan to help him test whether the reincarnation had a memory.

But it is said so high-sounding.

Qin Chuan burst into tears: "You really repay your grievances with virtue!"

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely repay your kindness as a cow and a horse."

After that, Chen Nan told Qin Chuan his mobile phone number.

Although this guy is a kid who doesn't learn and has no skills, his memory is amazing, and he quickly memorized it backwards.

Chen Nandao: "Remember, after reincarnation, contact me as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!" Qin Chuan bowed deeply to Chen Nan, and then disappeared into the time-space vortex.

Chen Nan closed the human path in the six reincarnations, and his expression was a little complicated: "I really don't want to receive a call from Qin Chuan one day. "

If Qin Chuan really contacted him.

That can mean that all those who go to reincarnate carry memories of their past lives.

This is no small matter.

It will upset the balance of yin and yang.

As for what will happen after the balance of yin and yang is broken, it is impossible to think about it with his pattern.

I can only wait for the green dragon to wake up.

Li Mu asked, "Where to go now?"

"Take me to the hotel."

Before, he received a text message from Ye Wanzhi, and now he went to a five-star hotel.


Li Mu started the car and slowly left under the rainy night.


Chen Nan suddenly spoke.

Li Mu slammed on the brakes and looked at Chen Nan with an unhappy expression: "I said, can you not be surprised?" I'm a little scared of you like this!

Chen Nan's expression was solemn, and he looked into the reversing mirror: "Have you ever felt that a pair of eyes are watching us?"

Li Mu snorted and looked nervously into the rearview mirror.

It rained heavily.

Only rain can be seen falling on the glass behind it.

"I call you big brother, don't scare me, I'm really afraid!" Li Mu's face was full of anxiety, and Chen Nan didn't say anything, but as soon as he said it, he added his solemn expression.

It suddenly made him shudder.

Chen Nan said in a low voice: "Reverse and hit the green belt behind."

Li Mu immediately followed Chen Nan's instructions, hooked up the reverse gear, slammed the accelerator and crashed directly into the green belt behind.


A sharp meow sounded without warning.

On rainy nights with heavy rain, it looks very harsh.

It gives people the feeling of scratching their hearts like a hundred claws.

The next moment.

A tanuki jumped high, followed the bare telephone pole, and climbed to a street lamp more than ten meters high.

It has jet-black hair.

A pair of scarlet eyes stared at Chen Nan and Li Mu deadly.

"What the is this?"

"Is it really an ordinary tanuki?" Li Mu's scalp was numb.

"Is it not a tanuki or a demon?" Chen Nan did not feel any demon qi in this tanuki, so it could be ruled out that this tanuki was a demon beast.


on street lights.

The tanuki let out a meow, then jumped into a large tree five meters away, and soon disappeared.

"Perhaps, it's just an ordinary tanuki." Li Mu could only comfort himself in this way.

Although the world has returned to peace.


He always felt that the world had changed invisibly.

Of course.

The sky fell and Chen Nan was topping.


eight o'clock in the evening.

Chen Nan came to a five-star hotel.

This is Ye Wanzhi's temporary residence.

After all, she has only been in the magic capital for more than a year, and she is not qualified to buy a house.

I plan to transition to a hotel first, and then rent a house to live in.

Because of the rain.

The two did not go out to eat, but had dinner in the hotel's restaurant.

After that, go back to the room.

Just when the two were sticking.

A familiar cat bark sounded.

The sudden cat barking frightened Ye Wanzhi.

After all, they live on the 28th floor.

It's really weird that cats bark here.

Chen Nan also suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the window.

The next moment.

His pupils trembled violently.

The tanuki I met before was hanging outside the window.

The cat's claw grabbed the gap in the window.

"What the hell is this?"

Chen Nan picked up the bath towel and wrapped it around him, and a layer of goosebumps rose on his body.

He thinks he's seen a lot of winds and waves.

But now.

It really feels creepy.

Because I met this tanuki before, it was still near the Bund dozens of miles away.

And at this time.

It came here with itself.

And climbed out the window on the twenty-eighth floor.

Qinglong's weak voice slowly sounded: "It's human!"

Chen Nan exclaimed, "What? It turned out to be a person? "

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