Qinglong said, "To be precise, it was a human in its previous life.

"Wait." Chen Nan hurriedly said, "Do you mean that it took the memories of its past life, reincarnated, and became a cat?"

Qinglong's voice was very vain: "The Heavenly Court has collapsed, and the order is chaotic. "

It's not just the Heavenly Court that is damaged."

"Including the prefectures have also been affected."

"The six reincarnations fall apart and scatter everywhere."

"Because you saved all living beings and gained the power of merit, you were recognized by the human way and mastered the human way."

"Then why can't others master the other five reincarnation paths?"

Chen Nan hurriedly said, "You should have seen the current situation, right?" Many people are reincarnated with memories of their past lives after death, what should I do in this situation?

"Will this affect the balance of yin and yang?"

Qinglong asked rhetorically: "Do you know that your cultivation will be suppressed?"

Chen Nan frowned: "Isn't it because of the gathering of Jiuding?"

Qinglong smiled: "You have defeated the rules of the Heavenly Dao, and you are the lord of the immortal world, even if the Nine Dings gather, it will not affect you."

Chen Nan swallowed his saliva furiously: "So, this is related to those dead people reincarnated with memories of their past lives?"

Qinglong: "Yes!" "

The existence of those people has seriously affected the balance of yin and yang."

"If the balance of yin and yang is not restored as soon as possible, say a hundred more years, the three realms will return to chaos."

"In layman's terms."

"Within a hundred years, the Three Realms will explode!"

A thick layer of goosebumps rose on Chen Nan's body: "Brother Long, don't scare me, is the imbalance between yin and yang really such a serious situation?"

Qinglong sighed lightly: "Chaos first opens, the yang is clear for the sky, the yin is the earth, and this is the yin and yang."

"Yin and yang give birth to the five elements, and the five elements create all things."

"This is an immutable law."

"Now yin and yang are out of balance."

"If the peace of yin and yang cannot be restored, hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the three realms will be wiped out."

"Enjoy this short time."

"This catastrophe, you... Can't stop it! "

Speaking of which.

There was a hint of bitterness in his voice: "I finally understand now why the alien demons invaded the Heavenly Court back then, their purpose was not just to capture the Heavenly Court.

"They want to mess up the yin and yang balance of the three realms."

"This point, even those ancient saints, Dao Ancestor did not expect it, right?"

Qinglong had mixed feelings.

I thought that Chen Nan would be able to rebuild the Heavenly Court.


The purpose of the alien demon is not just to destroy the Heavenly Court.

They want to fundamentally destroy the Three Realms.

And now.

Their goals are on the verge of being achieved.

Even Chen Nan could not change the current situation.

"Is there really no way to stop it?" Chen Nan clenched his fists, his face full of unwillingness.

Billions of sentient beings in the three realms!

As the master of the immortal world.

He couldn't see so many brothers and friends in the immortal world disappearing.

Not to mention the death of relatives, lovers, and children around me.

Qinglong: "You can first open the window, let this tanuki in, find out in whose hands it was reincarnated as a cat, find out who owns the animal road, and then take it back."


Chen Nan tried to calm his emotions, then walked to the window and opened it, revealing a gap.

The tanuki looked wary.

Hesitated for a moment.

Finally got in.

Chen Nan asked, "Did you feel me open reincarnation before?" So, that's why this has been following me? The

tanuki nodded.

Chen Nan said again: "Are you very distressed that you are living in the body of a tanuki cat now?"

The tanuki continued to nod.


There was fierceness in his eyes.

Chen Nandao: "I don't know who let you enter the Beast Dao, but what I have mastered is the Human Dao." If you want to be reincarnated as a human, I can help you.

The tanuki nodded excitedly.

It's fed up with life now.

Instead of being a cat, it is better to die.

Chen Nan said again, "So, I need to destroy the vitality of this body of yours." The

tanuki grinned.

Jump high.

Hit the wall headfirst.

Blood splattered on the spot.

This scene frightened Ye Wanzhi into a scream.

I didn't expect this tanuki to be so ruthless.

Just after the tanuki died.

Chen Nan also saw a middle-aged man in a soul state.

He knelt on the ground and burst into tears: "Please also ask Shangxian to send me to reincarnation."

"Don't cry yet." Chen Nandao: "Tell me the things you encountered, such as who sent you to reincarnation."

"Back to Shangxian, my name is Li Zhenqing, and I was a farmer in my previous life." Li Zhenqing's face was full of pain: "Because I was in a car accident when I was rushing to the gathering, I was rescued in the hospital for three days and could not be rescued."

"Then I turned into a ghost form."

"I thought I was going to go to reincarnation."

"But after wandering in the world for several days, I don't know where to reincarnate."

"At this time, I met a middle-aged man named Fei Yao."

"He said that it was the Yin of Hades who could send me to reincarnation, and that he could also allow me to be born in a large family."

"I believe it."

"Then he opened the door of reincarnation."

"So I became a tanuki."

Chen Nan asked, "Where did you meet Fei Yao?"

"Do you remember what he looked like?"

"Fei Yao I met in Jinmen." Li Zhenqing recalled: "That guy looked like he was in his forties, wearing a white Taoist robe, and his face was particularly dark, just like Bao Qingtian.

"It feels like a Taoist priest who travels the world."

Chen Nan nodded slightly, remembering Fei Yao's appearance in his heart, and then bowed deeply to Li Zhenqing: "Uncle Li, I Chen Nan has never done anything wrong in my life, let alone owed anything to others, but today, I can only say sorry to you."

"Promise you, I'm going to break my word."

"What do you mean?" Li Zhenqing's eyes were full of anger: "Young man, we can't do this, you promised me to send me to reincarnation, why do you have to say nothing?"

Chen Nan: "Yin and Yang are out of balance, the Three Realms are about to return to chaos, and everyone will die at that time." If you are sent to reincarnation, it will speed up the time for the Three Realms to return to Chaos.

"So, I can only owe you."

Speaking of which.

His soul power swept out.

turned into a sword and directly let Li Zhenqing disappear.

"Actually, you don't have to." Qinglong said: "The overall situation has been decided, even if you send him to reincarnation, it will have no effect, it is just one more reborn person in the world."

Chen Nan lost his soul and said, "Although the words are true, they add up to a lot!"

"It is this reborn person with the memories of his past life that will break the balance of yin and yang and cause the three realms to suffer a catastrophe."

After a pause, he said, "Long Ye, I want to give it a shot." "

Give it a fight for my loved ones."

"Fight for billions of sentient beings in the three realms."

Qinglong hesitated for a moment, and his tone became solemn: "There is a way, but the probability of success is not one of them."

"If you fail, you will die directly and you won't even be able to say goodbye to your loved ones."

"Are you sure you still want to fight?"

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