Chen Nan looked at the traffic downstairs.

Look at the city that never sleeps shrouded in neon lights.

A trace of firmness flashed in his eyes: "Immortal Realm Human Emperor battle, do you know why I survived?"

"Do you know why I was born again?"

The green dragon was silent.

At that time, he did not stay in Chen Nan's body, and he did not know what happened to Chen Nan at the beginning.

Chen Nandao: "Run!" "

I've been running, and I've never stopped."

"At first it was dark in front of my eyes."

"Until in the darkness I saw a faint flame in the distance."

"I ran hard."


"Even forgetting the time."

"In the end, I caught that flame and was able to be reborn in Nirvana."

"Have you ever wondered what would happen to me if I stagnated?"

Qinglong's tone was heavy: "I understand what you said, but this time things are different from last time."

"In my opinion, nothing is different." Chen Nan looked at the firmament: "Since stopping in place is death, then I will run, even if it is death, I can face it calmly."

"Yes, at least there will be no regrets."

"Something... The ending matters.

"But something... The process is far more important than the ending. "

He really can't see the world going to ruin.

Willing to contribute their own insignificant strength.

If your own flesh and blood can resist the rotation of the gear of destruction.

Even if he only let this gear stay for a second, he will not hesitate.

"Okay!" Qinglong finally chose to compromise: "Since you want to fight, then I will accompany you crazy once."

"You go to find Fei Yao first and find a way to kill him."

"I'll spend a few days in the city and I'll contact you when I'm ready."

Speaking of which.

Chen Nan clearly felt that the green dragon flew out of his body, and then possessed the tanuki's body.

It meowed and jumped out the window.

The city has a dragon vein.

Able to restore its strength.

"Husband, what happened?" Ye Wanzhi asked cautiously.

Chen Nan came back to his senses: "It's nothing, I have to go to Kyoto tomorrow."

"It's not important, it's not important, come on, let's continue with the unfinished business just now."


Maybe I heard that Chen Nan was leaving tomorrow.

Ye Wanzhi worked extra hard.

He did everything he could to please Chen Nan.


the next day.

After breakfast.

Li Mu drove over, and then the two flew back to Kyoto.

After walking out of the airport.

The two got into a special car sent by the Guardian.

The driver was a young man in his twenties.

After seeing Chen Nan, he was so excited that his face was red and he was incoherent.

After all, this is a great hero who crushed the God of War in all directions.

After the excitement, Xu Hu drove the car out of the airport and said, "Brother Li, I have found the person you asked me to investigate."

"He opened a bar in Houhai called Gugang, which remained open until late at night."

"According to my research, most of the guests entering the isolated port are single men and women, especially female guests."

"It is said that Fei Yao treats female guests very generously and often gives them free."

"Of course, he did it with a purpose."

"As for what purpose, I shouldn't need to say more, right?"

"Because of the limited time, I didn't have a lot of information from my investigation."

"But one thing is obvious, people who have been to the Lonely Harbor Bar have ended their lives in different ways." Speaking of this, Xu Hu's expression was very solemn.

"The police have also investigated the cause of their deaths and suspected that they were related to the Lonely Harbor Bar, but there was no evidence to prove that it was related to Fei Yao."

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

If nothing else.

Fei Yao should have encouraged those who died to die, so as to send them to reincarnation.

After all, sending someone to reincarnation will be rewarded with the power of merit.

It's just that.

His behavior is too frustrating.

Think about it.

The way of the beast belongs to the three evil ways.

What kind of good person can he control the way of the beast?

Xu Hu continued: "The Lonely Harbor Bar is being renovated in the past two days, so Fei Yao is not in the store, and it is said that it will resume business tomorrow night.

"Okay, find some brothers tomorrow night and come with me."

Since business will resume tomorrow, then Chen Nan does not plan to go over today.

Now that he knew it, Fei Yao mastered the animal path.

Then it should be killed directly.

Do not give him the slightest respite.

Today, it is very likely that the grass will startle the snake.

After that, he went to an upscale villa area.

This is where my parents live in Kyoto.

Although the villa is not as large as the Jeju Banshan villa, it is more than 400 square meters.

It adopts a Chinese decoration style, simple and elegant.

In the restaurant.

Chen Shan Jia Cui and his wife, with Chen Xiazhi, Chen Hanlu, and the female emperor, sat with Chen Nian and ate hot pot.

The family gathers together and has a good time.

The scene is very warm.

Chen Nan watched this scene quietly outside the window.

A shallow smile could not help but appear on his face.

I hopefully.

This kind of life can go on forever.

Even without yourself.

They can also live happily together.

Enjoy the fun.

This strengthened his idea of giving it a go.

"Daddy, Daddy is back!"

Daughter Chen Nian saw Chen Nan outside the window and ran out cheerfully.

Chen Nan grinned.

When your daughter arrives, bend down and hold her in your arms and lift her high.

The little girl giggled and giggled.

"Hurry up and wash your hands and eat." Jia Cui walked out, and a happy smile appeared on her face.


Chen Nan raised his hand and put his daughter on his neck, then went to wash his hands and returned to the restaurant.

The Chen family did not ask Chen Nan where he had been in the past twenty days, because they knew that he had his 'faith' to protect.

"Husband, you should take care of your daughter, this girl has been in kindergarten for half a month, and she has cried more than ten children, and the teacher is almost unbearable." The female emperor looked helpless.

Chen Nan was stunned.

Is his own girlfriend so violent?

Chen Nian protested loudly: "Dad, don't listen to your mother, it's not that I deliberately hit those classmates, the main thing is that they don't listen to the teacher."

"What's so scary about going to school, you say?" Crying and crying endlessly, it is clear that it is not beaten! Said and raised his head with an arrogant face.

Chen Nan wanted to cry without tears: "They themselves are resistant to going to kindergarten, if you beat them again, they will definitely reject school even more!"

"Baby well, we are sensible children, don't meet them in general."

"It's not right to beat people, we have to be a good student who obeys the law."

Chen Nan also had a headache.

He has no experience in educating children.

Right at this moment.

A gentle voice came from outside the villa: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Chen Shan's home?"

Chen Shan looked outside.

After seeing the figure outside.

The whole person seemed to have been struck by lightning.

The wine glass in his hand snapped and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.

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