After a brief moment of surprise.

Leng Qingmei suddenly snorted.

It was as if there was a gust of electricity rushing through the body.

Let a layer of goosebumps rise on her body.


She cleared her head.

The eyes are full of incredulity.

"That is."

"The city lord who was killed in the martial arts arena before is just a stand-in."

"The true city lord is still alive."

"Moreover, he had long expected that there would be an assassination today?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"No wonder why the soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion responded so quickly, and they were not in trouble."

"They already knew that someone would be assassinated today!"

"In this way, Chen Nan has unintentionally inserted willows and willows today, and has made a great achievement."

Leng Qingmei knows.

What did it mean to the Leng family to be appreciated by the city lord.

This meant that the Leng family could get the support of the city lord and even become the number one family in Tongcheng.

It's just that.

Is Chen Nan really unintentional insertion?

Think of what was said earlier in the carriage.

She felt hot on her face.

If it weren't for Chen Nan's 'reckless' behavior today.

Can the Leng family gain the appreciation of the city lord and receive an invitation from the city lord?

She knows.

All thanks to Chen Nan.

This made her feel a strong curiosity about Chen Nan in her heart.

Since Chen Nan came back yesterday, his behavior has been unusual and unusual.

Today's martial arts arena is clamoring to avenge the city lord, but it seems that he has seen through all this long ago.

If so.

It's definitely tricky for her.

"I'm cold and quiet, and I'm going to take a path of supremacy."

"Shifang Yanluo is my dream."

"That's why I'm looking for a wasted husband."

"If he does grow up..."

"That would only kill him."

"Men will only become a stumbling block in my path to being strong."

In fact, Leng Qingmei didn't want to become a family.

But before her mother died, she hoped that she could find a good family to entrust her life.

As a last resort.

She will choose a waste without temper to be her husband.

The goal is to be able to control him.

But now.

She gradually realized that Chen Nan did not seem to be as unbearable as she imagined.

There is a faint tendency to get out of control.

She can accept Chen Nan's rise.


She did not allow Chen Nan to be out of her control.

Think of this.

She left the room.

"I remember just buying some ayara satin, right?" She looked at the handmaid Xialan.

Xia Lan replied respectfully, "Yes, Miss."

Leng Qingmei said lightly: "Go and get some and send them to my aunt's residence."

"Let him accompany me to the City Lord's Mansion at night."

"By the way, the monthly routine is raised to twenty taels."

Although it was rude to speak before.

But she didn't think to apologize to Chen Nan.

It's not that she knows it's wrong.

It was Chen Nan who did not deserve to accept her apology.


in the backyard.

Chen Nan wrote the names of more than a dozen medicinal herbs on the paper.

As long as you buy these medicinal herbs.

He was able to soak in medicinal baths and make his body stronger.

It's just that.

He also didn't know how much these medicinal herbs were worth.

He came to the courtyard and asked Song Ziwei, who was in the laundry room: "Ziwei, how much silver do we still have on hand now?"

Song Ziwei showed a vigilant gaze: "Do you want to buy Little H books?" Young master, reading that kind of book hurts your body, and it will wear down your will, you can't sink because of this! Speaking

of this, he already showed a look of hatred that iron is not steel.

Although she called Young Master Chen Nan.

But in her heart, Chen Nan is her only second parent in this world.

The first is Chen Nan's mother.

"Since I have already burned those books, naturally I will not buy them in the future." Chen Nan looked embarrassed: "I want to buy some medicinal herbs." "

Look, look." Song Ziwei shook her head and sighed, her young little face showed helplessness that should not be at this age: "I said before that reading that kind of book will hollow out your body, now believe it?"

"I thought you really burned those books because of your previous mistakes, but I didn't expect that you hollowed out your body because of intemperance."


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

He was tempted to explain something.

But there is no justification.

This kind of thing can't always be verified by Song Ziwei, right?

Although Song Ziwei will definitely not mind, she will even be eager to cooperate.


It is still worth acknowledging that the host rabbit does not eat the grass on the edge of the nest.

Even if the host has done a lot of craftsmanship.

But he never wanted to move Song Ziwei.

"Aunt, can I come in?"

Summer's respectful voice came from the doorway.

Chen Nan turned his head to look.

The three maids of Xialan, Qiuzhu, and Dongju were carrying fine silk satin.

And twenty taels of silver appeared in the doorway.

Chen Nan had not yet spoken.

Seeing Song Ziwei quickly got up, and rubbed her wet hands on the clothes on her body twice, and said kindly: "Three sisters, please come in." "

It's a little money junkie!

Treat money as your life.

Directly accepted those silk satins, as well as twenty taels of silver.

Then he caressed those silk satins, and his eyes were full of joy.

After all, she had never seen such good material.

"What does that mean?" Chen Nan sat casually on the recliner in the courtyard, teasing a canary in the cage.

The host is poor.

But suddenly after becoming a wealthy young master in Tongcheng, he couldn't help but swell a little.

I heard that raising birds can look tasteful, so I have been raising birds.

Tease birds during the day.

Read a book at night and tease the birds.

Xia Lan said respectfully: "The young lady said that these silk satins were given to you to make clothes.

"And these twenty taels of silver are your monthly routines."

Song Ziwei asked excitedly, "Has my young master's monthly routine risen to twenty taels?" Sharan

: "Yes.

"Tell your young lady, I will accompany her to the City Lord's Mansion in the evening." Chen Nan teased the bird, coiled the walnut, and looked like a light cloud.

Xia Lan, Qiu Zhu, and Dong Ju were all taken aback.

How did he know that the young lady wanted him to accompany him to the City Lord's Mansion at night?

Could it be that he is not a prophet?


The eyes of the three looked at this waste changed significantly.

It's like looking at a superior person in the world.

"Then Aunt, you rest first, let's go back first." The three turned and left, all the way talking about why Chen Nan had changed so much.

In fact, Chen Nan also wants to keep a low profile.

Pretend not to know anything.


Does a high-profile life need to pretend to be low-key?

Because of this, he would say what happened to let him go to the city lord's mansion at night.

This was something he expected.

Because the City Lord's Mansion would definitely invite him and Leng Qingmei to the City Lord's Mansion.

After all, only the couple came forward today.

When Leng Qingmei received the invitation from the City Lord's Mansion, she naturally knew the purpose of her coming forward.

Two pieces of silk, and twenty-two months are when she shows favor to herself.

"Obviously there is a mistake, but she does not admit it, and she thinks of herself as a noble woman!"

"Wait, one day Xiaoye will let you kneel in front of me to confess your mistake and beg for mercy." A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

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