Chen Nan withdrew the thought with color in his mind and looked at Song Ziwei: "Ziwei, how many silver taels do we still have in our hands?"

Song Ziwei subconsciously held the twenty taels of silver in her arms, and her eyes were full of helplessness: "Young Master, please, don't read those books anymore, okay?"

"I want to buy medicine." Chen Nan wanted to cry without tears: "If you don't believe it, you can follow me to the pharmacy."

Song Ziwei hesitated.

In the end, he agreed to follow Chen Nan to the pharmacy.

Since the young master is empty.

Then find a way to make it back.

"Young Master wait for me first, I'll dry my clothes and we'll go buy medicine." Song Ziwei said, and then dried the clothes on the drying rack.


Xia Lan, Qiu Zhu, and Dong Ju also returned to the deserted courtyard.

He told Leng Qingmei what happened to Chen Nan.

"As I guessed, Chen Nan's 'reckless' behavior today is actually to help my Leng family."


"He's too high-profile."

"I shouldn't have said before Xia Lan opened his mouth that I wanted him to accompany me to the City Lord's Mansion."

"Just after the easy break, you need to knock and knock."


herb store.

The staff said politely: "This son, the small medicinal herb shop you want has it, but all the medicinal herbs add up, and the cost is about one hundred taels of silver."

"A hundred taels or so?" That's too expensive, right? Chen Nan's face was full of surprise.

This is also the cost of soaking in a medicated bath.

If soaking in the medicated bath every day.

Then the expense is too big.

Of course.

It's a little too far away to think about it.

At least he couldn't afford to buy medicinal herbs for soaking in medicinal baths now.

Song Ziwei asked cautiously, "Young Master, are these medicinal materials really important to you?"

Chen Nan nodded solemnly.

The host's physical body is too weak, and it needs to lay a good foundation to cultivate the Yin Harvesting Technique.

This is directly related to whether he can stand in this world.

It is related to whether he can become a yin and enter the eighteenth level of hell to meet the Houtu Niangniang.

It is related to the lives of trillions of living beings in the three realms.

To put it bluntly.

This prescription is comparable to the fulcrum that lifts the earth.

Song Ziwei took a deep breath: "Since this prescription is so important to the young master, then buy it!" "


"Do we have that much money?" Chen Nan looked at her incredulously.

In his memory.

Every month of eleven taels, the host will take out more than half to buy books.

Even if Song Ziwei eats frugally and is very good at living, she does not save much money.

One hundred taels of silver is by no means astronomical for them.

Song Ziwei took out a gold bracelet in her arms: "I went to visit my wife a few days ago, and she specially gave me this gold bracelet, hoping that you can use it in an emergency, at least you don't have to open your mouth to the Leng family."

Looking at the familiar gold bracelet in front of him, an unprecedented warm current rose in Chen Nan's heart.

For the first time in his life, he experienced the taste of maternal love.

I felt the feeling of being hung in my mother's heart.

The child is worried.

Even though she became the aunt of the Leng family, her mother gave her the most precious gold bracelet on her body.


fact, Chen Nan has felt the taste of maternal love.

Although Jia Cui is not his biological mother.

But I have always loved him.


Blood affection is something that Jia Cui can't make up for in any way.

Recall the birth mother on Earth.

Look at the biological mother of this body today.

Chen Nan's mood was complicated.

I'm thankful.

There is such a mother in the underworld.

This makes up for the regret that he has not felt maternal love in his life.

"Put the bracelet away, actually, this medicine is not so important to me." Chen Nan needed these medicinal herbs, but he could not buy them with his mother's gold bracelet.

Perhaps the host will be excited to see this object when it is not dead, and even sell it to squander it.


He must not do this.

Because that's the most important thing for a mother.

It is a relic that her grandmother gave her before she died!

"Young Master, didn't you say that these medicinal herbs are very important?" Song Ziwei followed Chen Nan's footsteps, her eyes full of curiosity.

Chen Nan looked at the sun above his head, and a shallow smile appeared on his face: "Even if it is important, how can it be compared to his mother's bracelet?" "

This moment.

Song Ziwei felt that the changes in the young master were very obvious.


But it is developing on the bright side.

Chen Nan really wanted to go to the Chen family to visit the host's mother.

Of course.

Also his mother.

Self-play fuses the memory of the host.

The host's seven emotions and six desires, love and hatred do not affect him all the time.

They have long been indistinguishable from each other.

It's just...

The host is too much of a thing.

With a daughter-in-law, she forgot her mother, and she didn't make her mother angry before.

Therefore, Chen Nan had no face to see his mother.

He has to grow up and become good enough.

And then appear in front of the mother.

Chen Nandao: "Ziwei, you go buy some pastries that your mother likes, and visit her old man's house for me."

"Tell her that the young master has already developed his skills and will become excellent."

"When I am reborn and become famous, I will go to her old man's house to ask for peace!"

Song Ziwei burst into tears: "Young Master, in fact, Madame just wants you to spend every day happily, and everything else is not important." An

inexplicable pain came from Chen Nan's heart.

He thought of the birth mother on Earth.

Just because he didn't have the talent for cultivation, he resolutely abandoned it.

And the birth mother here just wants to be happy.

Some things can't be compared.

Some people can't compare.

"Although she doesn't care if I have a chance, I also want to become better and not lose her face!" Chen Nan smiled and walked towards the Leng family.

On the way back, Chen Nan was thinking about how to make money.

In fact, it is still easy to make money.

As long as he becomes a cultivator, with his previous alchemy, he can completely refine elixirs and earn a lot of money in a short period of time.

But now.

Becoming a monk stumped him.

He had no start-up capital at all.

I don't know what to do to accumulate funds for the purchase of medicinal herbs in a short period of time.

Just when he was in a hurry.

A shout came from a book stall in the distance: "Walk by, don't miss it, Master Lan's latest masterpiece, birds into the phoenix's nest are listed."

"You can have it at the first price of three taels of silver, and you also give away beautiful signed illustrations, there are not many places, so you can buy it quickly!"

Chen Nan subconsciously stopped.

I looked at the bookstalls that were surrounded by water.

Master Lan used to be the idol of the host.

He is a well-known writer in Tongcheng.

The works are all exciting and have a lot of skill.

Someone once said that if you want to go to the Qinglou to play for the best value, you must first read Master Lan's books.

Although the host did not want to go to the green building.

But to see Master Lan's works is to learn technology, so that one day I can use it on Leng Qingmei.

Watching so many people rush to buy Master Lan's birds into the phoenix nest.

Chen Nan moved.

A plan to make a fortune came to mind.

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