Hearing Chen Nan ask like this.

The middle-aged man grinned: "I, Zhao Wu, like to talk to smart people like Gongzi, you are right, the internal quota is indeed not cheap."

"Twenty taels of silver, but it allows you to publish a book half a year in advance."

"If your work is attractive, you can easily earn it back."

Chen Nan: "Fifteen taels of silver is more expensive than the normal procedures!" "

Fifteen taels of silver doesn't seem like much.

But it's an ordinary person's year's expense.


He also didn't want to spend so much more.

Although Song Ziwei did not say how much money he had in his hand, he knew that at best, it was more than twenty taels.

If you spend 20 taels of silver to buy a place to publish a book, what should you do if you encounter other places that spend money?

Zhao Wudao: "Anyway, the market price is like this, if you are too expensive, then wait for next year!"

"However, next year's places will also have to be queued, in order of first served."

"If that's the case, it won't necessarily be your turn."

Chen Nan frowned.

This is a threat in disguise.


The proverb in the Yang is right, the king of Yan is good, but the little ghost is difficult.

He just wanted to make money by publishing books.

But I didn't expect to be stuck by a clerk.

"Young man, I'll tell you clearly." Zhao Wu lost patience and said, "Although you only need to pay five taels of silver to apply for an issue number for publishing a book, but now in this market, you can't get the issue number at a public price."

"If you want to get the issue number, you need at least twenty taels of silver."

Chen Nan: "You guys can be regarded as disrupting the normal market situation, you can be regarded as filling your own pockets, right?"

Zhao Wu sneered: "Even if we are like this, what can you do to us?"

"I can't even get twenty taels of silver, and I still want to publish a book?"

"Poor ghosts whose hearts are higher than the sky, roll, hurry up!"

Chen Nan sighed and said, "Otherwise, let's not have twenty taels of silver, let's each take a step back, ten taels of silver, you give me a number, right?" "

Although it cost five taels of silver.

But if the matter can be solved.

That's fine.

It's better than going directly to the City Lord's Mansion to find Yuan Zun, or Tian Bo, right?

Although Tian Bo said when he left yesterday, he could find him for anything.

But he always felt that he was looking for Tian Bo because of this little thing, and he had the feeling of an anti-aircraft gun hitting mosquitoes.

Zhao Wu smiled playfully: "What if Lao Tzu doesn't take a step back?"

Chen Nan also smiled: "Don't hide from you, in fact, there are people above me." "


Zhao Wu shot up and glared at Chen Nan angrily: "How many meanings?" You're threatening Lao Tzu, aren't you? If you had someone, why would you come here to apply for an issue number?

"Also, what if there are people?"

"Why do you think we dare to disrupt the market?"

"Do you think the extra fifteen taels of silver all went into my pocket?"

"Roll on!"

"If you don't get out, Lao Tzu will let people blast you out now."

Chen Nan said, "I know Lord City Lord.

Zhao Wu laughed amusedly: "Stupid, do we have a city lord in the city?"

"Okay, then that's the case." Chen Nan said: "I said everything anyway, don't blame me for not reminding you when the disaster comes." Said and turned away.

He had not planned to use his relationship with Yuan Zun.

But now it seems.

That's it.

If you can't get an issue number, you can't publish it at all.

It's just that.

Use your relationships at the least cost.

Rush to the door, even if you look for Tian Bo.

It will also appear that he is very incompetent.

He needs to be silent and let him understand what he means.

Then take the initiative to solve the matter for yourself.

Just as he wandered down the street.

Suddenly, I saw a carriage from the City Lord's Mansion parked in a restaurant.

Then Tian Bo walked out and was supported and walked in.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

I immediately followed.


A big man like Tian Bo could not eat on the first floor, but went to a single room upstairs.

He was also in no hurry, and sat casually in the position at the door.

Ordered two side dishes.

A jug of wine.

Drank for almost an hour.

Tian Bo walked out with a red face under the support of several middle-aged people.

What a coincidence.

He saw Chen Nan, who was sitting at the door drinking alone.

Then he turned to the few people behind him: "Everyone, go back first."

The middle-aged men who looked like rich businessmen didn't say much, and got up and left with a few pleasantries.

Tian Bo, on the other hand, sat happily next to Chen Nan: "How could Young Master Chen drink alone here?" I look at your face, it looks like something unpleasant has happened!

"Yo, Tian Bo is also dining in this restaurant!" Chen Nanle said hello and said with a smile: "Could it be that Cheng Tian Bo knows physiognomy?"

Tian Bo also smiled: "In front of Young Master Chen, who dares to say that he is proficient in phase art?"

As soon as the words changed, Tian Bo asked cautiously: "It just so happens that the old man hasn't eaten well just now, or shall we go upstairs?"

"Good." Chen Nan agreed.

In Tian Bo's words, he could feel that Tian Bo should know that he had shown Yuan Zun's face.

At this time, he invited himself upstairs for a while, afraid that he had something to ask him.

For him, this is an opportunity.

As long as you open your mouth and beg me first, then I can say my things.

In this way, the two are not owed.

Tian Bo asked people to prepare a private room, and served a few signature dishes in the restaurant, as well as a good wine.

After two cups.

Tian Bo said straight to the point: "Young Master Chen is a smart person, and he won't hide it when he is old." I heard that Young Master Chen was very accomplished in physiognomy, and Old Immortal wanted Young Master Chen to help me see my future. "

Tian Bo is the steward of the previous city lord.

Although the previous city lord died violently.

But once the Son of Heaven and one courtier.

Yuan Zun will definitely cultivate his own power after taking office.


For this matter.

Yuan Zun did not say a word, still entrusted him with a heavy task.

This made him very unconfident in his heart, and he couldn't understand what Yuan Zun was thinking.

So I want Chen Nan to help him guide him.

Chen Nandao: "There is a haze above Tian Bomeige, but this does not originate from you.

"This haze comes from the Yamen of Tongcheng."

"So, Tian Bo understands, right?"

Chen Nan didn't like this implicit way of speaking.

But fortune tellers!

Can't say it too bluntly, you need to let the other party understand it yourself!

Only in this way can you appear unfathomable!

"As long as this haze is leveled, Tian Bo will definitely soar." Chen Nan said as he picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine, and said, "Tian Bo, on the side of Widow Liu of Dongcheng, it is best to break off contact as soon as possible!" The

words came out.

Tian Bo's heart trembled.

If he questioned Chen Nan before.

Then the matter of Widow Liu of Dongcheng hit the nail on the head.

Because only he knows about it.

Chen Nan was able to say this, and he was obviously a real master.

"Young Master Chen's words will be taken to heart." Tian Bo said seriously, and asked puzzled: "I saw Young Master Chen drinking alone just now, dare to ask, but what happened?"

"I wonder if the old age can serve you?"

Chen Nan almost burst out laughing.

I'm waiting for your words!

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