
But Chen Nan still looked very embarrassed.

"Thanks to Tian Bo for caring, it's actually not a big deal." Chen Nan laughed awkwardly.

Tian Bo said, "Young Master Chen, don't be so polite between you and me. If there is something to say, but it doesn't hurt to say, if you really encounter any problems, the old age can help.

"Even if you really can't help, there is Yuan City Lord!"

Chen Nan hesitated and said, "Don't hide Tian Bo, I want to come up with a book."

"That's a good thing!" Tian Bo smiled and said, "If Young Master Chen publishes a book, Old Immortal would like to be your first reader." "

He investigated Chen Nan.

Senior book lovers.


From the reader to the author, his book should be guaranteed.

Chen Nan took the wine jug to refill his glass, with a hint of helplessness in his tone: "However, the issue number is stuck here."

"Originally, five taels of silver could be registered and applied for an issue number."

"But now it's twenty taels."

Speaking of this, he said angrily: "Tian Bo, do you say that we seem to lack those twenty taels? Tian

Bo: "Young Master Chen is naturally not short of twenty taels of silver.

"Yes, twenty taels of silver, it's not much at all." Chen Nan raised his head sharply and poured the wine in the cup into the mask: "I can't get used to the attitude of the county official."

"The law of the imperial court clearly states that it only takes five taels of silver to apply for an issue number."

"Why did they ask for twenty taels of silver?"

"Whose pocket did the extra fifteen taels of silver fall into?"

Tian Bo was speechless.

Because he knew.

And part of the money fell into his pocket.

Chen Nan continued: "If we say that entering the county treasury, it is used for the military supplies of the soldiers, it is used to maintain the city wall, and it is used for the common people, Mo said twenty taels of silver, even if it is two hundred taels of silver, I will not frown.

"But the extra fifteen taels of silver clearly fell into the pocket of the individual."

"I don't like their self-enrichment."

"To say that a little dot is to fill your pockets."

"If it is serious, it is a violation of the laws of the imperial court, which is a violation of the law by knowing the law!"

"The most serious thing is that the other party has no one in sight, and even if I fill my own pockets, what kind of posture can you put me, I don't put the laws of the imperial court in my eyes at all."

"Tian Bo, do you say this is not angry?"

Tian Boyi said in a positive manner: "Don't worry, Young Master Chen, the old man will definitely ask for an explanation for you, and promise to get you a few issue numbers."

"Also, in the future, there is such a trivial matter to directly let people contact Lao Immortal, and Lao Immortal will let you get it done, why do you need to run it yourself?"

Tian Bo was embarrassed.

If the money hadn't fallen into his pocket, it would have been fine.

The point is that he also got some profit.

Chen Nan's words just now were tantamount to an invisible slap on his face.

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "I think of this little thing, why should I alarm your old man?"

Tian Bo also smiled bitterly.

It's really not a big deal.

But you slapped the old man hard!


Chen Nan was right.

Yamen is indeed a miasma.

It's time to put things right.

If only Yuan Zun City Lord found out about this and ordered rectification.

That was a terrible thing for him.

The two then parted ways.

Tian Bo came to the county office for the first time.

As the steward of the city lord's mansion.

The red man in front of the city lord.

His status in Tongcheng was second only to Yuan Zun.

Watch him coming.

The officials and civil servants of the county came to salute one after another.

"You come in with me!"

Tian Bo glared at Zhao Wu expressionlessly.

Zhao Wu followed Tian Bo into a room with an uneasy face.

And then.

What awaited him was a violent beating.

Tian Bo grabbed the bench and smashed it fiercely.

Zhao Wu was terrified, holding his head and not daring to make the slightest sound.

Until Tian Bo was tired.

Only then did he stop breathlessly.

He looked at Zhao Wu, who was convulsing on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Did you offend a person who came to apply for an issue before?" "

Hear that.

Zhao Wu's scalp was numb.

How did Tian Bo know about this?

Could it be that the young man knew Tian Bo?

Tian Bo said angrily: "I told you before, no matter what you do, you must be more restrained, at least know how to observe words. But you are so good that you brazenly asked him for twenty taels of silver.

"Do you know who that person is?"

"If you want to die, don't burden Lao Tzu!"

Tian Bo was very glad to meet Chen Nan in the restaurant today.

If he tells the city lord what happened today.

If the city lord pursues the matter.

At that time, he will also be blamed.

It will definitely be affected.

"The villain is guilty, the villain is guilty!"

Zhao Wu crawled on the ground and shivered in fear.

He originally thought that Chen Nan was pretending.

Especially the phrase 'there is someone above me' made him feel disdainful.

If there are really people, why did you come here to apply for an issue number?

It turns out.

There are really people above him.

And still big shots.

Otherwise, Tian Bo would not have come because of this, and he would have been furious.

I won't say that I want to die and don't involve Lao Tzu...

Tian Bo said coldly: "Prepare a few issuels, send them to the Leng family, and apologize to Young Master Chen in person, otherwise Laozi will break your dog's leg!"

"Yes, yes, the villain is going!"


the other side.

Chen Nan visited five book stalls in Tongcheng.

Without exception.

Because Master Lan's latest masterpiece has just been released, every book stall gathers Master Lan's fans.

Among these people, he also saw many familiar faces.

Because they were all fans of Master Lan, they had also lined up to buy Master Lan's portfolio.

This does not.

Chen Nan just appeared.

Someone smiled and said hello.

Chen Nan responded with a smile, and then walked towards the Leng family.



A hurried sound of horses' hooves came from behind him.

A sense of crisis surged into my heart.

Don't wait for him to dodge.

There was a violent collision from behind, directly knocking his whole person out several meters away.

A mouthful of blood spat out of his mouth.

It feels like all my internal organs have shifted.

Then an angry scolding came: "Dog, don't you have long eyes when you walk?"

Chen Nan looked at the other party with a fierce face.

I saw Liang Jianzheng riding on a tall horse and looking at him angrily.

Liang Jian's face was full of shock, as if he didn't expect to bump into Chen Nan, he quickly dismounted, and said with concern: "Ouch, Young Master Chen, why are you?"

"Blame me for me, I shouldn't have ridden so fast, or I wouldn't have been able to run into you."

"How are you? Is there something wrong? Would you like to send you to see Langzhong? "

Young Master Toliang's blessing can't die yet." Chen Nanqiang smiled, his face was extremely haggard.

He knows.

Today's event is no accident.

Liang Jian must have deliberately ridden into him.

After all.

The host was killed before that Liang Jian secretly did a ghost.

It's just that.

He didn't expect the other party to hurt him so blatantly.

Little than cubs!

Before the old hatred could be liquidated, you actually added a new hatred?

I really thought that Xiaoye was a soft persimmon???

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