"You can't die." Liang Jian breathed a sigh of relief: "If you are hit and killed, Miss Leng will be widow, and I really don't know how to explain to her at that time."

Chen Nan stood up weakly: "Young Master Liang, give you a piece of advice, you will control your speed when riding in the future." "

When the street is galloping on horseback, if there is really a fatality, it will alarm the government."

A burst of anger rose in Liang Jian's heart: "The guy who doesn't have a face, call you Chen Gongzi, do you really think that you have become the son of the Chen family?"

"Mo said that Xiao Ye didn't hit you today, even if he killed you?"

"What about alarming the government?"

"At best, lose some silver!"

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "People are doing, the sky is watching, beware of retribution!" Saying that, he walked weakly, covered his chest and disappeared into the street in embarrassment.


Liang Jian spat viciously, and his eyes gradually became fierce: "I really didn't expect this waste's life to be so hard, and he didn't hit and kill him!"

"Still, someday I'm going to kill him."


"Young Master, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Chen Nan's pale face, he covered his chest and returned home.

Song Ziwei was completely panicked, and her eyes were full of anxiety.


Chen Nan bent down and spat out a mouthful of bruised blood, and said weakly: "When I came back, I was hit by Liang Jian's horse, the problem is not big, and I can't die." Saying that, he lay on the ground and gasped.

A hideous smile gradually appeared on his face.

What a scum!

This body is too scum!

Even the intensity of one ten-thousandth of the yang can not be reached!

He never thought about it.

Like the master of his own immortal world, he would be hit by a horse and spit out blood.

If this body has one-ten-thousandth the strength of the previous physical body, how can it be him who is injured today?

Liang Jian and his mount would definitely be shattered the moment they collided with him.


This also strengthened his idea of making money to buy medicinal herbs for medicinal baths.

The host is too weak and insecure.

Only super strength can make him stand in this world.


Miss, I just saw my aunt come back, and he was seriously injured." Xia Lan came to the deserted room and reported Chen Nan's situation to her.

Leng Qingmei in cultivation slowly opened her eyes: "Why is my aunt injured?"

Xia Lan said truthfully: "I heard that I was hit by Young Master Liang Jian on horseback on the street.

A cold light flashed in Leng Qingmei's eyes: "This Liang Jian deceived people too much, and he actually murdered my Leng family's son-in-law again and again."

She knew that Chen Nan had gone out of the city to look for Chi Lizi before and had encountered an accident and almost died.

I also know that it was Liang Jian who led Chen Nan out of the city.

Xia Lan couldn't help but say, "Miss, do you want to knock on the Liang family?"

"No need!" Leng Qingmei snorted coldly: "The reason why my Leng family recruited Chen Nan as a son-in-law is that he can maintain the dignity of my Leng family like a man at a critical moment."

"Now that he has been injured by someone, if we come forward to beat the Liang family, won't we admit that my Leng family has recruited a deposed son-in-law?"

Sharan didn't make a sound.

The main thing is not knowing what to say.

Because everyone knows that the Leng family has found a wasted son-in-law.

Of course.

She also understood the idea of cold and flattering.

As long as the Leng family doesn't admit that they have found a wasted son-in-law, even if you say cool words, what can you do?

It's like if you're embarrassed as long as I'm not embarrassed.

"Send some healing herbs over, and closely monitor my aunt's movements." Leng Qingmei said lightly.

Change to before.

She definitely thought that Chen Nan would swallow this evil breath.

But now.

She had a premonition.

This time, the Liang family will definitely be unlucky.

With the wisdom and strategy that Chen Nan had shown before, he would definitely not swallow these two evil breaths.

After ------

took the medicinal herbs sent by the cold and beautiful people.

Chen Nan obviously felt that the dizziness had disappeared a lot.


If you want to fully recover from the injury, it will take half a month, or even longer.


Just as Chen Nan was lying on the recliner in the courtyard to rest, a subordinate of the Leng family came to the backyard and said a little impatiently: "Aunt, there is a county official outside asking for a meeting.

Chen Nan coiled the walnut, looked at the setting sun, and looked half-dead lying flat: "Bring him over!" "

A moment later.

Zhao Wu came to the backyard.

After seeing Chen Nan, he hurriedly saluted: "The villain Zhao Wu, he offended Young Master Chen before, and asked Young Master Chen to do more."

"What, I specially applied for ten issue issues for you at my own expense, and I hope you can laugh!"

Zhao Wu had some flesh pain.


He did not dare to disobey Tian Bo's words.

At his own expense, he applied for ten issue numbers for Chen Nan, and he should have broken his wealth and saved himself from disasters.

"Put things down, you go!" Chen Nan said weakly, but he was still in a good mood.

Ten issue numbers are equivalent to ten books.

The manuscript fees earned from these ten books can fully make him grow.

"Yes, the villain will quit first." Zhao Wu turned to leave, not daring to stay for a moment.

Zhao Wu's front foot just left.

Song Ziwei walked out with a pen, ink and paper, and she asked with concern: "Young Master, how do you feel now?" Can I continue to rush the draft? "


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood, and he looked at Song Ziwei without tears: "Young Master, I'm already injured, can you let me rest and rest?" "


This injury is not a bad thing for him either.

He can take the opportunity to take a good rest.

After all, he couldn't remember how long he hadn't been lying flat like he was today.

Song Ziwei said: "You misunderstood me, I didn't think of forcing you to rush the draft, I mean..." If you're not feeling well right now, you can dictate the story and I'll ghostwrite it for you.

"In this way, you did not contribute, and the story did not fall."

"How nice it is to kill two birds with one stone!"

Chen Nan subconsciously swallowed his saliva and looked at her with dull eyes: "Can I dictate this kind of story, can you ghostwrite?" You're not pure fooling around! "

The story behind is exciting.

He was afraid that Song Ziwei would not be able to bear it, and then directly dealt with him.

After all, he has no chicken power now.


To be precise, there is no chicken to help!


at the same time.

The county magistrate posted a notice.

Seeing the content on the notice, the people of Tongcheng exploded!

There were cheers.

The content of the announcement was simple, the city lord who was killed yesterday was Yuan Zun's stand-in.

And his Buddha-figure is still alive, so he just wants to bring out the remnants of the anti-heavenly religion.

Of course.

Exempt from taxes, title deeds are still counted.

The people of the five major families were stunned when they heard this!

They suddenly realized.

I missed a godsend.

A chance to get closer to the new city lord!

They were all a little envious of the Leng family.

At that time, he also stood up to defend the city lord, shouting to avenge the city lord.

You don't have to think about it.

They will definitely be appreciated by the new city lord.

"In other words, that waste of Chen Nan is destined to be appreciated by the new city lord?" Liang Jian's scalp felt numb after learning this, and he directly sat down on the ground: "If he told the city lord about today's events, wouldn't my Liang family be finished?" "

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