Although Liang Jian is a gentleman.

But this time it can also be clearly seen that in the future, the Leng family will definitely be appreciated by the new city lord.

After all, after the city lord's stand-in was killed, only the Leng family came forward.

It is difficult for this kind of person to not be appreciated by the new city lord.

Of course.

It was not so much that the Leng family would be appreciated by the new city lord, but rather Chen Nan.

After all, if it weren't for him, Leng Qingmei wouldn't necessarily rush out.


a fucking licking dog!

Not only licking cold and charming.

And also lick the new city lord.

Liang Jian looked down on Chen Nan.

I never put him in my eyes.

But one thing is obvious.

This time he licked the place.

Lick just right.

If they knew that the man who was killed yesterday was a stand-in for the new city lord, they would lick it too.


Popsicles are sweetest only in the first bite.

Thinking of what he did to Chen Nan before.

Liang Jian only felt a thick layer of cold sweat rising on his body.

A sense of foreboding arose.

"What's wrong with you?" Liang Jian's father, Liang Dongfang, the head of the Liang family, saw his son's abnormality and asked with concern.

Liang Jian told his father about his target for Chen Nan.

Liang Dongfang's face changed sharply after hearing this.

Before, he would definitely not have intervened in this matter.

A wasted son-in-law.

Even if they die, what can the Leng family do?

Chen Nan must have been appreciated by the new city lord.

If you want to move the Liang home.

As long as he said in front of the new city lord that the Liang family was not, the new city lord might destroy the Liang family.

A new broom sweeps clean.

They had to guard against that.

Liang Jian said nervously, "Father, I'm not worried that Chen Nan's waste will dare to destroy us.

"After all, he has always been a bitch, a waste, even the subordinates of the Leng family do not put him in their eyes.

"You can imagine that he has no blood or temper at all.

"What I'm really worried about is that if City Lord Yuan learns of the grudge between me and him, he will most likely use this matter to make a big fuss. "

Yuan Zun parachuted into Tongcheng and became the lord of Tongcheng City.

For him.

Many people feel strange.

I don't know what kind of character he is.

That's why they are terrified.

Liang Dongfang sighed lightly, his eyes full of distress: "Son, if you want to solve the danger of our Liang family's extermination, I am afraid that I will have to be wronged and wronged you." "


Leng family's backyard.

"Young Master, it's time to eat!" Song

Ziwei's voice made Chen Nan open his sleepy eyes.

I saw Song Ziwei appearing in front of her with a bowl of chicken soup.

Here and now.

It made Chen Nan think of the famous scene in the Water Margin.

Pan Jinlian came to Wu Dalang with the medicine: Da Lang, it's time to take the medicine.

Of course.

He is not Wu Dalang.

Song Ziwei is also not Pan Jinlian.

"I'll just do it myself. He moved his body with some difficulty, although he liked to lie flat and turn into a white horse when applauding for love.

But apart from that, he didn't like anyone else to do it for him.

Just when Chen Nan was drinking chicken soup.

Leng Qingmei walked in with Liang Dongfang, as well as Liang Jian, who was beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face, and two servants carrying boxes.

Leng Qingmei said, "Husband, Patriarch Liang learned about your injury, and specially brought Liang Gongzi to the door to apologize.

Liang Dongfang looked at Chen Nan, who was half-dead on the recliner, and his face was full of shame: "Young Master Chen, it was Liang who taught his son without a way, which caused today's events."

"I have already beaten this unfilial son severely, and asked people to prepare some healing herbs and supplements, be careful, and I hope you must accept it."

Chen Nan stood up in horror: "Patriarch Liang is serious, serious." I'm just a cheap life, as Liang Gongzi said before, even if I hit and die?" "

Why do you have to come to the door yourself, this is really a torment for juniors!"

Hearing Chen Nan's words.

The faces of Liang Dongfang and Liang Jianye suddenly turned green.

A few meanings

? It's not enough to go to the door to apologize

? Do you have to let me beat my son in public before you can be relieved?

This moment.

Liang Dongfang suddenly realized that this wasteman did not seem to be as incompetent as he imagined.

His thoughts at this time alone were clear.

He was furious.

Because he didn't expect to be pinched by a junior.


But he did not dare to be angry.

The more fearless Chen Nan was, the more it showed that he was favored by the new city lord.

Otherwise, even if he lent him a hundred guts, he would not dare to say so much in front of him.

Think of this.

He shouted fiercely: "You are a scumbag, don't you kneel in front of Young Master Chen to make amends?"

Liang Jian's eyes were full of humiliation.

It's just a matter of beating one by one.

Let him kneel before a waste.

And in front of the cold and flattering.

It was more painful than killing him.


Both father and son were pinched by Chen Nan.

What could he do?

Kneeling in front of Chen Nan with a humiliated face.

The clenched fists revealed the killing intent in his heart.

"Young Master Chen, it's me Liang who teaches someone who has no way, don't worry, when I go back, I will definitely discipline him strictly and let him know his mistakes. Liang Dongfang said righteously.

But saw Chen Nan angrily looking at Song Ziwei behind him: "What are you

whispering?" ???

Song Ziwei looked confused.

Young Master, Young Master,

when did I mutter?

Don't you wrong

? Everyone else was stunned.

Am I


, why didn't I hear anything?

Without waiting for everyone to come to their senses, Chen Nan said indignantly: "Patriarch Liang has already come to the door with gifts to apologize, and Liang Gongzi has even knelt in front of me."

"But you say that their attitude of admitting their mistakes is not sincere enough

?" "How many meanings?" "

Do you have to let Patriarch Liang hit Liang Gongzi's face before you are willing to give up?" Everyone almost didn't

spew out a mouthful of old blood.

It's really shameless old mother who opened the door to Shameless, and Shameless arrived home.

Even if this maid just said something, it is impossible to say so much, right?

Song Ziwei was about to cry.

The young master became more and more shameless.

"Young Master Chen doesn't need to be angry, your maid is right, but it's too insincere to come to the door to apologize!" Liang Dongfang smiled and slapped his son in the face.

The crisp slap sound frightened everyone.

A wisp of blood instantly appeared at the corner of Liang Jian's mouth.

His eyes were dull.

The head is buzzing.


Of course.

Liang Dongfang also had a solemn face.

I don't know what happened, he actually vented all his dissatisfaction with Chen Nan on his son.

Just when he raised his slap and wanted to slap a second one.

A large hand held his wrist.

Turn your head and look.

Chen Nan came into view.

Liang Dongfang thought that Chen Nan wanted to dissuade himself.

But I didn't think about it.

This guy actually took off his shoes and sent them to him, with a distressed look: "Use this, at least your hands won't hurt!"

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