Song Ziwei followed Chen Nan and left the Leng family, and couldn't help but say, "Young Master, don't we go to visit Madame first?"

Chen Nan's mother did not marry into the Chen family.

Therefore, he is not qualified to live in the Chen family's mansion.

Now he lives in a small courtyard in the West Side.

"Mother's side can't go first.

It's not that Chen Nan doesn't want to visit his mother.

He can't wait to put in his wings and fly over now.


The murderer of the anti-Heaven Sect assassin Yuan Zun ran.

He has to be careful.

The other person cannot be let know that the mother lives alone.

In case the other party wants to retaliate.

Doesn't this give

the enemy an opportunity, although he does not know whether the enemy will retaliate.

But it's always right to be cautious.

"Tell me what happened after you met your mother. Chen Nan's face was expressionless, and the whole person released a cold breath that no one should enter.

Song Ziwei felt a little uncomfortable.

For the first time in her sixteen years of memory, she had felt this anger and chill in the young master.

Song Ziwei said, "After I went to Madame's residence, I saw the eldest lady's maid Yuhong.

"At first I didn't think much of it, thinking she was going to deliver something.

"But when I went in, I found that the doctor had scratched scars on his face and bruises on his arms.

"After asking, I learned that it was left by the big grandmother when she fought for Madame's gold bracelet. "

Yesterday she went to visit Mrs. Wang Mengqing.

And returned Madame's gold bracelet to her.

But not long after she walked on her front foot.

The eldest grandmother, that is, Chen Bohan's right wife Guan Yanyue, went there.

In fact, Mrs. Wang Mengqing can enter the life of the Chen family.

Even if there is no marriage ceremony.

But at the moment when Chen Nan returned to the Chen family to recognize his ancestors and return to the sect.

The Chen family had already acquiesced to the identity of Mrs. Wang Mengqing.


Guan Yanyue in the main room is different from Wang Mengqing entering the Chen family at all.

Chen Bohan is also a wife and strict management.

So let people arrange a house for Wang Mengqing in Xicheng.

But that's it.

Guan Yanyue also did not like the existence of Wang Mengqing.

For more than a year, as long as he was in a bad mood, he would go to Wang Mengqing.

Humiliated her in every way, withheld her monthly routine, and vented all the unhappiness in her heart on her.

Just yesterday, when Guan Yanyue came to the door, he saw Wang Mengqing's gold bracelet.

Immediately, I had a bad thought.

Thirteen taels of gold bracelets were not a small amount for her.

If you do something else, even if the other party curses Wang Mengqing, he will not resist.

But the gold bracelet was a relic given to her by her mother.

She naturally refused to give it to the other party.

Fight with each other.

But it was no match for Guan Yanyue and her two maids.

Not only injured.

Even the gold bracelet was snatched away.

And also let the maid Hongyu stay there to prevent Wang Mengqing's dog from jumping off the wall to report to the official.

This does not.

In the morning, Song Ziwei went to Wang Mengqing.

After seeing her injured, Hong Yu tore up with her.

She wanted to beat her head and begged for mercy to prevent her from reporting to the officials.

It's just that Song Ziwei escaped.

After learning what happened.

Chen Nan's killing intent boiled in his heart.

Guan Yanyue has never put their mother and son in her eyes.

He Cheng wanted to snatch his grandmother's relics this time, and even made a move on his mother.

This vengeance is not a son of man!

Chen Nan also figured out one thing.

Why didn't the Chen family go to the Leng family to show favor to him like the Liang family.

Because they are weak-hearted, they

dare not let themselves know the truth!


stop and go.

It took almost forty minutes.

Chen Nan came to Chen Mansion with a gloomy face.

As a family of one of the six wealthy families in Tongcheng, the Chen Mansion covers a vast area, and there are two lifelike stone lions at the door.

In addition, there were six nursing homes standing at the door with indifferent faces.

Saw Chen Nan appear.

A nursing home directly blocked his way, and said expressionlessly: "Young master, you shouldn't go here, you should go through

the back door!" "I'll go to your mother's back door!" Chen Nan was furious, and kicked him back several steps.

Change to before.

He must have gone through the back door.

Even if he recognized his ancestors and returned to the Chen family.

But he has always been a laughing stock in the Chen family.

I didn't dare to enter at the main entrance.

But now.

The soul of this body is no longer what it used to be.

The guard was kicked dumbfounded.

In the past, when Chen Nan saw them, he only promised.

But at this time.

But his eyes were full of anger.

This made them uneasy and did not even dare to stop it.

Just as Chen Nan entered the Chen Mansion.

An emaciated figure approached, his face a little haggard, and his eyes radiated a playful smile: "My brother, have you forgotten what I said?" "

You only deserve to go through the back door, or drill a dog hole!"


His name is Chen Fan.

Chen Bohan's eldest son.

When Chen Nan came back, he took a few servants and beat Chen Nan fiercely.

And warned him that he could only go through the back door in the future.

Or drill a dog hole.

"Chen Fan, do you think I'm still afraid of you?" Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent.

He and Guan Yanyue's mother and son are not good things.

"Why, do you think that you have become the son-in-law of the Leng family, so you don't put me as a big brother in your eyes?" Chen Fan did not hide his inner disdain: "In fact, you know better than everyone that you are just a dog raised by Leng Qingmei."

"Even if I hit your dog, will she turn her face with

me, who is a big brother?" Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "If I am a dog, then what are you

?" Chen Fan said angrily: "Give the face something that is not a face, who borrows your dog to dare to contradict me?"

The two well-trained servants behind Chen Fan rubbed their fists and walked towards Chen Nan with a sinister smile.



An angry shout rang out.

Chen Bohan wore a black brocade robe and walked over expressionlessly.

Seeing the patriarch appear, Chen Fan's two servants quickly retreated to the side.

Seeing this, Chen Fan directly sued Chen Nan: "Father, this guy has no one in his eyes because he has become the son-in-law of the Leng family, and he doesn't put me, who is a big brother, in his eyes." "

And he also entered through the main entrance, ignoring my Chen family's rules, and he must be taught a lesson!" he

was filled with anger, his eyes full of anger.

I can't wait to peel Chen Nan to the bones.

His hostility towards Chen Nan came from the fact that when his mother was pregnant with him, his father went outside to find Wang Mengqing, and he hung out with her for a while, and then had Chen Nan.

Secondly, Chen Nan is more handsome than him.

Than he is healthy.

Yes, he suffers from a congenital disease that is very difficult in winter.

Therefore, he often wondered why he, the son of the Chen family, would be inferior to an illegitimate son?

Chen Bohan's indifferent voice sounded: "He is your half-brother

!" "It's my Chen Bohan's son!" "It's my Chen family's


"Why can't he enter through the

main gate?" Chen Fan said nervously: "Father, you personally ordered him not to go through the main gate."

Chen Bohan snorted heavily: "Then I will allow him to go through the main gate now, what are your opinions?"

Chen Fan's face was full of incredulity.

Why does my father pay so much attention to this waste?

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