Chen Fan had a sense of foreboding.

Father somehow had this change in this waste.

Definitely an extremely bad thing for him.

It made him can't help but think.

Chen Bohan had a bright smile on his face, and put his arm around Chen Nan's shoulder: "You haven't eaten lunch yet, right?

He originally wanted to make a few dishes that Chen Nan liked to eat.


He suddenly remembered.

I don't know what this guy likes to eat.

He used laughter to hide his embarrassment: "Tell your father what you like to eat, and your father will let the cook make it."

This was the first time Chen Nan saw a smile on his face.


, to be precise, it should be the first time to laugh at yourself.

In the memory of the host.

Chen Bohan has always disliked him.

But now he greets him with a smile and even asks what he likes to eat.

The reason for this is nothing more than seeing the value in yourself.

Chen Fan watched the two of them go away in a daze.

A series of question marks appeared in my mind.

Can anyone tell me.

Why is my father so enthusiastic about this waste?"

"Young Master, I heard that Lord City Lord is still alive, and the person who was killed before is a substitute for Lord City Lord. A servant named Chen Fifteen beside Chen Fan spoke.

Chen Fan's face changed suddenly.

Although he is a sick man, he is not stupid at all.

Lord Yuan was assassinated when he took office, and everyone fled in panic.

Only Chen Nan rushed towards the gangster with the bench.

And shouted to avenge the lord of the city.

Maybe he did this with a twitch in his head.

But one thing is obvious.

This move will definitely be favored by Yuan Zun.

This moment.

He suddenly realized why his father valued this waste so much.

Don't think about it.

He quickly followed.

Gotta apologize to this waste.

Otherwise, this waste will definitely find trouble for itself.


came to the drawing room.

Chen Bohan asked the maid to prepare tea, pastries, and fruits.

Completely regarded Chen Nan as a distinguished guest, shushing Han and asking warmly: "Son, why did you come back today?

Chen Nan asked calmly: "Father doesn't know why I came back?" Chen Bohan frowned: "I don't know!" Chen


heart rose with a burst of disdain.

This old thing is actually pretending to be crazy and selling stupidity.

Since you want to pretend to be crazy and stupid, then I'll see how long you can pretend.

Chen Nan said, "Ziwei was beaten.

Chen Bohan looked at Song Ziwei, and after seeing the scars on her face, he immediately became furious: "Who is so bold that he dares to hit

your maid?" "He hit not your maid, but the face of the Leng family, and the face of our Chen family!"

"Son, tell the father, who hit your maid."

"The Father will surely get justice for you."

Chen Nan: "The maid of the eldest lady, Hong Yu."

Chen Bohan said angrily: "Come, go and bring that mean girl over

!" "Yes!" The

two subordinates went directly towards the backyard.


Chen Fan also rushed over, and he said indignantly: "Father, Hongyu's girl is favored by her mother and often bullies the subordinates in the house. "

It's just a matter of bullying others, and now you actually bully Chen Nan's maid, you definitely can't be spared."

Chen Bohan's eyes flashed with a hint of relief.

The son seemed to know what happened to Chen Nan.

Helping him talk at this time is exactly what he wants to see.

Because he doesn't know either.

Once the two brothers completely turn their faces, who will they favor.

Although he did not regard Chen Nan as a son in his heart.


However, he had to be afraid that Chen Nan was favored by Yuan Zun's city lord.

Chen Fan bowed to Chen Nan and said apologetically: "Brother, you also know that my brother is in a bad body, and he may die one day, so he can't control his temper many times."

"Here, my brother solemnly apologizes to you, and I hope that you will not see the same as my brother, a sick man."

Chen Bohan sighed and said, "It's really no wonder that your brother is sick and can't control his emotions, and many times even I dare to scold."

Chen Nan looked like he suddenly realized, and then asked with a puzzled face: "Being seriously ill can be an excuse to humiliate others?" "

Can it offset all the mistakes he has made?"

"When you go to court to confront you, do you also use this rhetoric to ask the victim's family for forgiveness?"

Chen Bohan's father and son were suddenly speechless.

It seems that I didn't expect this waste to ask such sharp questions.

"When I first returned to the Chen family, you led two of your evil slaves to beat me. Chen Nan picked up a bunch of grapes and ate them: "If you want me to forgive you, it's easy, let the two of them beat you, at least for a week and not be able to get out of bed." "

Chen Nan before had a weak personality.

But now Chen Nan is a person who has a vengeance and will be revenged.

Just a few words of apology.

It was

just a painless sorry, how could there be a relief?

"Son, your brother is sick, he can't stand any toss!" Chen Bohan said with a smile: "If I don't let people break the hands and feet of those two evil slaves, how about you let your brother go?"

Chen Nan ate the grapes without speaking.

Apparently not satisfied with this answer.

"Chen Nan, I advise you not to go too far. Chen Fan was enraged, but then he saw Chen Bohan's admonishing eyes, signaling him not to mess around.

Chen Fan's heart was so angry

, he didn't expect this guy to be so arrogant after gaining power!

Taking a deep breath, he forced a smile: "Since my brother said so, then do as you say!" said and looked at the two frightened and trembling slaves outside the door.

"What the are you doing stupidly?"

"Do it!" How

exciting he had ordered to beat Chen Nan before, how embarrassed he was at this time.

The two slaves did not dare to disobey, forcibly endured the anxiety in their hearts, and pressed Chen Fan to the ground and beat him.

Chen Fan screamed bitterly.

He wanted to scold his mother.

These two slaves showed no mercy at all.

Now when I hit him, I have some personal emotions in it.

Just when Chen Fan was beaten and twitched on the ground, the corners of his mouth spilled blood.

Chen Bohan looked at Chen Nan: "Son, is it okay now?" Chen Nan

nodded slightly: "Okay, but these two evil slaves must also be punished, and their hands must be broken."

Chen Bohan waved his big hand: "Pull it out and destroy the limbs of these two people." "

The old man spares his life, the old man spares his life ~~~"

The two evil slaves were begging for mercy when they were carried out, but Chen Bohan didn't pay attention to it at all.

Guan Yan Yue's personal maid, the red jade with a terrified face was brought over by two subordinates.

Chen Bohan's face was full of chills: "Who borrowed your dog gall, and dared to hit the young master's maid?"

An indifferent voice with arrogance sounded: "Don't say that you beat a maid, even if you hit Wang Mengqing, what can you do?"

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