Hear your wife's voice.

Chen Bohan's face showed a hint of panic and unease.

I didn't expect my wife to come.

He even spoke wildly.

This brainless woman, do you think things are not messy enough?

A chill flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

This slut finally appeared.


Let's do the math.

The next moment.

A middle-aged woman wearing a dark blue robe, with a gorgeous face and a rich face, walked in.

She wears gold and silver, and has a lot of precious jewelry on her body.

Among them was my mother's gold bracelet.

Seeing her pale-faced son who was beaten, Guan Yanyue could no longer calm down, and screamed like a shrew: "Which one hurt my son with a thousand knives

?" "Old man, your son has been beaten like this, don't you ask him for justice

?" "Son, are you all right?"

"Don't scare your mother!" Chen

Fan said a little weakly: "Mother, I'm fine."

"Old man, what's going on?" Guan Yanyue noticed Chen Nan, her face full of anger: "Also, why did this mongrel appear in the Chen family's banquet hall?


Enough!" Chen Bohan shouted with a straight face: "You take a bite of a mongrel, a mouthful of a mongrel, this is endless?"

"His name is Chen Nan, and my blood flows in his body.

"When did he become

a mongrel?" "If he is a mongrel, then what is Chen Fan?" This

time it was not he who deliberately showed favor to Chen Nan.

Because he couldn't get used to Guan Yanyue for a long time.

Of course.

I can't get used to Guan Yanyue, mainly because she calls Chen Nan a mongrel.

It's just that I didn't dare to turn my face with her before.

But now Chen Nan is not what he used to be, and he doesn't mind risking kneeling on the washboard at night to bump into his wife.


Chen Fan, who was picked up, whispered in his mother's ear about Chen Nan's current villain.

After Guan Yanyue heard this, the whole person was directly stunned.

This guy actually got the favor of the City Lord's Mansion,

this is really shit luck!"

I heard that the eldest lady snatched my mother's gold bracelet.

"And it hurt my mother."

"I came back today to ask her for an explanation." Chen Nan said unhurriedly, with a playful smile in his eyes.

Chen Bohan's face was full of anger: "Guan Yanyue, Guan Yanyue, you really disappointed me so much."

"You are my Chen Bohan's wife.

"It's the grandmother of the Chen family, every word and deed represents the face of my Chen family."

"How can you snatch Mengqing's gold bracelet

?" "I give you thousands of taels of silver every month, isn't this silver enough for you to spend?"

he roared hoarsely, his eyes full of disappointment and anger.


His acting skills are too clumsy.

Chen Nan could fully see that Chen Bohan knew about this.


If you want to think about your mother.

Let the mother have a righteous name.

He had to pretend he didn't know anything.

If he and Chen Bohan completely tear their faces, they will definitely not be worth the loss.

"I didn't snatch her gold bracelet, I just borrowed it to wear for a few days. Guan Yanyue's eyes dodged, and there was a hint of uneasiness in her voice.

"Borrow?" Chen Nan laughed angrily: "Since it is borrowed, then why did you beat my mother with your two maids? Guan Yanyue, do you really think that I am a fool and will believe your words?" Guan

Yanyue was furious: "Little rabbit cub, you better be respectful in front of me."

"I am the main room of the Chen family, how can I allow you a junior to call him by his first name?"

"Shut up!" Chen Bohan shouted angrily and said, "Quickly return that gold bracelet to Mengqing, and apologize to her in person to fight for her forgiveness."

Guan Yanyue said a little impatiently: "I will return the gold bracelet to her and apologize to her." Although

she dislikes Wang Mengqing very much.

But there is a good saying.

Mother and child are expensive.

Now Chen Nan did not dare to offend easily, then she could only choose to apologize.

"This is not enough!"

Chen Nan's voice sounded: "You must break the hands of Hong Yu and Red Peach." The

words came out.

The faces of the two maids behind Guan Yanyue changed suddenly.

Their eyes were full of unease.

Although they beat Wang Mengqing.

But it was the intention of the eldest lady.

Guan Yanyue forcibly endured the anger in her heart and forced her face to laugh: "Chen Nan, these two have been with me for many years, you give me a face..."

The words are not finished.

Chen Bohan said in a low voice: "These two subordinates must be punished for committing crimes, break their hands, and drive out the Chen family as punishment!"

Guan Yanyue's face turned completely green.

These two maids were with her when she married into the Chen family.

He has been with her for more than twenty years.

Although he is a master and servant, his feelings are very deep.

"Madame, we

can't bear you!" The

two maids were directly escorted out.

The anger in Guan Yanyue's heart instantly exploded: "Chen Bohan, are you excessive?" "

Even if Hong Yu and Red Peach are guilty, they won't break their hands and drive out of the Chen family."

"I tell you, if you really want to break their arms and drive them out of the Chen family, then this old lady will not wait!"

The subordinates in charge of escorting the two maids away all stopped in unison.

Although Chen Bohan is the head of the Chen family.

But everyone knew that he was a strict wife.

Now the eldest lady is angry.


expected Chen Bohan to have a gloomy face: "If you don't want to stay in this house, you can pack up and get out now." "

He has long acquired his wife's strong, arrogant personality.

It's just that I didn't have the guts to resist before.

Now it's hard to seize an opportunity.

Say anything and give her some color and see.

Even if she finds trouble for herself afterwards.

It can also be said that it is to calm the anger in Chen Nan's heart and for the future of the entire Chen family.

Sure enough.

Guan Yanyue's whole person was directly stunned.

Tears of anger and grievance flashed in his eyes.

Since marrying into the Chen family, she has not suffered this kind of sacking gas today.


It's more about nervousness and restlessness.

Because this is the first time Chen Bohan is angry with her.

She also didn't know what terrible things this man would do after jumping off the wall.

"Take them down!" Chen Bohan roared angrily at the subordinates.

Although he didn't want to break the hands of these two maidens, he didn't want to drive them out of the Chen family.

But he knows.

If he didn't do this, Chen Nan would definitely not give up.

He didn't even let go of Chen Fan, the eldest brother.

How could he let go of the two maids who beat his mother?

A moment later,

two heart-rending screams came from outside.

After hearing this, Chen Bohan showed a sycophantic smile on his face: "Son, those two maids have already received the punishment they deserve, now the anger in your heart should be vented, right?" Chen

Nan looked indifferent: "Although those two maids paid the price, the eldest lady is the culprit!"

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