Guan Yanyue was furious: "Little rabbit cub, you actually want to punish the

old lady?" "Give you face, right?" "

Your mother is a slut, and the old lady can beat her if she wants to be in a bad mood."

"I didn't just hit her yesterday. "

I've played many times before.

"What can you do to me?"

Chen Bohan resisted the urge to hit people, thinking that his wife was too reckless to say such things at this time.

In his opinion.

Although Chen Nan proposed to punish her severely.

But no matter what, she is the big grandmother of the Chen family.

A few words of her own father, she said a few more words of softness.

Then go to Xicheng to apologize to Wang Mengqing in person, and take her back to the Chen family.

That's over.



woman is really stupid

! "Mother, you can say less!" Chen

Fan also noticed that his mother had said the wrong thing.

Guan Yanyue snorted coldly, and said impatiently: "I am willing to go to your mother, apologize to her in person, and take her back to the Chen family to live."

"That's not enough!"

Chen Nan said in a startling manner: "It's very simple to get me to forgive you.

"From now on, let my mother become a long house, and you become a concubine." Everyone


Obviously, he didn't expect Chen Nan to have such great ambitions.

Don't say Chen Bohan's family of three.

Even Song Ziwei's eyes widened.

Did the young master eat the bear heart leopard gall,

he actually wanted to abolish Guan Yanyue's identity as the long house and let his wife become the long house of the Chen family?

She couldn't help but think.

Did the young master hurt his head yesterday?

Guan Yan smiled angrily: "Little rabbit cub, ambition is not small!"

"I am the eldest house that Chen Jiaming is marrying.

"Just by virtue of your mother's slut from the countryside, what qualifications does she have to become Mrs

. Chen Bohan said in a low voice: "Yan Yue, you put your mouth clean, although Mengqing has not entered the Chen family, she is also my woman." There

was a sentence he was embarrassed to say.

If Wang Mengqing hadn't given birth to a son to him, Chen Leng and his family would not have married.

It won't be what it is today.

Guan Yanyue looked at Chen Bohan angrily: "The surname Chen, what do you mean, you bent your elbows out, right?

Hit the nail on the head.

Get to the heart of the matter.

As Madame said.

This guy is indeed a trash.

Will City Lord Yuan really fancy him this waste?

Then it's worth it to whisper yourself and ask for everything.

If Yuan City Lord looked down on him at all, this waste.

Wouldn't you have lost yourself?

The housekeeper of the Chen Mansion ran in in a panic, panting and said, "Sir, the steward Tian of the City Lord's Mansion came to visit, and he is waiting at the door at the moment!" Chen

Bohan was furious: "Old thing, why don't you invite a big man like Tian Bo directly when he comes? "

Although I don't know why Tian Bo came.

But for Chen Bohan, Tian Bo can come to give the Chen family face.

trotted all the way to the door.

Chen Bohan also met Tian Bo.

"Tian Bo is not welcome to come here, please come inside!" Chen Bohan warmly invited.


Tian Bo saw Chen Nan behind Chen Bohan, and greeted him with a smile

: "Yo, Chen Gongzi is also there!" Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "Tian Bo, what are you talking about, this itself is my family, why can't I be there

?" Chen Bohan's eyes widened: "Son,

did you speak to Tian Bo like this?" Tian Bo also glared and said angrily: "Old thing, did you talk to Chen Gongzi like this?"

Chen Bohan was put in order.

Can anyone tell me what happened

? This is my

son! Is there anything wrong with me saying that he is a sinner?


I scolded him because I couldn't get used to his disrespect for you!

Guan Yanyue and Chen Fan's mother and son were also confused.

I don't know what happened.

Tian Bo looked indifferent: "Patriarch Chen, tell you the truth." "

Old Immortal came to the door today, all because of Young Master Chen's face.

"If it weren't for the fact that City Lord Yuan liked Young Master Chen, do you think the old immortal would come to your Chen family?"

he did not hide the disdain in his heart.

Because he knows.

Chen Nan was not welcomed in the Chen family.

I want to take the opportunity to help Chen Nan export evil qi.

Of course.

This is not just because Chen Nan is favored by Yuan Zun.

The main thing is that after he ordered the rectification of the black smoke miasma yesterday, Yuan Zun gave him an order.

Rectify the evil tendencies of the Yamen.

When he said that it was already after rectification.

Yuan Zun showed a relieved look.

Although only one good was said.

But Tian Bo knew.

He had truly been recognized by the City Lord of Yuan Zun.


Guan Yanyue's scalp was numb.

Did Chen Nan pour soul soup into Lord Yuan Cheng with this waste?

A sense of foreboding arose.

Chen Bohan's eyes were full of shock.

Unexpectedly, Tian Boden's door was actually because of Chen Nan's waste.

Unexpectedly, he really got the appreciation of Yuan City Lord.

Tian Bo's eyes were indifferent: "Do you know what Old Immortal's visit to the door means for the future pattern of the entire Tongcheng


After Yuan Zun took office, no one had seen him at all.

Now he sent Tian Bo to the Chen family, which is to send a signal to the outside world.

A signal to make good friends with the Chen family.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for

the Chen family! As long as it can be grasped,

the Chen family will definitely be able to soar into the sky and dominate the entire Tongcheng economy.

Become the number one family in Tongcheng

!" "The opportunity is fleeting, not everyone can grasp it!" Tian Bo said unhurriedly: "Since I am here, I hope that Patriarch Chen can seize the opportunity."

"Don't live up to City Lord Yuan's expectations of your

Chen family!" Chen Bohan hurriedly said, "What Tian Bo said is very true, please tell City Lord Yuan, my Chen family will definitely not let his old man down."

As soon as his words changed, he warmly invited: "What, now that it's time for dinner, it just so happens that my Chen family's lunch is almost ready, or let's talk while eating?"

Tian Bo did not answer him.

Instead, he looked at Chen Nan with inquiring eyes.

Chen Bohan's heart trembled.

He knows.

Can the Chen family get Yuan Zun's support.

The decision is in Chen Nan's hands.

Chen Nan sneered: "I naturally hope that the Chen family will prosper."


"The eldest lady snatched my mother's gold bracelet and humiliated my mother.

"You don't even give an explanation, how can you have the face to ask for anything else

?" "And this kind of thing?" Tian Bo's face was full of anger: "Patriarch Chen, I can tell you very responsibly, if you don't give Chen Gongzi and his mother justice, Hugh wants to get the support of the city lord!"

Chen Bohan said in horror: "Tian Bo is angry, I will deprive Guan Yanyue of the identity of the main room, and let Mengqing become the main room of my Chen family." Guan

Yanyue sat directly on the ground

, her eyes were full of sluggishness,


is this happening? Isn't Chen Nan's waste just standing up for

City Lord Yuan? Why is it worthy of City Lord Yuan's treatment like this?

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