Tian Bo is gone.

Chen Nan also left.

If it weren't for the sake of seeking justice for my mother.

He definitely wouldn't come to Chen's house.

"Chen Bohan. Guan Yanyue burst into tears, her face full of anger and pain: "Have you forgotten who made you the current patriarch of

the Chen family?" "If it weren't for you and me becoming married, could you become the head of the Chen family?"

"Let that slut be the main room."

"What about your conscience

?" "Have you been eaten by a dog

?" "You just watched me fall down, otherwise how dare you degrade me to a concubine?"


The Guan family was originally a big family in Guangling Prefecture.

Guan Yanyue is the pearl in the palm of the Guan family.

Because of admiration for Chen Bohan's talent, as well as his appearance.

She married him despite the family's dissuasion.

Then he helped Chen Bohan become the head of the Chen family.


Three years ago.

The backers behind the Guan family fell.

The Guan family also declined.

In Guan Yanyue's opinion.

If the backers behind the Guan family had not fallen, even if he lent Chen Bohan a hundred dog galls, he would not dare to degrade himself as a concubine and let Wang Mengqing, the slut, become the main room.

Chen Bohan was embarrassed and angry: "Everything I did was to revitalize the Chen family, why did I do this

?" Guan Yanyue gritted her teeth and said, "Then you married me to revitalize the Chen family?"



He needs to hold a wedding first and bring Wang Mengqing to the Chen family.

But Chen Nan refused the matter.

Just bring your mother back first.

As for the wedding, it doesn't matter.


after returning to the Leng family.

Chen Nan spent an afternoon completing one-third of Teacher Bai's content.

Tired, his wrists hurt faintly.

"According to the current word count and plot, the first two should be more than enough. "

The fiction of this world is very different from the earth.

Even among Master Lan's many works, the largest number of words is only more than 30,000 words.

This falls far short of the standard for publishing a book.

But why can you publish a book?

Master Lan is not stupid.

The number of words is not enough, illustration to make up.


Is it really good to have

illustrations, even though the illustrations are beautiful and even the details are in place.

It can be seen from the perspective of Chen Nan, a Yang person.

There are illustrations that seem good.

But it limits the reader's imagination.

A really good story doesn't need to be illustrated with illustrations, it just adds to it.

Far from letting the readers' fathers imagine it.

That's the greatest joy of reading!

And one more thing.

Master Lan's works are all a book with one protagonist and one story.

But Chen Nan plans to serialize Teacher Bai's story.

Similar to short stories and long stories.

He didn't know if this model would work, but he was confident in Mr. Bai's story.

"Young Master, it's time to take medicine. "

Song Ziwei is wearing a light pink long dress, blue silk hanging down, although her appearance is a little immature, but she is a proper beauty embryo.

She gave the soup medicine to Chen Nan, and then couldn't wait to pick up the story written by Chen Nan and flip through it.

His face instantly turned red into a peach: "Hard young master, after writing so many stories, you should be very uncomfortable, right?" "

Are you sure you don't need help

?" Chen Nan choked and coughed violently: "If I let you help, what is the difference between that and the beast?"

Chen Nan looked puzzled: "What are you muttering in a low voice? can't you be louder?" Song

Ziwei snorted softly and left with the story written by Chen Nan.

"What a crime!"

let out a soft sigh from Chen Nan.

If he could, he didn't want Song Ziwei to be his first reader.


the next day.

After eating, drink the soup medicine.

Chen Nan left the Leng family with the story he wrote before.

After these two days of recuperation, his injuries were significantly better.

As long as you don't do strenuous exercise, you generally don't feel the slightest abnormality.

But if the movement fluctuates too much, the chest cavity is still dull pain.

There are three printing houses in Tongcheng.

His purpose this time is to find a printing house and print the story for sale.


came to the Wu's printing house.

It was the smallest of the three printing houses and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

The reason for coming here is simple.

Wu's printing house is about to close, and I can better negotiate terms with them.

After all, the other two printers don't pay attention to new authors at all.

Even if you cooperate with them, the profit distribution will be outrageously high.


Wu's Printing House is easier to talk to.

When he came to Wu's printing factory, he explained his intentions to the staff.

Then was taken to a tasteful room.

There is also an incense burner in the quaint room.

The fine aroma burns inside, which makes people feel calm.

I waited for almost ten minutes.

A beautiful woman in her thirties, plump and wearing a purple long dress came into Chen Nan's eyes.

Her facial features are exquisite, and the whole person exudes a unique temperament of a mature woman.

It looks pure and lustful.

She held an incense fan in her hand and walked out with a shallow smile on her face: "The slave family Wu Ning clan, I don't know what to call Gongzi?"

Chen Nan: "My surname is Chen."

Wu Ningshi nodded slightly: "I heard that the next person said that Chen Gongzi wants to publish a book? I don't know what kind of story, but has it ever been issued?" Chen

Nan said: "It's not that I want to publish a book, it's my friend who wants to publish a book, but he himself is inconvenient to come forward, so he specially asked me to do it for me." "

Although it is not against the law of the underworld to publish a book.

But he is also a face-to-face person.

You can only make friends out of nothing.

Wu Ningshi said, "Did Gongzi bring a story written by your friend?

Chen Nan was a little embarrassed: "I brought the story, but can you find someone to come over and review it?" Wu

Ningshi showed a hint of sadness: "My husband is seriously ill, and now he is in bed to recuperate, and now everything large and small in the printing house is handled by slaves."

"I can totally help you..." Friend review.

Chen Nan almost didn't vomit blood.

Why is the second reader also a woman?

As long as it can be published and made money.

It's okay to make her a second reader.


He gave the first draft he had written to Wu Ningshi.

Wu Ningshi took it and sat next to Chen Nan and watched seriously.

It was fine at first.

But looking at it, a crimson color appeared on his face.

Like a ripe peach, delicate.

It's hard to take a bite.

It seems that the content of the story moved her.

So much so that the book in her hand trembled uncontrollably twice.

Chen Nan was taken aback.

Is this book so powerful?

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