
Nan really didn't expect it.

Wu Ningshi would have such a big reaction when he saw his book.

But think about it.

Isn't that reasonable?

She herself is thirty years old.

Not to mention that her husband was still seriously ill and bedridden.

You don't have to think about it.

She should lack the nourishment of love.

Lack of someone who can speak from the heart.

Right at this moment.

Wu Ningshi quickly closed Chen Nan's first draft, his eyes were slightly flustered, and there was a hint of urgency in his tone: "Young Master Chen, I took a cursory look at your friend's story.

"Unfortunately, it doesn't meet our printing standards?"

He looked at the other party curiously: "Is there something wrong with this story?" He

didn't expect that a printing house that was on the verge of bankruptcy would be so strict.

Wu Ningshi drank a glass of water and tried to calm down his emotions: "The story is a good story, but the way the story is expressed and the way it is written is too straightforward.

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Can I understand the straightforwardness in your mouth as that the writing is too superficial?"

Chen Nan: "Ask you a question, what are you reading books for?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Have you ever entered another world with this book?" A

hint of shyness appeared on Wu Ningshi's face.

She didn't speak.

But it answered Chen Nan's question very well.

Chen Nan continued: "Words are just a simple carrier, nothing more.

"In my opinion, as long as it allows people to enter the world of books faster."

"That's a good word.

"That's a good book. "

The host itself has read a lot of books from the underworld.

Any book, whether it is written, is written in classical Chinese.

But he wrote about Teacher Bai in the vernacular.

It's not that he can't write classical Chinese.

Rather, classical Chinese is far less accessible than vernacular Chinese.

Wu Ningshi fell into deep thought.

Wu's Printing House has printed many books.

But it's all classical Chinese.

The vernacular has never been printed.

But one thing is undeniable.

Chen Nan is right that vernacular writing can really make people enter the world built by words in an instant.

"Aside from the words themselves, the world you build in this book and the story are very different from the mainstream ones in the market.

"The slave family just briefly looked through some of them, and the stories you wrote can be printed in two volumes.

"Besides, this story shouldn't be finished yet, right?"

Chen Nan cleared his throat and emphasized, "This book was written by my friend."

Wu Ningshi looked embarrassed.

Chen Nandao: "According to what my friend said, this whole story can be published in almost six books, and the plot will become more and more exciting."

Wu Ningshi said: "If a story is divided into six books to sell, it will be attacked by readers, and readers will not buy it at all."

Chen Nan shrugged: "I don't deny your statement, but have you ever thought that everything has two sides."

"As you said, this story does come under fire.

"But it could also become a hit."

"Because everyone who has seen it will expect the story behind."

"In this way, the sales of the next few volumes will definitely not be bad." "

It may even break Master Lan's sales." "

No writer is guaranteed to be popular.

Even Master Lan's works may not be able to match the sales of previous novels after they are released.

But Teacher Bai is different.

Chen Nan believes that as long as the book opens up the market, it will definitely make a lot of money later.

Wu Ningshi sighed lightly: "What you said is certainly reasonable, but the risk is too great.

Chen Nan also gradually lost patience, and said impatiently: "Just say whether you like this story or not, if you don't like it, then I will go to another house." He

said and got up and left.

"Young Master Chen, please stay!" Wu Ningshi quickly got up, but because he was too involved in reading before, his body was weak, and he just got up and fell to the ground with an exclamation.

Chen Nan's eyes were quick, and he reached out and hugged the other party's water snake waist to prevent the other party from falling to the ground.

In a flash.

The wonderful feel directly touched the softest place in his heart.

At the same time, the smell of perfume on Wu Ning's body also poured into his nose.

It smells good.

It's a delight.

Four eyes opposite.

Wu Ningshi suddenly felt that there were countless deer crashing in his heart.

She and Chen Nan were close together.

She could even smell the manly smell of the other person.

Especially his handsome face.

For her, there is no affordability.

Lived for so many years.

She had never been held in the arms of a man.

Although she has long married into the Wu family.

But on the wedding night...

Because I drank too much alcohol.

In front of the cave house, I plunged into the pit.

It was already dying after being fished out.

Although after the doctor's treatment, a life was saved.

But also completely became a waste.

Paralyzed in bed, life can not take care of herself

, and she relies on the books in the printing house to maintain her mental internal friction, as well as the emptiness and loneliness in her heart.

Now that she accidentally fell and was held in her arms by Chen Nan, she even felt that this was the fate arranged by heaven.


She was not eaten away at her sanity by evil thoughts.

Quickly broke away from Chen Nan's embrace, and straightened his hair and clothes with a panicked face: "Young Master Chen, your friend's book is indeed very risky.

"But what you said also makes sense, the slave family is willing to risk cooperating with you once."

"In the past, our printing house and writers were divided into four or six, six percent for writers, and four percent for the printing house.

"But this time, we're going to take six percent." "

Vernacular novels.

And it's still an unfinished story.

This kind of book has never been seen on the market.

There are a lot of risks to take.

Chen Nan suddenly said, "Is your husband seriously ill?"

Wu Ningshi looked stunned.

Let's talk about business.

What are you pulling

my husband for?" "Could it be that Young Master Chen knows my husband?" Wu Ning's beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

Chen Nan: "No, I just want to know if he is dying." Speaking of which, he gave Wu Ningshi a look that you know.

"Young Master Chen, I hope you will be respectful. Wu Ningshi was furious, and Chen Nan angered her by asking if her husband was dying.

Because after her husband's death, her fate will be very bad.


She didn't like Chen Nan's frivolous personality.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "If your husband is dying, then I can give you five or five, otherwise it will still be me six, you four." Yes, if it is for your face, I can let out 10% of the profit.

"You... What do you mean by this?" Wu Ningshi was flustered in his heart, was his face worth so much?

Chen Nan raised his eyebrows and revealed a meaningful smile: "I have written all the H books, you still don't understand what I mean?"

But now.


Cao's happiness is not something that ordinary people can imagine!

Of course

, Chen Nan in his previous life was a decent gentleman, even if he was a scum, but the scumbag also had a bottom line.

But now Chen Nan fuses the memories of the host, and although his original intention has not changed, he wants to be Cao Cao.

This little otherwise a small problem is completely acceptable.

Isn't it?

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