Chen Nan came to the Underworld for a short time.


But he suffered much more sin than the yang.

Of course.

Liang Jian was murdered twice.

The physical injury is far less than the mental torture.

Because whenever he writes the story of Teacher Bai, it is very uncomfortable.


Song Ziwei said that she would cooperate with herself whenever necessary.


Even the host waste did not harm Song Ziwei.


so, he might as well host that waste.

That's why.

Only then will he set his eyes on the beautiful woman of the Wu Ning clan.

She grew up in Chen Nan's aesthetic.

The appearance of pure desire, the plump body.

It was simply tailored for him.

Although he can also go to the Qinglou Hook to listen to music.


------ "

You are shameless!"

Wu Ning's angry face faded.

His eyes were full of anger.

She is not a fool.

Naturally knew what Chen Nan thought.

This guy wants to use the extra ten percent of profits to feed her.

Let yourself be his woman.

Chen Nan couldn't help but laugh: "Who writes the H book by a serious person?"


Serious people don't look at this thing.


Nandao: "You can consider my previous proposal."

"If we could, we would still be four or six points on the contract.

"But I'll give you privately the extra ten percent of the profits."

"In this way, even if your husband dies one day."

"Even if you are kicked out of the Wu family.

"The extra 10% of the profit can also make you food and clothing for a lifetime."

"I believe more in silver than in the security that someone brings."

"What do you say?"

Wu Ningshi's hesitant gaze instantly became firm: "Okay, I promise you."

"However, I have a condition. She

eventually relented.

Chen Nan was right.

Security is not something else brought about.

Silver is more reliable than anyone else.


She had to be while her husband was still alive.

Prepare early for the future.

If he really died, the Wu family would definitely drive themselves out of the clan.

She doesn't even know how to live then.

Chen Nan showed a wicked smile: "You said." "

While my husband was alive, I... I can't do anything to be sorry for him. Wu Ning's eyes dodged, not daring to look at Chen Nan's eyes.

She did not deny that Chen Nan was a very handsome man.

But do handsome men really make women like them?

But it will invisibly give people a sense of distance that is unreachable.


When a handsome man with a little bit of bad appears.

Always able to easily hit the fragile atria of women.

This is the case for the Wu Nings.


corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "What do you mean when you say that you can't do something sorry for him?" Wu

Ningshi's face turned red, and there was a hint of anger in his coquettish tone: "You are clearly asking knowingly!" Chen

Nan shook his head: "I really don't know this."

Wu Ning's beautiful eyes were full of anger.

She knew, and Chen Nan definitely knew what she meant.

But this person pretended not to know, which was clearly difficult for her.

Words to say...

Hesitating, she walked over to the window.

Subconsciously stretched out his middle finger and pierced the layer of window paper.

Then blushing and saying, "As long as you don't break this layer of window paper." "

See that slender middle finger.

Chen Nan suddenly realized.

That's a craftsman, too!


He likes this kind of person.

He smiled wickedly: "That is to say, as long as you don't break this layer of window paper, everything else can be done, right?" A

bad look, like Cupid's arrow shot into Wu Ningshi's heart, she was angry, with a trace of resentment in her tone: "Why are you so yellow

?" Chen Nan looked at the shoes on his feet: "What color are my shoes?" Wu

Ningshi didn't know why Chen Nan suddenly diverted from the topic, but still said: "White!"

Chen Nan nodded slightly and asked, "Will the white shoes turn yellow after wearing them for a long time?"

Chen Nan: "Will white clothes turn yellow after wearing them for a long time?" "Will white paper turn yellow after a long time?" "Will

an apple bite turn yellow?"

She knew all of those things.

It's everywhere in life.

Chen Nan asked again, "Then do you know why this happened?" and

Wu Ningshi shook his head.

Chen Nan smiled: "This matter seems complicated, but it is actually very simple.

"The core of the universe is yellow.

"And I, on the other hand, just follow the truth of the universe."

"Simple and pure living. This

came out.

Wu Ningshi gasped.

There was a feeling of shock.

The first time she saw someone, she had grown faceless to the pinnacle.

Don't say it yet.

It can connect facelessness with cosmic truth.

This guy has some ability.

You don't have to think about it.

When his book is released, it will definitely cause quite a repercussions.

It may even become a hit.

Chen Nan approached Wu Ningshi and put one hand around her willow waist, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, glowing with a graceful, handsome arc: "You haven't answered me yet, can you do anything other than pierce that layer of window paper?"

But for Chennan, there are still many interesting things to do.

This is exactly what he, the scumbag, is best at.

"Don't you do this..." Wu Ningshi quickly dodged, flustered, afraid of sinking.

"Come on, sign the contract, four or six points. Chen Nan did not continue to tease this woman, anyway, she has become fat on the lips.

There is no rush at this time.

He said: "In the early stage, you can first print a thousand copies, the market price is two taels of silver a piece, if the market response is good, then continue to add."

Wu Ningshi: "Isn't two taels of silver too cheap?" Chen

Nan said disapprovingly: "What we have to do is to open the market first, anyway, there will be many books one after another, and it will not be too late to raise the price when the time comes." "

The leeks have to be cut stubble by stubble, and you can't be too anxious." Wu

Ningshi took pen and paper, and then drew up the contract.

In duplicate, one for each party.

He asked, "How long will it take for us to print a thousand books if we work overtime to catch up?"

Wu Ningshi continued, "Did you ask people to draw the covers and illustrations of the books?"

"We're just selling stories and relying on the imagination of readers' dads to perfect the story." "

Book covers and illustrations just add to the story." "

Wu Ning's can only give up.

Although she is a businessman, she is very eloquent.

But he thinks that he is far from an opponent in front of Chen Nan.

Chen Nan was full of joy: "The contract is also signed, and there will be little lady Lao on the printing side to bother a lot, and strive to be able to go public in three days!"

As soon as his voice changed, he raised his eyebrows towards Wu Ningshi: "Is there anything at night?

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