Brush brush brush!

One after another looked at Chen Nan in amazement.

Chen Nan smiled and shook his head: "This benevolent brother looks up to me Chen someone too much, in addition to liking to read, how can I ever go to the land of fireworks to look for flowers and ask Willow?"

Everyone felt that what Chen Nan said was reasonable.

In addition to being a senior old color batch, this guy is a veteran.

It seems that he has not been seen in the land of fireworks.

"Bring me five books, I'll give them away. Chen Nan also paid for five books out of his own pocket.

No matter what.

You have to support your own business.


Even if he supported his business, he only sold more than thirty copies a day.

Among them were five copies he bought.

Of course.

He is not in a hurry.

Because he believes.

Word of mouth will ferment over time.

Especially at night, those old color batches took out Teacher Bai's story and looked through it.

It's terrifying to be able to feel the power.

Sure enough.

The next day.

Sales tripled.

On the fourth day, the first thousand books were all sold.

And there is also a phenomenon of short supply.

Wu Ning's great joy.

The Wushi Printing House has never seen a book that went out of stock in four days.

At this point she was completely convinced.

White feathers can become a hit.

So I directly let people continue to print.

Although there are many people who want to see the story behind.

But obviously, at this time, it is not possible to go to the second volume.

The second book can only be released when the market for the first book is saturated.


Chen Nan also paid the first dividend with Wu Ning.

Eight hundred taels of silver were distributed to the Wu printing house.

After all, it is clearly written on the contract.

Four or six divided.

After parting with Wu's Printing House.

Chen Nan went directly to Qianzhuang.

All 1,200 taels of silver were exchanged for silver tickets.

After all, it is far less convenient to carry silver on the body than silver tickets.

Do this.

He came to Dongcheng.

Finally, I found the place that Wu Ningshi said.

It's a small house.

She secretly bought it two years ago.

To prepare for later.

Because she knows.

After her husband's death, the Wu family categorically had no place for themselves.

Chen Nan knocked on the door first.

After that, there were two knocks.

Turned to another sound.

After that, three consecutive sounds.

This is his code word for Wu Ning.

Moments later, the gate was opened.

Wu Ningshi was wearing a sky blue long dress, as if she was a thief, her eyes were full of nervousness and anxiety, and after letting Chen Nan enter the courtyard, she poked her head out.

After making sure there was no one, he closed the door.

Don't say it yet.

Chen Nan liked this sneaky feeling.

Enter the room.

He took out two hundred taels of silver tickets and looked at Wu Ningshi with a smile: "This is the one you deserve."

Wu Ningshi eagerly took the two hundred taels of silver tickets, and inhaled the taste on it very intoxicated.

Although she is the steward of Wu's printing factory.

It is the grandmother of the Wu family.


On weekdays, she can't touch the silver taels at all.

Even this set of yards was purchased by saving money and spending ten years of accumulated wealth.

Of course.

This set of yards is only worth five taels of silver.

Of these five taels of silver, two taels were subsidized by her mother when she returned to her mother's house.

And now.

Chen Nan gave her two hundred taels.

She put the silver ticket away properly, and her beautiful eyes were full of touching affection: "Young Master Chen, sit down, the slave family will definitely repay you well." "


an hour later.

Chen Nan left Wu Ning's house in high spirits.

Although did not poke that layer of window paper.


Wu Ningshi has read a lot of books.

Knows a lot of flower work.

Although she is also performing for the first time.

But there is no denying it.

This little lady learns fast.

Let Chen Nan exhale.

Been in the underworld for so long.

It's a relaxation.

He didn't come home.

Instead, he went to the pharmacy and spent five hundred taels of silver to buy five pairs of medicinal herbs for soaking medicinal baths.

Then I bought some marinated meat and pastries that Song Ziwei liked to eat.

Meizhi returned to the Leng family.

"Young Master, what are you buying so many things for, but it's a day? No, how can you have money to buy so many things?" Song Ziwei couldn't help but be taken aback when she saw this.

Chen Nan took out the remaining silver tickets, lay on the recliner like an ancestor, teased the birds in the cage, and said with a smile: "I have shared dividends with the Wu Printing Factory."

"It's not much, it's only a thousand taels."

"This money is what I have left over from buying medicinal herbs."

Song Ziwei's face was full of ecstasy.

One thousand taels is definitely an astronomical amount for her.

"I really didn't expect that writing books would make so much money. Song Ziwei's eyes were full of expectation: "According to this momentum, when the next five volumes are listed, more money will definitely be earned."

Chen Nan: "Don't worry, the young master will definitely make you a little rich woman." In the future, all the money earned will be kept for you, and only some of the medicines will be left for me.

Song Ziwei nodded happily and repeatedly, but the next moment she had a serious face: "Young Master, is your body weak to the point of taking medicine every day?"

Crystal tears appeared in his eyes: "Young Master, although I want to have money, I want to make our life better." But if writing a novel will hollow out your body, then we can't earn this kind of money!" Chen

Nan was embarrassed to find a seam to drill into, he said: "A man is like a well that will never dry up, although I was quite indulgent before, but I didn't hollow out my body."

"I bought the medicine only because I accidentally got an ancient recipe, and soaking the medicinal bath can improve the strength of the physical body.

"I don't believe it. Song Ziwei pursed her mouth, her eyes full of distress.

Chen Nan wanted to cry without tears: "I really didn't lie to you, I'm not vain at all."

Song Ziwei's voice choked: "If you want me to believe you, then let me test your vainness."

Chen Nan looked resentful: "Where are you trying to verify my falsehood, you clearly want to take advantage of me, okay?"

Song Ziwei huffed and said: "I myself am your personal maid, a bed warmer, and I don't know if you are sick, and I have ignored people for so many years."

"You're either physically ill."

"Either it's psychologically sick." "

Hurry up and prepare dinner!" Chen Nan directly gave her a roll of her eyes, this girl, really bad learning, always want to push him back.

When the young master fell to this point, he was quite depressed.


Chen Nan asked Song Ziwei to burn a large bucket of hot water, and put the purchased medicinal herbs into it when boiling water.

And then.

When the water temperature cooled to about seventy degrees, he was like a loach, bare, endured the water temperature, and slowly entered the barrel.

But he also just stood and did not dare to sit down.

The water temperature of 70 degrees is very hot, if you sit down directly, you are very likely to burn your bald skin.

Song Ziwei pushed the door and asked, "Young Master, do

you need to rub your back?" Chen Nan snorted in fright, sat directly into the barrel, and grinned in pain: "No need, also, can you knock on the door the next time you come in?"

"I didn't need to knock when I came in before!" Song Ziwei muttered, and then walked to the edge of the barrel and picked up Chen Nan's clothes: "I'll go wash your clothes!"

Her expression changed sharply.

Picked up Chen Nan's clothes and sniffed a few times in front of his nose, and looked at Chen Nan suspiciously: "Why is there a woman's rouge smell on the young master's clothes?"

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