Chen Nan's scalp was numb.

Even the rouge smell on Wu Ning's body can be smelled,

is this girl a dog nose?

Tears of grievance appeared in Song Ziwei's eyes: "Young master, you are too much, how can you go to the land of fireworks to find flowers and ask Willow?

"The Leng family's aunt!"

"There are some things you can't do.

"Yes, I know it's not easy for you to write a book.

"But you have me!" "

I'm not unwilling to cooperate with you."

"But why do you pay to find flowers and ask Willow?" "

If the woman in the green building is not clean, aren't you afraid of getting sick?"


Even if you go to the green building and don't let me cooperate with you, am I not as good as the dust woman in the green building in your eyes?"

the more she said, the more aggrieved she became.

It looks touching and distressing.

Chen Nan said incredulously: "Just because I have the rouge smell of a woman on my body, you conclude that I went out of the Qinglou, what is it in your head, I can't have some basic trust in

the young master?" Song Ziwei sobbed: "You didn't go to the Qinglou to find a woman?" Chen Nan swore to heaven: "The young master swears to heaven, if I go to the Qinglou to find a woman, then the sky will not die well!"

Song Ziwei: "

But where does the rouge smell on your body come from?"

Chen Nan sighed: "I don't hide from you either, I originally wanted to buy you a bottle of rouge to give you as a gift, after all, girls love red makeup, after all, your young master also made money."

So I picked one at the rouge shop.

"But when I came back, I fell out of my pocket and accidentally broke it."

"Then I got the clothes.

"I was thinking of buying you another bottle tomorrow to surprise you."

"You question my character.

"Hey!" "

Young Master is really so disappointed

!" Song Ziwei didn't expect that because of this, she was like a child who had done something wrong, coquettishly: "Young Master, people know that they are wrong, can you forgive people this time?"

Chen Nan made a face: "Only this once, not the next example!" Song

Ziwei nodded excitedly, wiped away her tears and hummed a song and walked out.

Chen Nanru breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to Xiaoye's quick response.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the rouge smell on the body.

Right at this moment.

A sharp pain swept over.

After all, the water around 70 degrees is still very hot.

Not to mention, his whole person sat in a barrel.


Chen Nan's willpower was extremely strong.

The tolerance of pain is by no means imaginable.

All of this stemmed from his experience in the Yang world.

Sit cross-kneeled in a barrel.

He silently recited the Yin Harvesting Technique, absorbing the medicinal effects in the barrel.

Gritting his teeth, he didn't say a word.

The medicinal effects in the barrel were entering his body along the pores of his body, washing his body.

Quenching his root bones.

And this is bound to be a very long process.

Wait for the medicinal bath in the barrel to cool thoroughly.

Chen Nan slowly opened his eyes.

Disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Although soaked in the medicinal bath, the original host's flesh is too poor. "

If you want to be completely reborn, you have to soak at least a hundred times." "

If you count it that way.

At least 10,000 taels of silver.

Chen Nan was not discouraged either.

He already thought about it.

Increase the dosage of medicinal herbs from tomorrow.

Anyway, his willpower is firm, and he is not afraid of pain.

As for the money-making thing.

Bai Yu's book can be published in at least six volumes.

In the future, the price of each copy will be higher.

Don't worry about money at all.

He wrote the remaining story of Mr. Bai in the shortest possible time.

Then there's the soaking medicinal bath.

As the dose increased, the pain he felt became more intense.

After soaking in the medicinal bath, I felt as if the muscles of my whole body were strained.


This is a good thing.

Because he could clearly feel that his body was much stronger than before.

The body before the host is weak.

Barely able to lift a bucket of water.

At this point, it is not even as good as Song Ziwei.

But with the soaking medicinal bath these days, he was even able to lift two buckets of water at the same time for a quarter of an hour.

And the face is not red and breathless.

For this result.

Chen Nan was still very satisfied: "As long as I can improve my muscles and bones, I can cultivate the Yin Harvesting Technique and become a cultivator of the Underworld."

Then become a yin, thus entering the eighteenth level of hell, finding the Houtu Niangniang, and returning the human path and the animal road to her.

"At that time, with her ability, she can completely erase the memories of the past lives of those reborn in the Yang world.

"Restore the balance of yin and yang and prevent the annihilation of the three realms." "

Day five.

Chen Nan came to the Wu's printing house with the first drafts of the third and fourth volumes.

Compared to the door some time ago.

Today, many people gather in front of the book stall in front of the Wu's printing house.

He entered through the back door.

Found Wu Ning's.

At this time, Wu Ningshi was settling accounts with an old man over sixty years old with silver hair.

Seeing Chen Nan coming, Wu Ningshi warmly invited him to sit down and asked people to prepare tea.

Chen Nan asked, "How are the sales during this period?" Wu

Ningshi said excitedly: "Our printing house has worked overtime during this period and printed 15,000 books, which are now sold out." "

In these five days.

Teacher Bai's book exploded.

The price of two taels of silver itself is not expensive, let alone the content of other novels and two books.

As for the story, it's also interesting.

It's memorable.

It's hard to extricate yourself.

Moreover, after reading the first time, I want people to watch it a second time.

As Chen Nan said before, the imagination of readers' fathers is endless.

Even if I watch it a second time, I have a different feeling.

Chen Nandao: "The first volume will continue to be printed, but the second volume should also be put on the agenda."

Wu Ningshi nodded: "You just came, I just asked people to exchange the silver ticket, we can divide it!" Speaking of this, she said: "This is Yan Bo next to me, he is the housekeeper of my Wu family, you can talk about the division of accounts!"

Chen Nan couldn't help but frown.

Previously, he and Wu Ningshi shared the account.

Now an outsider has appeared.

Could it be that the Wu family was already guarding against the Wu Ning clan?

She worked hard for the development of the Wu family.

But now, her husband had not yet died, and the Wu family had already guarded against her.

It is conceivable that after her husband's death, her situation will be very bad.

This situation was known for a long time.

It's time for three or seven points on the contract.

Yan Bo said politely: "Young Master Chen, this time the books were sold for 30,000 taels of silver.

"According to the contract, you should be given eighteen thousand taels, this is eighteen thousand taels of silver tickets, you count it."

Chen Nan took the silver ticket and counted it.

Confirming that the silver ticket was correct, he directly carried it into his arms.

18,000 taels of silver tickets

! Beauty!

Right now.

A group of Yamen servants, armed with long knives, rushed in.

The man at the head was full of indifference: "We have received a report that you have sold prohibited books and obtained a large amount of illegal income, please hand over the stolen money and follow us back for investigation!" Chen

Nan's eyes widened: "Which of your eyes saw us selling prohibited books?"

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