"There are tigers in the wild?"

Liang Jian was shocked.

But my heart beat without contending.

Thanks to Chen Nan, he didn't know that the tiger belonged to the Liang family, otherwise the Liang family would have a big deal.

The voice changed: "Brother Chen, even if there is a tiger in the wild, but so long has passed, who can guarantee that the tiger is still there?"

Chen Nan frowned: "A few meanings, I just want to eat the head tiger to replenish my body, have you gone out to look for it, don't you know it? Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Seeing

that Chen Nan was angry, Liang Jian said with a smile: "Brother Chen, you misunderstood the meaning of the little brother."

"One thing you may not know, our Liang family has a hunting ground, and there is a tiger in it.


Nan's face was full of surprise: "The price of a tiger is not cheap, right?

He already thought about it.

If Chen Nan is polite again.

He withdrew the idea of killing the tiger.

After all, a tiger is worth tens of thousands of taels of silver.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan said: "Since the virtuous brother has this intention, then the elder brother is disrespectful." After killing, let people send them to the Leng family!" "

The improvement of the body by soaking only in the medicinal bath is too weak.

A combination of inside and outside is required.

Liang Jian looked directly at the bodyguard behind him: "Go, let people slaughter that tiger and send it to the Leng family." "

Although a little distressed.

But I thought I could have a good relationship with Chen Nan.

Chen Nan said, "Is that tiger in your family male or female?"

"So keep the whip, basket balls, and guts and tiger skins for me." If you send the rest to Tian Bo in the City Lord's Mansion, I will send them. "

Chen Nan misses the tiger spirit in the immortal world.

When I see people, I want people to taste its whip.

Although the guy is perverted.

But there is no denying it.

Its whip is truly delicious.

Hearing Chen Nan's words.

Liang Jian is overjoyed.

Even the heart was pounding.

He knows.

He had already touched Chen Nan.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have let his people send things to the City Lord's Mansion.

This is a great creation for the Liang family.

"By the way, do you know the true identity of Master Lan?" Chen Nan suddenly asked, the host has only been in Tongcheng for more than a year, although he has seen many of Master Lan's works.

But he didn't know Master Lan's true identity.

Liang Jian shook his head: "Master Lan has always been a mysterious figure, although he has written a lot of works, but no one has seen him.

"I don't even know if he's male or female."

"Brother Chen rest assured, I will say hello to the other two printing houses and ask them to investigate the identity of Master Xialan."

Chen Nan said, "Let it be!"

Liang Jian smiled and said, "Brother Chen, it's still early, or should we listen

to the music?" Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "What you said about listening to the music, is it serious?"

"Okay, let's go listen to a little song and relax your muscles!" Chen Nan was also a little nervous.

Don't say that he hasn't visited the green building.

Even the host hasn't been around.

Now there's an opportunity.

It shouldn't be too much to meet the world, right,

although the green building is all picked up at night.

But who dares not to give Liang Jian's face?

With Chen Nan's eyes, he couldn't look at those vulgar fans of Qinglou at all.


It's okay to press it, relax your muscles or something.


He and Liang Jian left the Qinglou in high spirits and headed towards Xijiangyue.

After all, Wu Ningshi had made an appointment for them to dine in Xijiangyue in the evening.

Come to Xijiang Moon Restaurant.

Chen Nan did not see Wu Ning.

Instead, he saw Yan Bo, the housekeeper of the Wu family, and a half-dead middle-aged man in a wheelchair.

Behind him was a middle-aged man in his fifties, and a young man in his twenties.

"Young Master Chen, let me introduce you, this is my Wu family patriarch, Wu Quan. Yan Bo introduced enthusiastically: "This is the second master of my Wu family, Wu Yuanzhong, and next to him is his son Wu Zheng."

"Patriarch, this is the agent of the fourth uncle and five essences, Young Master Chen.

Wu Quan said with a smile: "It is a great blessing for my Wu family that Young Master Chen and Young Master Liang can come to the banquet today, please

two upstairs!" Wu Yuanzhong, Wu Zheng's father and son were also full of excitement and invited the two to go upstairs.

"Wait!" Chen

Nan's voice sounded: "Obviously your wife invited us to dinner, but why didn't you see her Buddha?" He didn't

mind that Wu Ningshi brought the Wu family to the banquet.

He knew that the main reason why Wu Ningshi proposed to invite them to dinner in the evening was to consolidate her position in the Wu family.

After all.

Not everyone can meet Liang Jian.

That's why he agreed to go to the appointment.

But now.


Yuanzhong said politely: "Young Master Chen, it is not convenient for women to participate in this bureau today, so Ning Yinqiu stayed at home and did not come."

Chen Nan's eyes widened, and he said angrily: "I didn't your mother-in-law in front of her, what is inconvenient for her to participate?"

Wu Zheng's eyes widened angrily.

Although they are afraid of Liang Jian.

But Chen Nan is ultimately the agent of the fourth uncle and five essences.

This kind of person.

They haven't put it in their eyes yet.

Liang Jian raised his hand and slapped Wu Zheng's face: "Dare to talk to my Brother Chen like this, are you tired of living?" "

I tell you, even if my Brother Chen fucks your mother, it will be the honor of your father and son."

"Of course, this is just an analogy.

"With your mother's age and appearance, how can my brother Chen look at it?"


words came out.

The expressions on the faces of Wu Yuanzhong and Wu Zheng's father and son instantly froze.

Ning Yinqiu only said that Chen Nan was a nobleman.

But it doesn't reveal much information.

He Cheng thought, even Liang Jian called Chen Nan Brother Chen.

I didn't expect Liang Jian to say such ugly words.

But they didn't dare to contradict each other.

This moment.

They suddenly realized something extremely serious.

The reason why Liang Jian agreed to come to Xijiangyue for the banquet tonight.

It is very likely to be related to Chen Nan.

"Young Master Chen, Young Master Liang, my wife occasionally felt a cold wind and was afraid of infecting the two princes, which is why she did not come. Wu Quan said with a smile: "She specially asked me to apologize to the two, and when her body healed, she would apologize to the two in person."

"Well, I've already asked people to prepare a feast, or shall we move upstairs?" "

Give you half an hour to call your wife." Chen Nan said without hurry: "If she doesn't come, then this meal will not be eaten!"

Wu Quan's face changed, and he quickly said: "Young Master Chen, please later, we will return home and bring Qianei." Everyone

in the Wu family was completely panicked.

They didn't know why Chen Nan was so fond of Ning Yinqiu.

But one thing is obvious.

If Chen Nan saw that Ning Yinqiu was beaten beyond recognition, he should not forgive the Wu family, right?

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