

Ning Yinqiu was not allowed to come today, Chen Nan and Liang Jian would definitely be dissatisfied with the Wu family.

At that time, don't talk about climbing the big tree of the Liang family.

Chen Nan is very likely to terminate the cooperation with the Wu family.

If so.

The gains will definitely outweigh the losses.

As for the injury on Ning Yinqiu's face.

She can only admit that she accidentally fell it.


Wu Quan returned to the Wu family with the clansmen of the Wu family, and saw Ning Yinqiu with a red and swollen face in the firewood room.

"Hurry up and change your clothes, Young Master Chen wants to see you by name!" Wu Quan said with an indifferent look and an undoubted tone.

Ning Yinqiu: "I'm not going, how can I have a face to see people like this?" She

had long guessed that the Wu family would return.

Because she believed that Chen Nan would definitely get justice for her.

Do you believe that Laozi will kill you now?" Wu Quan was furious, and after he and Ning Yinqiu became married, this woman had always obeyed.

He was never rejected.

But now.

but rejected him in front of everyone.

This made him feel very faceless.

A sneer appeared on Ning Yinqiu's face: "Do you know why Young Master Chen wanted me to go?" Wu

Zheng frowned: "Could it be that you guys got together?"

"Shut up!"

His cousin said to his face that his woman was hooked up with other men.

This is literally hitting him in the face.


Yinqiu endured the panic in her heart, so she calmly said: "Young Master Chen came with the book to want to publish, and I agreed to his request to publish, otherwise it would not be as popular as it is today."

"So, he owes me a favor."

This was also the reason why he accepted the invitation of the Wu family to go to Xijiang Yue for a banquet.

"If I don't go tonight, I will definitely offend those two nobles."

"At that time, will the Wu family still be able to gain a foothold in Tongcheng?"

heard this.

Everyone in the Wu family trembled violently in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan actually owed Ning Yinqiu, a mean woman, a favor.

This is something they did not expect.

Wu Quan sighed, his face full of helplessness: "I shouldn't have done anything to you today, I apologize to you now, this is always okay, right?"

But Ning Yinqiu had tears in her eyes.

After marrying into the Wu family for so long, she has been beaten countless times.

But Wu Quan apologized to her for the first time.

"My husband beat me, naturally I don't dare to hold a grudge, but, I am your wife, the big grandmother of the Wu family!" Ning Yinqiu did not hide her anger at Wu Yuanzhong.

She was kicked by Wu Yuanzhong before, but she remembered it in her heart.

Wu Quan spoke: "Second uncle, you need to give me an explanation for this matter!"

Unexpectedly, the couple dared to attack him.

But this time.

He can't get angry.

Because after Wu Quan's death, Wu Yuanzhong was the current patriarch of the Wu family.

He needed to befriend Chen Nan and Liang Jian, two wealthy children.

Taking a deep breath, he bowed to Ning Yinqiu and apologized: "I apologize to you for the previous incident, I hope you can forgive me for my previous mistakes, adults don't remember villains." "

Kick me, but just use an apology to write it off?" Ning Yinqiu was obviously dissatisfied with Wu Yuanzhong's attitude.

Before Wu Yuanzhong could speak, Wu Zheng was angry: "Zhen, my father has already bowed to you and apologized, what the do you want, stepping on your nose on your face

?" Ning Yinqiu looked at him without showing weakness: "I am the grandmother of the Wu family, as a disciple of the Wu family, do you not put me in your eyes too much when you speak in this tone?"

Because she knows.

With Chen Nan as a backer, he can completely control these people.

Wu Zhengqi's face turned green: "You are a..."

Wu Yuanzhong slapped his son on the back of the head and roared: "Kneel down and kowtow to the big grandma!" "

Dad, you're not mistaken, right?

Although Ning Yinqiu is the big grandmother of the Wu family.


The status in the Wu family is very low.

"If you disobey Lao Tzu's words, believe it or not, I will expel you from the clan right now?" Wu Yuanzhong jumped like thunder, he was fed up with Ning Yinqiu's villain Zhizhi.

But in order to get acquainted with nobles, their father and son could only choose to compromise.

A trace of jealousy flashed in Wu Zheng's eyes, and he did not dare to disobey his father's order.

Unwillingly, he knelt on the ground.

Then he was shocked to find out.

The father also knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Ning Yinqiu to apologize.

Seeing the father and son kneeling in front of his wife and kowtowing to apologize, Wu Quan didn't mention how enjoyable it was, and said softly: "Madam, Young Master Chen and Young Master Liang are waiting for us, this matter is almost on the line."

"In any case, the second uncle is an elder. "

Since the crippled.

Wu Quan's position in the family was affected.

The second uncle's family often does not put him in their eyes.

Now the two men knelt in front of their wives and kowtowed to make amends.

For him, it was tantamount to drinking a jug of wine.

"Then you guys wait first, I'll go change my clothes." Ning Yinqiu left the firewood room satisfied, not noticing the killing intent that bloomed in the eyes of Wu Yuanzhong.

Ning Yinqiu's villain today has deeply angered the two of them.


They wished that Ning Yinqiu would die now.


If you want to move Ning Yinqiu, you must wait for Wu Quan to swallow his breath.

This moment.

Wu Yuanzhong had already firmed his inner thoughts.

Instead of letting Wu Quan hang half-dead.

Might as well find someone to do him.

One hundred.

At that time, he will be able to become the head of the Wu family.

It can also teach Ning Yinqiu a lesson.


a few moments later.

Ning Yinqiu changed into a pink long dress.

The face was covered with a thick rouge.

But even so, it is difficult to hide the bruises on the face.

"Madam, I hope that after I go to Xijiangyue later, you can say a few words for my Wu family!" On the way, Wu Quan spoke, hoping that Ning Yinqiu would help the Wu family.

Because everyone knows that Ning Yinqiu now decides the life and death of the Wu family.

Ning Yinqiu said, "Don't worry, husband, I am the Wu family, and I will naturally help the Wu family strive for the greatest profit."

Wu Quan nodded gratifyingly.

A quarter of an hour later.

Everyone from the Wu family came to Xijiang Yue Restaurant.

In the private room they booked, they met Chen Nan and Liang Jian.

It's just that.

After seeing the bruises on Ning Yinqiu's face, Chen Nan's heart suddenly rose with anger: "Patriarch Wu, can any of you tell me what happened to the injury on Miss Ning's face?"

"Shouldn't it be your Wu family?" Ning

Yinqiu would belong to her sooner or later.

Watch her get beaten.

Chen Nan had to ask for an explanation for her.

Wu Quan's face was full of nervousness.

Without waiting for him to speak, Ning Yinqiu's voice sounded: "Back to Young Master Chen, the injury on my face was indeed beaten by my husband.

Wu Quan's face turned green.


Say okay to fight for the Wu family's maximum profit, but why did you stab me at a critical moment?

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