
A person who can be so valued by the young master of the Liang family.

There is simply no going to do such a tasteless thing.


He was really relieved that his wife followed Chen Nan to buy rouge.

"Brother Chen, let's go listen to the song, why don't you go buy rouge!" Liang Jian was a little unhappy, muttering his mouth, giving people a feeling of frustration.

"Hey, the Wu family is here, go and listen." Chen Nan said casually, and then said, "Mrs. Lao Wu took me to buy rouge." "

It's a small thing, not enough to hang on. Ning Yinqiu's face was full of respect.

Chen Nan snorted and looked at Wu Quan and the others: "You follow the Liang family to listen to the music! All consumption is recorded on my account, let's make up for it, let's do it first!"

Just when Ning Yinqiu wanted to follow the past.

Wu Quan stopped her, took out two hundred taels of silver tickets in his arms, and said, "I don't know how much rouge is, you can hold these two hundred taels of silver tickets, remember, you must not let Young Master Chen pay for it." "

In case it's not enough..."

"Second uncle, don't be stupid, take out the money on your body!" "

If it's not enough at the checkout, where will our Wu family's face go?" Liang

Jian hugged his arms, and the disdain that had always been on his face also disappeared: "Yes, the emotional intelligence is quite high, I like to make friends with people with high emotional intelligence like you." Wu

Yuanzhong, who was originally a little reluctant, immediately took out the silver ticket and broken silver on his body.

Not much, though.

But there are also more than two hundred taels.

A stream of brains was given to Ning Yinqiu.

"Then the slave family retreated first. Ning Yinqiu said politely, turned around and followed Chen Nan's figure.

My heart is as sweet as eating honey.

More than four hundred taels of silver can buy a lot of rouge.

Wouldn't the rest of the money be in her pocket?

Chen Nan and Ning Yinqiu strolled under the dim street lamps of Tongcheng.

The so-called street lamps are actually the shimmering light emitted by the lanterns at the doors of businesses on both sides of the street.

Not bright.

But it gives people a hazy beauty.

It's like a photo taken by a 300,000-pixel mobile phone on Earth.

On the road.

Ning Yinqiu said what happened in the Ning family before.

And, Wu Yuanzhong's father and son knelt down to apologize.

Chen Nan couldn't help frowning after hearing this: "You actually forced their father and son to kneel, are you not afraid that the father and son will jump off the wall?" Ning

Yinqiu did not hide his hatred in his heart: "They humiliated me again and again, and I have to make them pay."

"As for the dog jumping off the wall..."

"As long as Wu Quan is alive, they don't dare to touch a single hair of mine.

"But what if, Wu Quan suddenly died?" Speaking of this, Chen Nan was directly stunned, and a thick layer of goosebumps rose on his body: "You forced Wu Yuanzhong's father and son to kneel, not because you were angry.

"Your real purpose is to provoke them." "

Let them do it to kill Wu Quan, so that they can break away from the Wu family and regain their freedom!" Chen

Nan was suddenly a little afraid of Ning Yinqiu.

This woman's heart is not ordinary vicious.

Her trick of killing people with a knife is really unpreventable.

"Are you afraid of me?" Ning Yinqiu showed an intriguing smile, and she saw the trace of panic and uneasiness that flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

Chen Nan laughed and did not hide his inner thoughts: "I didn't expect your city to be so deep, but, for a woman, this is a good thing.

"Only then can you not be bullied."

Ning Yinqiu raised his eyebrows: "Who is the extra thirty percent of the income?" Chen

Nan smiled bitterly: "I finally wrote..." My friend finally wrote out [White Feather] to get fifty percent of the profit, you are good, you didn't do anything and got four percent of the profit, what do you say my friend wants?" Ning

Yinqiu looked at him with affection: "I don't know what your friend wants, but you can get me."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "Didn't you say that when your husband was alive, he didn't do anything to be sorry for him

?" Ning Yinqiu raised her small face and snorted softly: "Haven't I changed my mind now?"

She also wanted to stick to her morality.

Don't do anything to be sorry for Wu Quan while he is alive.

But what happened today completely disappointed her.

The other party hit her indiscriminately.

Don't see her as a human being at all.

Especially before giving her two hundred taels of silver tickets.

This completely crushed her heart.

You must know that she only has dozens of copper plates every month.

But just now.

Just because Chen Nan wanted to buy rouge for his maid, he took out two hundred taels of silver.

He even asked Wu Yuanzhong for another two hundred taels.

It can be seen that in his heart, Chen Nanmaid is very important.

And she?

She tried her best to make money for the Wu family, and in the end she was less than a maid!

She wants to take revenge on Wu Quan.

Chen Nan was stunned, and also understood what Ning Yinqiu meant, he said with a smile: "I like a woman like you who doesn't believe in her words! Go, let's go buy rouge first, and then go to your love nest!" Ning Yinqiu

couldn't help but say: "If you don't buy rouge, isn't it good to do the right thing directly?" "

You have to buy it!"

Now it's about to get together.

The rouge smell on the body is definitely stronger.

If you don't buy rouge in advance, how to explain it to Song Ziwei after you go back?

Both of them were impatient and headed towards Dongcheng.

Finally, he came to the set of yards that Ning Yinqiu bought in Dongcheng.

"What, you better hurry, my husband is suspicious, if I go back late, he will definitely be suspicious." Ning Yinqiu had a hint of anticipation on her face and a hint of inexplicable unease.

Even if she has already married Wu Quan.

But it has always been innocent.

"Can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, especially this kind of thing. "

It's about getting things right.

"As for your husband, don't worry at all.

"Even if we go back after playing slowly, they won't return to Wu's house." Chen

Nan knew Liang Jian's character.

That guy is a theater fan, and tonight is still a play he likes to listen to.

It takes an hour or two.

If he doesn't go.

Does the Wu family dare to leave one step ahead?

He can safely and boldly discuss life with Ning Yinqiu and understand each other deeply.

Of course.

He still had a sense of urgency.

After all.

This is stealing.

Very exciting.

It's also interesting.

In addition, Ning Yinqiu is innocent.

He did not dare to be strong.

For fear of affecting her walking posture, it would arouse Wu Quan's suspicion.

That feeling of caution.

It actually makes things even more interesting.

An hour later.

Chen Nan's face was full of red light, and he left Ning Yinqiu's house without end.

He sniffed the clothes on his body.

Although there is a rouge smell.

But I bought two boxes of rouge in my arms.

Even if Song Ziwei noticed it, she was not afraid of her questioning.

It's just that.

Just as Chen Nan's front foot left, a figure flashed on the big tree on the corner of the street and disappeared into the night...

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