"Young Master, why did you come back so late?"

when Chen Nan returned to the Leng family.

Song Ziwei came to her with a look of resentment.

This was the first time in her memory that the young master had come back so late.

Without waiting for Chen Nan to answer.

She approached Chen Nan and sniffed in front of him, a sense of vigilance in her eyes.

She smelled rouge.


Nan took out two boxes of rouge in his arms: "Mum, the gift that the young master bought you."

Song Ziwei snorted lightly: "I came back so late, and I brought gifts, and I saw that I was a thief with a weak heart." Say, did you go outside to wave?" Chen

Nan was speechless.

Because Song Ziwei is right.

The reason why he brought Rouge back was because he was afraid that this girl would be angry.

It is not too much to say that being a thief is weak-hearted.


This little scene still can't stop him.

He sighed helplessly: "Look, you don't believe Young Master me!" "

Do you believe me when I say I'm going to entertain


Apparently do not believe this statement.

The next second.

She saw a thick wad of silver tickets appear in front of her.

All of them are a thousand taels.

"Why so much money?" Song Ziwei's pupils lit up.

Seeing that Qian Yankai said that it was her.

Even if he suspected that Chen Nan was going out to steal fishy before.



Nan took the silver ticket back and lazily lay on the recliner: "Young Master, I'm a little thirsty."

Song Ziwei hurriedly said, "Young master, please rest, the slave will pour water for you."

Chen Nan: "Young Master, I still want to eat some fruit." "

Yes, yes, yes.

Chen Nan: "I still want to soak my feet." "

For these requirements of Chen Nan.

Song Ziwei naturally agreed to it all.

Especially when Chen Nan gave her the fifteen thousand taels of silver tickets, she hugged it to her chest like a treasure: "Does the young master still need the service of sleeping with her?"

"Also, go and buy me some medicinal herbs tomorrow."

"Let's buy five thousand taels first

!" Song Ziwei was stunned, and couldn't help but sigh: "The young master is weaker than I thought!"

Ning Yinqiu should be able to give a real answer to this question.

He diverted the topic: "The Liang family sent tiger meat, right?" "

I sent some tiger scraps, I put it in the well and hung it, how does the young master want to eat it?"

But because there is no refrigerator in the backyard, in order to prevent the food from spoiling.

Song Ziwei would put the food that was difficult to preserve in buckets and hang it in the well.

This ensures the freshness of the ingredients to a large extent and extends the shelf life.

Chen Nan said: "Those miscellaneous pieces are stewed in a pot, tiger whip..." By the way, is the tiger whip big?" Song

Ziwei thought about it, really didn't know how to describe it, and then said: "It's comparable to you!"

Chen Nan felt his face hurt.

It was as if he had been crushed in the face by a speeding yellow school bus.

It is obviously a girl paper that looks as pure as a flower.

But why is the speed of the car so fast?

Others are driving at least a sign.

This girl has no sign at all!

"The water is boiling, right? I'll go to the medicinal bath first. Chen Nan said and got up.

But right now.

Song Ziwei screamed: "Don't move."

She stared at Chen Nan's crotch.

The clear beautiful eyes were full of shock.

"Young Master, why is

there blood there?" "Are you all serious enough to urinate blood?"

Chen Nan had this expression: Σ(゚д゚lll)

He looked down at the bright red blood stains on his pants, which were obviously left by Ning Yinqiu.

What does it have to do with him Chen Nan?

"Young Master, if you don't write it, let's not write a novel."

"I didn't expect you to urinate blood in order to write a novel."

"Although I like money, I don't want to have money, without you." She shed hot tears under her voice, thinking that Chen Nan's blood in the urine was caused by writing a novel.

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "I admit that writing novels is very tiring and energy-consuming.

"But whenever I hear someone like the stories I write. "

All the hard work and dedication was worth it for me. "

As for whether to make money or not... In fact, it is all secondary. "

People live one life.

"More or less leave a trace of your own in this world."

"I have always believed that only words are an eternal existence. Looking

at Chen Nan's dashing departing back.

Song Ziwei fell into deep thought.

The young master clearly wrote the H book.

But why did she say so many big truths

? Is there anything to be proud of in this kind of thing?

Hurriedly came to the door of Chen Nan's room, and said through the door: "Young master, I suddenly remembered that in the afternoon, the young grandmother was very angry.

"And scolding you is not a thing."

Chen Nan opened the door and looked puzzled: "I didn't offend her, why did she scold me

?" Song Ziwei shook her head: "Did you do something on the street that damaged the face of the Leng family, or offended someone?"

When he was caught, he did make a lot of splash on the street.

But he didn't offend anyone.


he scolded Master Lan on the street.

It's just that.

Will Leng Qingmei be angry with Master Lan because of him?

Although he did a formal massage.

But this is certainly not the case in the eyes of outsiders.

No surprises.

Leng Qingmei should have learned about his going to the Qinglou, and then became furious.


He didn't want to explain anything.

He is a decent gentleman.

For him, he didn't need to go to the Qinglou to find a woman!

Closing the door, he took off his clothes, went into the barrel and continued to soak in the medicinal bath.

The amount of herbs soaked in the medicinal bath is increased every day.

For him, the pain he endured every day was doubled.


But he is not afraid of pain.

Because pain is what motivates him to become stronger.

Only by suffering can we become a superior person.

Just as Chen Nan was soaking in the medicinal bath.

Qiuzhu came to the deserted outside the room.

There was a knock on the door, and a moment later came a cold and slightly tired voice from inside: "Come in!"

Seeing the cold and beautiful face full of irritability sitting at the table, a sense of foreboding suddenly arose in my heart.

She has followed Leng Qingmei for many years and knows that her temper will be very short when she can't write.

Usually a little thing will be furious.

If she tells her what she sees.

You don't have to think about it, she will definitely be angry.

Leng Qingmei's eyes were cold: "Say, what do you see?" Qiu

Zhutong knelt on the ground with a snort, and said with sincere fear: "Uncle followed Wu Ningshi to her private residence in Dongcheng, and then..." Then the two got together. "

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