Tian Bo was stunned.

When the street beheaded Liu Yu.

Is that guy crazy?

The shadow said, "Calculate the time, they are about to arrive at the Liu family."

Yuan Zun came back to his senses in shock and sighed, "I overestimated that guy's IQ, he shouldn't have gone to the Liu family to arrest people so recklessly."

"Even if Liu Yudang defied the laws of the imperial court, he could condemn them of the nine races.

"But the Liu family has been passed down for thousands of years, with deep roots, and there are cultivators sitting in the family. "

His trip here will be extremely dangerous."

"You go to the Liu family, no matter what, you have to keep Chen Nan.

Shadow said, "That cultivator of the Liu family is not in the clan.

"Moreover, Young Master Chen's progress during this time has been amazing, and he is only one foot away from the Yin Harvesting Realm.

"With the current masters of the Liu family, they are not enough to kill him.

Yuan Zun breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Nan is kind to him.


He has always admired this son.

He naturally didn't want Chen Nan to be in danger.

It's just that.

What kind of medicine is he selling in his gourd

? Why did he go to Liu's house with great fanfare?

They have death-free gold medals.

Even if Chen Nan arrested all the Liu family.

With his power, he can't cure their sins!


Humber House.

Liu Qingfeng was holding the concubine he had just married and talking about love.

Although she had several concubines.

But except that Nagabo bore him a son.

Others are very uncompetitive.

This made him very distressed.

The Liu family is such a big industry.

How many more children?

He took more than a dozen concubines.

Think about casting more nets.

This is a little more likely to succeed.

Although his wife has great opinions.

But he didn't dare to say anything more.

Because the Liu family has been passed down for generations, even his father has taken more than a dozen concubines.

He also had to emulate his father.

Align with your father.

Just when Liu Qingfeng picked up a grape and put it in his arms.

Zhang Ji's face was sallow, and he ran over in a panic.

See him.

Liu Qingfeng's mood instantly worsened.

He knows.

As long as this product appears, it is probably the son who is causing trouble outside.

After all, this guy is his son's henchman.

Zhang Ji came to Liu Qingfeng and knelt on his knees, crying bitterly: "Sir, something happened, something big happened."

Seeing Zhang Ji's appearance, Liu Qingfeng was suddenly extremely irritable: "Is your father dead, why are you crying so sadly?" Zhang Ji

said nervously: "Sir, have you forgotten, fifteen years ago, the villain sold his body to bury his father and entered the Liu family, my father died a long time ago."

Liu Qingfeng said impatiently: "Then why are you crying?" Zhang

Ji couldn't cry: "Young master... The young master was beheaded by a catcher, and I came to avenge your mourning.

"What do you say?" Liu Qingfeng pushed away the concubine on his body, his face was gloomy, and he released a powerful momentum: "You say that my son was beheaded

?" "Which heaven killed so daringly and dared to kill my son Liu Qingfeng?"

Which Cheng thought.

His son was killed on the street.

Zhang Ji cried and said, "It's a junior brother under Wu Jiu, it is said that he is a newcomer, and I don't know what the villain is called."

Liu Qingfeng directly overturned the table in front of him, full of anger: "Why did he kill my son?"

Zhang Ji sobbed and recounted the process of the matter.

"Just because my son beat Liang Jian that waste, that catcher is about to arrest my son and return to Yamen?" Liu Qingstorm jumped like thunder: "He deceives people too much, he deceives people too much."

"Don't talk about beating people on the street, even if you kill a few people on the street?"

"Our Liu family has a gold medal for avoiding death!"

"I will slash my son's killer by a thousand cuts!" "I will

sacrifice my son's heroic spirit with his head!"

Liu Qingfeng's eyes were torn, and his pupils were bloodshot.

Crazy concubines just to open branches and leaves for the Liu family.

Which Cheng thought.

It hasn't spread yet.

His only son died tragically on the street.

Although he also has a daughter.

However, the female is not left, and she cannot inherit the family business of the Liu family and the title.


Whether it is out of fatherhood.

Or family dignity.

He was going to the county to ask for people.

"My grandson was killed?"

the elderly Wen Bohou, Liu Zhiyuan on crutches, full of grief and anger, was helped out by two curvaceous maids in the courtyard.

Wen Bohou is not very old.

That's what he looks like in his sixties.


Because when he was young, he took more than a dozen concubines.

In addition, in his later years, dozens of maids were changed one after another.

The body has long been hollowed out.

So it looks very empty.

"Father, Yu'er was indeed killed, so I will take someone to Yamen and force Yuan Zun to hand over that catcher. Liu Qingfeng was overwhelmed with grief: "You are old, just stay at home and wait for good news."

Liu Zhiyuan shook his head: "You are just the head of my Liu family, you have not yet inherited the title, you go alone, I am afraid that Yuan Zun will not hand people over to you." When

Liu Qingfeng heard this, he quickly asked people to prepare the carriage, and took the two masters of the Liu family towards the county.

But just when the group had just walked out of the Wimber Mansion.

Six catches on.

Seeing this, Zhang Ji's face turned bloodless with fright, and he screamed: "Master, it's the guy who took the lead, it's that guy who beheaded the head of the young master." The

words came out.

Liu Qingfeng was furious: "A bold thief, killing my son, even dared to come to my Liu family."

Liu Zhiyuan's cloudy eyes exuded earth-shattering killing intent: "If I'm not mistaken, it should be Yuan Zun who asked people to send this son to my Liu family and let our Liu family fall."

Liu Qingfeng nodded slightly, feeling that what his father said was reasonable.

Although Yuan Zun is the city lord of Tongcheng.


Wen Bohou's status was far above Yuan Zun.

To put it bluntly, Yuan Zun just came to manage Tongcheng for them.

Tongcheng was the fiefdom of the Liu family.

Think of it this way.

They felt that Yuan Zun was still quite good.

At least he didn't dare to go head-to-head with the Liu family.

Otherwise, he would not have been escorted to Liu's house with his son's murderer.


Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Liu Yu means to rebel, defy the laws of the imperial court, and should be condemned by the Nine Tribes according to the law."

"Brothers, tie Liu Zhiyuan, Liu Qingfeng father and son to me!"

One listen to this.

Liu Zhiyuan, Liu Qingfeng father and son were immediately blinded.


my descendants of the Liu family, and tying us up

? This is also too bullying, right?

Liu Zhiyuan paused heavily on the crutches in his hand.

The two masters instantly pulled out their long swords and resisted Song Yunfei and the others.


Zhiyuan's eyes were torn, and he did not hide his killing intent in his heart: "Young man, you killed my grandson, and brought people to arrest our father and son, do you think that our Liu family is soft persimmons

?" "When did our Liu family fall to the point where you can provoke a dog?"

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