"Destroy the whole clan at every turn, the Liu family is really domineering.

Chen Nan laughed angrily.

Even the laws of the underworld cannot easily destroy other people's entire races.

But the other party opened and closed his mouth and destroyed the whole clan.

One can imagine how arrogant the Liu family is.

"However, I am afraid that you will not have a chance to destroy my entire clan. Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent, and his whole body released an awe-inspiring aura of justice: "I, Chen Nanjin, represent the county magistrate and represent

the laws of the imperial court to arrest your father and son!" "You are an ant, what qualifications do you have to represent the laws of the imperial court?" Liu Qingfeng shouted angrily, and said to the two masters: "Trouble the two to kill these people quickly, I want them to know the fate of coming to my Liu family to get people!"

Song Yunfei directly took out the slingshot.

Without saying a word.

After pulling away, it aimed at the eyes of a master

! Huh! The

iron beads whistled out, instantly hitting the opponent's eyes.

The expert covered his bloody eyes and let out a heart-rending scream.

He didn't expect that there would be people who hurt people with dark weapons.

Chen Nan looked at Song Yunfei beside him, as if possessed by Zhou Dong: "Oh, it's good!" Song

Yunfei smiled: "Keep a low profile, keep a low profile." "


I saw another expert coming at me.

Chen Nan directly pulled out the saber in the scabbard.

A cold light flashed above the blade.

When Song Yunfei didn't have time to shoot the second iron bead.

A slash slashed at the long sword in the middle-aged man's hand.

He abruptly blasted the other party out five or six meters, and after falling to the ground, he vomited blood in his mouth.



Song Yunfei and the others all gasped.

Why was Chen Nan's strength so courageous

? He actually defeated the other party with one move?

Song Yunfei looked at the slingshot in his hand.

Suddenly realized.

This slingshot is somewhat redundant.

Even if he didn't shoot and wound one of them just now.

With Chen Nan's strength, he can also crush these two masters.

This makes it impossible for them to calm their hearts.

The master of the Liu family is very strong.

Even if Wu Jiu comes, fighting alone may not be able to defeat the other party.

Not to mention.

Chen Nan hit one of them hard with one move.

"I'm going to kill you. The middle-aged man who had been blinded before roared angrily and raised his sword to stab Chen Nan's chest.

Chen Nan raised his saber smoothly and toggled the sword body aside.

Then a punch is smashed into the chest of the opponent.


blood of the middle-aged population spurted wildly, flying upside down like a kite with a broken line.

After landing, he lost his breath directly.

Their strength is comparable to the Houtian Realm.

And Chen Nan's strength is comparable to the innate realm.

With their strength, even if the two go together, it is impossible to defeat him.

Not to mention that the other party is also blind in one eye.

Chen Nan inserted the saber back into its scabbard and said lightly: "Wen Bohou, Patriarch Liu, let's go with our brothers!"

I didn't expect Chen Nan's strength to be so brave.

In other words, they are definitely not afraid.

Because the Liu family has a cultivator of the Soul Gathering Realm.

By his shot, he would definitely be able to kill Chen Nan.

But here's the thing.

That Soul Gathering Realm cultivator had something to do and was not in the mansion.

"The surname is Chen, you are just a small catcher, do you know what the identity of the old man is?" Liu Zhiyuan shouted angrily: "The old man is Wen Bohou, my Liu family has the position of hereditary marquis, and the untouchables should bow down when they see the old man."


Nan hugged his fist to the sky, and said with a righteous awe: "The Son of Heaven has committed the same crime as the common people, even if you are Wen Bohou, you have to go back to the county with us for investigation."

Liu Qingfeng said angrily: "My Liu family has the gold medal of freedom from death given by the Great Emperor, even if I really commit the capital crime of exterminating the Nine Races, I can be exempted from the crime."

Chen Nan looked at Song Yunfei and pretended to be curious and asked, "Does the Liu family really have a death-free gold medal?"

Everyone knows that the Liu family has a death-free gold medal.

Chen Nan looked a little embarrassed: "If your Liu family really has a death-free gold medal, I will take someone away now and confess to Hou Ye!"

Liu Zhiyuan snorted heavily, and then was helped by the maid into the Wen Bohou Mansion.

Almost five minutes later.

He walked with a brocade box made of gold silk nan wood.

"Seeing the gold medal of avoiding death, everyone must bow down and bow down!" Liu Zhiyuan said, and the servants and sons around him knelt down one after another.


Chen Nan and the others all stood there quietly.

Liu Zhiyuan spoke: "Why don't you

kneel?" Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "We haven't seen the death-free gold medal, why should we kneel?"

Liu Zhiyuan said and opened the brocade box, and then took out a golden cancan, palm-sized death-free gold medal.

He shouted angrily: "Seeing that the death-free gold medal is like the emperor himself, you don't kneel at this time, when will you stay?"

Chen Nan said: "I have a question, you said that this is the death-free gold medal, is it the death-free gold medal?

Chen Nan snatched the death-free gold medal in Liu Zhiyuan's hand, and then weighed it a few times in his hand and said, "Although you took out the death-free gold medal, the authenticity of this gold medal needs to be investigated."

"In this way, you will come with us to Yamen." "

It is up to Lord Yuan to test the authenticity of this death-free gold medal.

"After all, we haven't seen death-free gold either."

"This small request shouldn't be excessive, right?" he said, putting the death-free gold medal back into the brocade box in Liu Zhiyuan's arms.

Liu Zhiyuan sneered: "Even if you don't say so, we will go to the county and ask Yuan Zun to give me a reasonable explanation for the Liu family." "

Chen Nandang killed his grandson.

They also brought people and threatened to arrest their father and son.

They had to find Yuan Zun theory for this matter.

Let Yuan Zun give them a satisfactory statement.

"Then let's go!"

Chen Nan took out the handcuffs and leg irons with an intriguing smile on his face.

"Daring!" Liu

Zhiyuan's lungs were about to explode: "Old Immortal is Wen Bohou, Mo said that he is not guilty, even if he is guilty, how can you give Ben Houye a torture device?"

Song Yunfei said nervously in Chen Nan's ear: "It is true that you can't give them a torture device."

"In that case, then ask Hou Ye to come with us!" Chen Nan put away the torture device very unwillingly, and then made an inviting gesture.

After waiting for Liu Zhiyuan, Liu Qingfeng's father and son got into the carriage and escorted them towards the county.

This scene shocked countless people.

No one expected that there would be six hunters armed with long knives around Wen Bohou's carriage.

What this scene means is self-evident.


at the same time.

Yuan Zun also knew what was happening on the street, and a terrified expression appeared on his face: "Chen Nan actually sent Wen Bohou?

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