Yuan Zun didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Chen Nan Gourd.

But he was willing to believe Chen Nan.

It is believed that he is not a brainless person who acts recklessly.

Since he dared to escort Liu Zhiyuan's father and son here.

Definitely grabbed their handle.

Thinking of this, he resolutely got up and said, "Go to the county office



"Yuan Zun, hurry up and get out of the old man!" Liu Zhiyuan roared angrily as soon as he entered the county.

Yuan Zun was wearing an official uniform, sitting under the 'Mirror Hanging High' plaque, his face full of majesty.

It's just that.

No one saw it, and a chill flashed deep under his eyes.

As the lord of Tongcheng.

Everyone respected him very much.

But only the Wen Bohou family did not put him in their eyes, and even called him by his first name.

What's more, even Liu Yu, a young man who didn't learn and had no skills, dared to despise his majesty in the street.

If it were not for the fear that the Liu family was a hereditary title, there would be a gold medal for avoiding death.

Yuan Zun had destroyed the Liu family long ago.

Although I can't get used to the source of willows.

But you still can't lose the gifts.

He got up with a smile and said, "Which wind blew you here, Hou Ye


Liu Zhiyuan's face was expressionless: "No need, Ben Houye came here to sue your subordinate Chen Nan." A

hint of embarrassment flashed across Yuan Zun's face.

I didn't expect this old thing to be so domineering in Yamen, without caring about his face at all.

He sat back on the Imperial Master's chair and asked, "I wonder why Wen Bohou

sued Chen Nan?" "Yuan Zun'er, do you really not know why we sued Chen Nan?" Liu Qingfeng shouted angrily: "He killed my son on the street, not only that, but also brought people to my Liu family to arrest our father and son."


Zun was taken aback, and then said, "Who is called Chen Nan?"

Chen Nan took a step forward and said respectfully: "Lord Hui, it is a humble position."

Yuan Zun's face was expressionless: "What Patriarch Liu said before is the truth?" Chen

Nan: "Master Hui, Patriarch Liu is not completely right.

Yuan Zun frowned: "Is it right or not?" Chen

Nan said, "The lowly position did behead Liu Yu's head on the street."

"But there was a reason.

"Today we followed Team Wu to patrol the streets and met Liu Yu, the young master of the Liu family.

"We stopped this man from committing murder on the street.

"But Liu Yu ignored him, defied the laws of the imperial court, and even killed the Wu team.

"Even more, the Liu family is the law of Tongcheng." "

Despicable duty to protect Team Wu.

"Defending the law of the imperial court, Bento Street beheaded Liu Yu's head. "

Hear this.

Yuan Zun's face straightened, revealing a look of displeasure: "Wu Jiu is a Yin Chao recognized by the imperial court, and he is suspected of conspiring against Yin Chao by killing Yin Chao on the street."

Liu Zhiyuan paused the crutch in his hand and said angrily: "I just seriously injured him, and I didn't take Wu Jiu's life." "

Yuan Zun leans towards Chen Nan.

This was something they didn't expect.

This does not bode well for the Liu family.

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "If I hadn't beheaded Liu Yu, do you think Team Wu would still be alive?" Liu

Qingfeng roared lowly: "Mo said that my son only hit Wu Jiu hard, even if I killed him?

"I'm sorry. Chen Nan said, "When I beheaded him, he didn't say that the Liu family had a death-free gold medal, nor did he take out the death-free gold medal.

Yuan Zun was relieved, with a hint of regret in his tone: "The death-free gold medal can indeed exempt a person from the death penalty, but at that time, Ling Gongzi did not take out the death-free gold medal, which is really a pity."

Chen Nan said, "Don't worry, Lord City Lord, my knife is fast, and I didn't make Liu Gongzi feel the slightest pain."

Yuan Zun nodded gratifyingly: "So, very good." "

His face was calm.

But my heart was hooked.

Chen Nan's goods are really bold and bold, and he actually said in front of Liu Zhiyuan and Liu Qingfeng that his knife was fast.

Liu Zhiyuan's eyes showed a cold light, and he gritted his teeth and asked: "Old Man Yuan Zun, what do you mean

?" "Do you want to cover up this little catcher

?" "Is it worth it to turn your face with my Liu family for a small catcher?" Yuan

Zun shook his head disapprovingly: "What Chen Nan did was to safeguard the iron laws of the imperial court, the Jiangshan society, and the world, he is the pillar of my underworld!"

Liu Zhiyuan roared lowly: "He killed my grandson, this is a capital crime!" Yuan

Zun: "It is clear that Liu Gongzi murdered the conspiracy on the street and flouted the laws of the imperial court."

"Chen Nan is just fulfilling an obligation to catch quickly!"

"He is a hero, what is the crime?" Liu

Zhiyuan's eyes flashed with amazing killing intent, but he didn't expect Yuan Zun to try to protect Chen Nan.

If that's really the case.

Even the Liu family couldn't get rid of Chen Nan directly.

This will make the Liu family faceless.

After all.

They have always been the sky of the city.

Right now.

Chen Nan's voice sounded again: "Sir, according to the laws of the underworld, killing Yin Cha is a capital crime for the Nine Tribes, Liu Yu murdered Yin Chao in the street, and also uttered wild words and flouted the laws of the imperial court.

"The humble position will arrest Liu Zhiyuan and Liu Qingfeng according to the law, and ask the adults to punish them for their crimes

!" Yuan Zun asked suspiciously: "That is, you are the plaintiff, not the defendant?"

Chen Nan: "Yes!"

Liu Qingfeng laughed out loud with disdain: "Ignorant child, our Liu family has a death-free gold medal."

"Even the prefect of Guangling Prefecture, the Dali Temple Qing, and even the Ten Temples Yan Luo can't treat us for offending!"

"A Yuan Zun, do you dare to cure our Liu family's sins?" A

strong killing intent rose in Yuan Zun's heart.

The Liu family really didn't put him in their eyes!

Chen Nan said, "Everyone knows that your Liu family has a death-free gold medal.

"But, who knows if the death-free gold medal in your hand is real or fake?" "If the City Lord has tested it, it will confirm that your death-free gold medal is real


"Then naturally no one can cure your sins.

"Otherwise, you will face the death penalty of the Nine Races!"

Liu Zhiyuan snorted coldly, then opened the brocade box and took out the golden golden medal of death-free.

See this scene.

Many people were on their knees.

This is a tribute to the Emperor of the Imperial Capital.

Seeing the death-free gold medal is like the emperor himself.

Seeing the death-free gold medal, Yuan Zun quickly got up and came to Liu Zhiyuan, took the death-free gold medal with both hands and watched it seriously.

First, I looked at the front and back sides, and then weighed the weight of the death-free gold medal.

A look of suspicion appeared on his face.

Liu Zhiyuan said impatiently: "As a five-grade yin difference in the underworld, you should be able to distinguish the authenticity of

this death-free gold medal, right?" Yuan Zun couldn't help but ask: "Hou Ye, is this death-free gold medal really from

your Liu family?" Liu Qingfeng sneered: "Nonsense, it's not our Liu family, is it still your Yuan family's?" Yuan

Zun showed a crazy smile and roared angrily at the servants on both sides: " Come, take down their father and son for me, put them on death row, and behead them in the market three days later!" Liu

Zhiyuan was furious: "Yuan Zun'er, what do you mean by this?"

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