The servants were also full of unease.

They also didn't know whether to carry out Yuan Zun's orders.

After all, this is Wen Bohou, and his son Liu Qingfeng.

These two people are definitely the masters of Tongcheng.

Otherwise, they would not dare to defy the court.

Yuan respectfully snorted coldly: "Er and others openly use the fake death-free gold medal, this is a fraud."

"It is disrespectful to the court, disrespectful to the law."

"It is the greatest blasphemy against the Great Emperor, this is already a capital crime of the Nine Clan!" Liu

Zhiyuan's eyes widened, and he snorted with anger: "What do you say? The death-free gold medal is fake? Old man Yuan Zun, open your dog's eyes and see clearly, this object is a reward received by my ancestor of the Liu family, how can it be

fake?" Liu Qingfeng also shouted angrily: "Yuan Zun, you want to use this matter to destroy our Liu family, this death-free gold medal cannot be fake."

"Also, you're the one who cheated the monarch."

"You spray blood with blood when others don't know the death-free gold medal, you are a bully."

Yuan Zun asked: "Let me ask you, what kind of material is the death-free gold medal made of?"

Yuan Zun looked at Tian Bo and said, "Take a magnet." Tian

Bo immediately got up and took a magnet, and then placed it on the death-free gold medal.


Just before the magnet touched the death-free gold medal.

That magnet is attached to the death-free gold medal.

Yuan Zun's face showed a hint of playfulness: "What else do you have to say now?"

They didn't expect things to turn out like this.

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible. "

This is the death-free gold medal given to my Liu family by the Great Emperor, how could it become an iron brand?" Liu Zhiyuan's face was sallow, as if he had lost his soul.

It's hard to accept this.

If the death-free gold medal is not the death-free gold medal.

Not to mention that Liu Yu committed those things on the street.

Just using a fake death-free gold medal is a fraud.

Yuan Zun snorted coldly: "Your Liu family is credited to the Jiangshan Society, and the Great Emperor gave Count Wen the title of Marquis and the gold medal for avoiding death." Now you are using fake death-free gold medals to justify your crimes, which is the greatest disrespect to the Great Emperor. "

Come, tie up their father and son to me!"

Those servants no longer have any scruples.

They knew that the Liu family was finished.

Liu Qingfeng was furious, pulled out a saber that caught his waist, and glared angrily at the servant in front of him: "Who dares to step forward, Laozi will cut him!" Yuan

respectfully clapped the shocked wood: "Wen Bohou, until now, do you still want to rebel?"

Liu Zhiyuan's face was full of trepidation: "Old Immortal doesn't know why the death-free gold medal became an iron medal, and I hope you give Old Immortal a chance to find out the truth." "

Yanagi knows.

Once put in prison.

Then the Liu family is completely finished.

So you have to think of a delay.

Yuan Zun laughed angrily.


Zun sighed: "I don't want to do this either, but Yuan Mou is the city lord of Tongcheng and the parent official of Tongcheng."

"I should lead by example and uphold the laws of the court, not bend the law for personal gain." Liu

Zhiyuan's lungs were about to explode: "Yuan Zun Laoer, do you want to force the old man to die?"

Just now, there was a request to someone, calling the other party Yuan City Lord.

Now he is embarrassed and angry, but he calls Yuan Zun Laoer.

"Father, it's Chen Nan, it's Chen Nan who dropped the death-free gold medal. Liu Qingfeng suddenly screamed, remembering that Chen Nan had come into contact with the Liu family's death-free gold medal.

"Stop!" Liu Zhiyuan was furious: "Chen Chakuai did come into contact with the death-free gold medal, but it was under the eyes of the old man, and I believe that he did not replace our Liu family's death-free gold medal." It

wasn't Liu Zhiyuan who believed Chen Nan.

It's that he doesn't think that Chen Nan has the ability to steal the sky under his nose.

After all, his eyes had been focused on the death-free gold medal.

Blinked twice, though.



he really had this ability, how could he be a little catcher?

Yuan Zun said, "Wen Bohou, I don't know why your Liu family's death-free gold medal was lost, and I don't want to know."

"But I only know one thing, you have deceived the king, and there is no forgiveness for your sins."

"Remembering that your ancestor of the Liu family has contributed to the Jiangshan Society, I will ask people to prepare a spacious and clean cell for your father and son, and find a skilled executioner during the execution."

"And I promise, only the three of you."

"Provided you don't resist.

Liu Zhiyuan was furious: "Old Yuan Zun'er, you are clearly taking the opportunity to take revenge on my Liu family.

"My Liu family is the biggest victim of this case, and you should investigate the loss of the death-free gold medal and give us justice."

"Instead of taking this opportunity, destroy my Liu family."

"Aren't you afraid that the emperor will be angry when he finds out?" Yuan

Zun: "In the case of the loss of the gold medal to avoid death, the official will order someone to investigate, but this does not conflict with the destruction of your Liu Family Nine Clan." Liu

Zhiyuan spewed out a mouthful of blood.


the loss of the death-free gold medal is a capital offense in itself.

There is no conflict between the two.

"Chen Nan, blame Chen Nan for this mongrel, today's events are all because of him, even if I die, I will kill him first!" Liu Qingfeng seemed to be crazy, raising his sword to kill Chen Nan.

"Good to go!" Chen

Nan's eyes lit up, and he pulled out the saber on his waist and slashed at the other party.

The blade flashed through the air.

It's like a glimpse.

The next moment.

Liu Qingfeng, who was originally rushing towards Chen Nan, suddenly stopped.

He bowed his head incredulously.

There was a shocking scar on his chest.

Senran's white bones were exposed, as well as the internal organs that had been cut.

Immediately, a whirling feeling of vertigo struck.

He fell headlong to the ground, and blood instantly stained the ground.

And Liu Qingfeng also completely lost his breath.

The sudden scene shocked everyone.

No one expected that Chen Nan would actually kill Liu Qingfeng in Yamen.

He can obviously defeat him and capture him alive.

Looking at his son's tragic death, Liu Zhiyuan thought of his grandson, who was beheaded by Chen Nan on the street tragically, and immediately seemed to be crazy, raised his crutches and trembled and smashed at Chen Nan: "The old man fought with you!" Chen Nan

held the handle of the knife with both hands.

One slash down.

A red blood mist suddenly splashed in front of Liu Zhiyuan.

Blood stained Chen Nan's handsome face.

It makes him look a little hideous.

The crutch in Yanagi's hand fell weakly to the ground, making a dull crashing sound.

His old body fell on his son Liu Qingfeng.

His eyes were filled with endless hatred and unwillingness,

just when his consciousness was about to disappear completely.

He was shocked to find that the corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose slightly, and an intriguing smile appeared...

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