
The owner of the sheep soup restaurant came with two vegetarian dishes, with a flattering smile on his face: "Several officials, this is a small shop for you to add dishes, please don't dislike it." "

The people do not fight with officials.

Although these people are the fast catchers in the county.

But the boss knows that these people are the lowest people in the county.

It is precisely the existence of these people.

He can make money in the open at night.

"Thanks." Chen Nan thanked him, and then said, "I don't know what uncle is called?" The

boss hurriedly said, "Just call me Lao Sun."

Chen Nan said, "Uncle Xie, didn't you say that the work of exterminating rats in Tongcheng has achieved a breakthrough victory?" But why are there so many rats on street corners?

Lao Sun sighed: "How easy is it to completely eliminate mice, over the years, rats have not only not been exterminated, but even more and more." "It's

just that these rats don't dare to go to the prosperous place, but hide in remote alleys like ours."

Song Yunfei was puzzled: "No, the county government spends a lot of money every year to buy rodenticide, and it is scattered on the streets of Tongcheng, can't those rodenticides destroy these rats?" "

They are the prefectural predators and have been involved in rodenticide.

Lao Sun hesitated and whispered: "You may not believe it, but all the rodenticides put in were eaten by rats."

"After those rats ate it, not only did they not become extinct, but they also multiplied more and more."

Chen Nan's face was full of disbelief: "And this kind of thing?

"Lao Sun, you are clearly talking nonsense." Song Yunfei said: "We caught the rat and fed it rat poison, but it didn't take long for the mice to die." "

How come you get more and more breeding after eating rat poison?"

In his opinion.

Lao Sun's words cannot be believed.

Lao Sun smiled awkwardly: "I just watched a few officials bored and tell a joke to amuse you." So what, you eat first, if there is anything, just say hello.

"Okay, you go get busy." Chen Nan didn't say much, and after Lao Sun left, he expressed his opinion: "No matter what, it's strange that so many rats appear in the city.

"Maybe it has something to do with the floating corpse that appeared during the day."

"That's right."

"Do those corpses found before have rat scratches on their bodies?"

Chen Nan also had no clue at present, so he could only look for it slowly.

"All the bodies will be placed in the morgue, and the autopsy will be carried out by the samurai, and they will have detailed information there." Song Yunfei said slightly embarrassed.

It's not that they don't do their job, but that many floating corpses are found by the moat every year.

And there were no fatal injuries either.

Generally, they will return the body to the morgue for an autopsy.

It doesn't waste too much energy on a corpse.

"Cheng, after eating, let's go back to Yamen and look at the file."


Chen Nan paid for an additional thirty copper plates.

After all, it is not easy for everyone.

Even if Lao Sun added two additional vegetarian dishes to them, they couldn't eat other people's things in vain.

When I returned to the county, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Chen Nan said to Song Yunfei: "You guys go and prepare some rat poison first, and then wait for me in the front hall, I'll go and see the file and come later."

Song Yunfei answered.

Chen Nan went to the morgue.

Let Sakusaku find the file.

Then watch carefully at the morgue door.

Although Chen Nan is a newcomer.

But Tsukusaku also heard that he killed Liu Yu on the street and Wen Bohou's father and son in court.

I was in awe of him.

"Old Deng, are you a fool in the Yamen?" Chen Nan asked while looking at the file.

Old Deng was tall.

Only one meter two.

It looks like a child.

But he has white hair, his face is full of wrinkles, and he looks a little hideous.

Especially the yellowed teeth give people a sense of déjà vu of a ghost who escaped from hell.

He smoked a hookah, and a hoarse voice came out of his mouth: "Yes, the whole Yamen is just a fight."

"Although people came a few years ago, they were too scared to work here."

Speaking of this, he grinned.

It was as if it was a very rewarding thing for him to be able to establish himself here.

Chen Nan smiled and asked, "Then aren't you afraid?"

Old Deng sighed lightly, looked up at the night sky and said, "Compared to the ghosts, what is really terrifying is the human heart!"

Chen Nan was stunned and nodded seriously: "It makes sense."

Old Deng showed a meaningful expression: "Young man, you are a very courageous person, and I also hope that you can give an explanation to those who died unjustly."

Chen Nan frowned.

It's clear.

Old Deng knew something.

Old Deng muttered, "There are answers you want in the file."

Chen Nan looked at the file seriously.

The file records the physical characteristics of those who died, as well as the time of their death.

As a stalker.

It is not surprising to infer the time of death of the other party.

"As I thought, there were scratches left by rodents on top of those corpses before."

"And the bite marks."

Chen Nan got the answer he wanted.


He was keenly aware of one thing.

The time of the deceased is all sub-time.

It made him feel creepy.

Those who die when they are children have the heaviest yin qi.

If it's just a time of death, that's fine.

But many people die at the time of their death.

This is no coincidence.

He quickly flipped through the thick dossier.

After reading it, I couldn't help but gasp: "That is to say, the corpse in the morgue is the deceased who died when the hundredth body was born."

Old Deng nodded, his voice low and hoarse: "If you have the courage, you can come to me tomorrow night and be on duty for me." Chen

Nan knew.

Old Deng knew something for sure.

It's just inconvenient to say.

Now the offer to put himself on duty for him must be hinting at something.

And this is also very likely to decipher the cause of death of those hundred dead.

and the conspiracy hatching behind the murderer.

"Cheng, tomorrow night the junior will be on duty for you." Chen Nan agreed to Old Deng's proposal.

As a Yang Man, the lord of the immortal world, spending the night in the morgue was nothing to him at all.


Even the fear in your heart has to be overcome.

Only in this way can we get close to the truth.

Get justice for these hundred tragic deaths.



Old Deng leaned on the door frame of the morgue and snored.

Chen Nan looked stunned.

This is really bold.

He didn't wake up either, got up and left the morgue.

Coming to the front yard of the county, Chen Nan looked at Song Yunfei: "Everything is ready, right?"

Song Yunfei grinned: "Not much, just prepared dozens of pounds of rat poison."

"Cheng, find a place to verify what Lao Sun of the Sheep Soup House said." A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes: "If those rats eat rat poison and don't die, the real murderer behind the scenes should also surface, right?" "

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